The story of Naaman (healed from leprosy)

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Bibliaon Team
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Naaman was a high-ranking commander of the Syrian army, leprous, but miraculously healed by God. Although he was a powerful and highly respected man, Naaman suffered from leprosy, a contagious and incurable disease at that time. His story shows us the importance of believing and humbly obeying God in order to enjoy His favor and blessings.

Representation of Naaman, the high commander of Syria - image generated by AI
Representation of Naaman, the high commander of Syria

With all his influence and wealth, Naaman likely sought a cure in many places. But nothing and no one could solve his problem. A young Israelite girl, seeing the situation, suggested to his wife that he send Naaman to the prophet Elisha in Israel to be healed.

Carrying a letter from the Syrian king, Naaman traveled with a retinue, bringing many valuable gifts. In some way, he thought he could pay for his healing. Upon arrival, Elisha sent him a message with instructions on what to do. The Syrian commander was completely frustrated because he expected to be received in a solemn ritual with a special prayer, but that was not what happened.

Elisha simply sent word for him to dip seven times in the Jordan River. After resisting Elisha’s instructions, Naaman obeyed the word and submerged as ordered. After the seventh time, when he emerged, he saw that he was completely healed.

Representation of Naaman, healed of leprosy in the Jordan River

Naaman was so grateful and happy for the miracle he received that he believed and converted to God. Humbly, he went to the prophet Elisha and confessed, "Now I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel." With gratitude, he wanted to give him something, but Elisha refused to accept anything, despite his insistence. This showed that the healing was a free gift, granted by God.

Naaman's faith and humility were remembered by Jesus in one of His speeches, demonstrating that God also loves foreigners and honors the faith of believers. Despite his initial pride, Naaman humbled himself to God's will and obediently followed the Lord. He received a miraculous healing that changed his story forever.

Naaman before and after being healed

Appearance Before the Healing After the Healing
Health Suffered from leprosy, a debilitating disease. Completely healed and restored to health.
Relationships He had to keep a distance from others to avoid contagion. Could resume contact and interaction with his family and friends.
Pride Arrogant, initially refused to follow Elisha’s instructions. With humility, he obeyed and returned grateful, positioning himself as a servant.
Faith Did not know the Creator God. Likely worshipped pagan gods, like the Syrian god, Rimmon. Recognized God as the one true God and converted to Him.
Spiritual Conduct Followed the pagan religious practices of Syria. Committed to worshiping only the true God, taking earth to build an altar in His honor.
Position A high-ranking officer, because God granted victory to the Syrian army through him. Jesus Christ mentioned him in His discourse on faith.

Important Lessons from the Story of Naaman

  • God's grace is for all people: The Lord did not reject Naaman for being a foreign Gentile from an enemy nation. He blessed him by giving him healing after he obeyed and humbled himself.

  • God is all-powerful: Naaman was a man of prestige and high status due to his victories, but despite his fame, nothing and no one could help him. Only the true God was able to completely heal him.

  • God can use anyone: It was the suggestion of a very young maidservant that led Naaman to seek healing in the one who can do all things.

  • The importance of humility: Naaman had to set aside his pride to follow God’s instructions.

  • It is important to obey God: Even if it seems too simple, like in Naaman's case, or difficult and unusual, obeying God’s word always brings the best results.

  • The power of faith: Naaman's healing shows that with faith, the impossible can happen.

  • Gratitude: Naaman recognized that it was God who healed him and showed great gratitude for it.

  • The importance of bearing witness to God: The Israeli girl pointed to the solution in God for the problem of her masters. She did not hold resentment against them but acted as a little evangelist. Just as she did, we must speak of God to desperate people.

  • It is impossible to pay for God's grace: People like Naaman think they can pay for God's blessings, but as we saw in the story, God is not interested in human wealth but in the faithfulness of our hearts.

  • The greed of those who lie in God's name will be punished: Gehazi is the portrait of someone corrupt who deceives in the name of God. He was ambitious in pursuing Naaman’s gifts but ended up being punished, becoming leprous.

The story of Naaman is mentioned in the Bible in the 2nd Book of Kings, chapter 5. Jesus also quoted this story in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4. Overall, it is a story that speaks of God's love and care for the nations, through the supernatural healing of a foreigner. God revealed His power by healing and restoring the life of the leprous Syrian. Faith, obedience, and humility were also essential in the miracle and transformation of Naaman.

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