The Story of Miriam (Prophetess and Sister of Moses)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
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Miriam (Mary, in some translations) was a brave and important woman in the history of Israel. She was the sister of Moses and Aaron. From a young age, Miriam showed boldness and faith when she protected Moses as a baby. Years later, as an adult, she helped lead the Israelite people after their exodus from Egypt. As a prophetess, she conveyed messages from God, sang, and supported her brothers while traveling with the people through the desert.

From childhood, Miriam proved to be very intelligent. When Moses was a baby, she helped him escape a cruel decree from Pharaoh, which ordered all Israelite boys to be thrown into the Nile River. Her mother, Jochebed, hid Moses for three months and then placed him in a basket that floated in the river.

Miriam watched over the basket until Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby. With great cleverness, Miriam suggested to the princess that she find an Israelite woman to nurse him, and managed to have her own mother chosen as the nurse.

Years later, when Moses freed the people from Egypt, Miriam was already an adult. After crossing the Red Sea, she led the women in a great moment of praise to God, singing, dancing, and playing the tambourine to thank Him for the victory and freedom.

Miriam (Prophetess and Sister of Moses)

Miriam was also a prophetess, someone who conveyed messages from God to the people. In this way, she helped her brothers lead the Israelites on their journey through the desert. However, she made a mistake by criticizing Moses for his marriage to a foreign woman.

As a result, God punished Miriam with leprosy, a very serious disease. After Moses prayed, God healed her, but she had to remain isolated for seven days outside the camp.

Later, during the journey through the desert, Miriam died in a city called Kadesh and was buried there. Despite her mistakes, she is remembered as a woman of faith, courage, and leadership, whom God used to help guide the people of Israel toward the promised land.

Bible study on Miriam

Origin and Family of Miriam

Miriam was born in Egypt while the people of Israel were enslaved by the Egyptians. She belonged to a Levitical family, meaning she was from the tribe of Levi. Her father was Amram, and her mother was Jochebed. She was the sister of two great figures in biblical history: Moses, who led the people of Israel out of Egypt, and Aaron, who was the first high priest of the people.

Miriam was highly respected by those around her. The Bible does not mention whether Miriam married or had children.

The Sin of Miriam

We can read about Miriam's sin in Numbers 12. She and Aaron harshly criticized Moses, both for his marriage to a Cushite woman and for questioning his authority as the leader chosen by God.

It seems that she was the one who took the initiative and led the rebellion, as she received the direct punishment from God. As a punishment, Miriam was afflicted with leprosy, and her skin became as white as snow. Moses prayed for her, and God healed her, but she had to remain outside the camp for seven days, isolated.

Miriam, Prophetess and Leader of Praise

Miriam is called a prophetess in Exodus 15:20-21. After the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, she led the Israelite women in singing and dancing to praise God for their deliverance from Egypt.

On the occasion when she rebelled against Moses, she used the argument that God also spoke through her and Aaron (Numbers 12:2). As a prophetess, she played a significant spiritual role among the people, ministering and exercising her influence in worship and praise.

Miriam led the Israelite women in singing and dancing to praise God for their deliverance from Egypt

The Song of Miriam

Miriam was a devoted leader of praise to God. Exodus 15:20-21 shows that she not only played instruments in praise to the Lord but also led other women in worship and praise to God. We can read her song that is recorded in the Bible:

Miriam sang to them:

“Sing to the Lord,
for he is highly exalted.
Both horse and driver
he has hurled into the sea.”

- Exodus 15:21

How Miriam Died

Miriam died during the Israelites' journey through the desert, before reaching the promised land. Her death is recorded in Numbers 20:1. Like her brothers Moses and Aaron, she died before entering the promised land.

What We Can Learn from Miriam's Life

Miriam is remembered as a woman of courage, boldness, and faith. Despite her mistakes, her story shows that God uses ordinary people to fulfill His plans and is willing to forgive those who repent. Let’s explore some important lessons we can learn from her life:

  • Courage, care, and attention: Miriam was brave when protecting her brother Moses as a baby. Her attitude teaches us that God uses our willingness to care for others.

  • Seeking God: As a prophetess, Miriam conveyed messages from God and sang in praise. This shows she was someone who sought the Lord.

  • A heart of gratitude and joy: Miriam danced and sang with gratitude to God, teaching us the importance of rejoicing and giving thanks for the victories He gives us.

  • Humility and obedience: Her sin of criticizing Moses reminds us of the importance of avoiding arrogant attitudes. We must be humble and respect authority.

  • God's forgiveness: Even though we make mistakes, God is merciful and gives us new opportunities, just as He healed Miriam when she recognized her fault.

  • God's blessing on women: Miriam shows that women also have an important role in God’s work, whether as leaders, caregivers, or worshipers. God does not show favoritism and used Miriam to bless His people.

The life of Miriam is an example of how God can use us, despite our mistakes and shortcomings, to accomplish great things in this world.

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Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.