The Story of Lazarus - The Friend Whom Jesus Raised from the Dead

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Lazarus is one of the most poignant characters in the New Testament, known for the miraculous resurrection that Jesus performed to bring him back to life. His story is primarily found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11.

Lazarus was a man from Bethany, a village near Jerusalem, and the brother of Martha and Mary, who are also mentioned in the Gospels. Jesus had a close relationship with this family, and in the biblical passage, Lazarus is referred to as “the friend” of Jesus (John 11:11).

Lazarus was a friend of Jesus who, after falling ill, passed away. Four days after his death, Jesus resurrected him, demonstrating His power over death. The story of Lazarus highlights Christ's compassion and the promise of eternal life, something that strengthens trust in God's power, even in times of crisis.

Lazarus lived with his sisters, Mary and Martha, in Bethany, a town near Jerusalem. The family was very close to Jesus, who frequently visited their home.

The most well-known moment of Lazarus's life was his illness and death, followed by the miracle of his resurrection. When Lazarus fell ill, his sisters sent a message to Jesus asking for His help, for they knew of His power to heal. However, Jesus decided to delay His visit, and Lazarus died. He was buried and remained in the tomb for four days.

An illustrative representation of Lazarus

When Jesus finally arrived in Bethany, Martha went out to meet Him and expressed her grief, saying that if Jesus had been there earlier, her brother would not have died. Jesus comforted her, saying that Lazarus would rise again. He then went to the tomb and, after a prayer, ordered Lazarus to come out. Miraculously, Lazarus was resurrected and came out of the tomb, still wrapped in the burial cloths.

The resurrection of Lazarus is one of Jesus' main miracles and carries profound lessons. First, it demonstrates Jesus' power over death, something that points to His own resurrection. Additionally, this episode teaches the importance of faith, as Martha and Mary trusted in Jesus even in the midst of pain. It also reveals Jesus' compassion, as He wept with the sisters, showing that He understands our suffering.

Read: Mary and Martha: A Bible Study on the Importance of the Right Priorities in Life

This event increased Jesus' fame, but it also intensified the persecution against Him, as religious authorities saw Him as a growing threat. The story of Lazarus is a powerful reminder of God's power over life and death.

Main events in the story of Lazarus

  • His friendship with Jesus: Lazarus was a close friend of Jesus.
  • Lazarus' illness: Lazarus became seriously ill, and his sisters sent a message to Jesus asking for help.
  • Jesus' delay: Upon receiving the news, Jesus deliberately delayed His visit to Bethany, even knowing the seriousness of the situation.
  • Lazarus' death: While Jesus was still on His way, Lazarus died. They buried him, and he remained in the tomb for four days.
  • The arrival of Jesus: When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had already been dead for four days. Martha and Mary expressed their sadness and faith in Jesus.
  • The resurrection of Lazarus: Jesus went to the tomb and, after praying, ordered Lazarus to come out. Lazarus was resurrected and came out of the tomb, still wrapped in burial cloths.
  • The impact of the miracle: The resurrection of Lazarus caused a great stir among those present, leading many to believe in Jesus, but also increasing opposition from the religious leaders.

What we can learn from the story of Lazarus

The life of Lazarus, told in chapter 11 of the Gospel of John, brings important lessons about faith, friendship, and the compassion of Jesus. Lazarus was a close friend of Jesus, and his illness and death demonstrated the depth of this relationship.

When Jesus delayed His visit, many wondered why He didn't come sooner to heal him. This teaches us that, even in times of suffering, we must trust in God's timing, which may be different from ours.

The resurrection of Lazarus, four days after his death, highlights the power of Jesus over death and the promise of eternal life. When Jesus ordered Lazarus to come out of the tomb, it symbolized not only victory over death but also the hope of a new life.

Additionally, the story shows the compassion of Christ, who wept with the sisters of Lazarus, demonstrating that He cares about our sorrows. This encourages us to seek comfort and support in difficult times, remembering that we are not alone in our suffering. In summary, the life of Lazarus teaches us to trust in God, even in the midst of pain, and to value friendship and compassion.

Bible Study on Lazarus

Lazarus: Friend of Jesus

The friendship between Lazarus and Jesus is a powerful example of unconditional love. A resident of Bethany, Lazarus lived with his sisters, Mary and Martha, and had a special relationship with the Lord (John 11:1-3).

When Jesus heard of Lazarus’ illness, He chose to delay His visit, which caused distress for his sisters. After Lazarus' death, Jesus arrived, and upon seeing the pain of Mary and Martha, He wept (John 11:35). This gesture reveals not only His compassion but also the depth of His love for those He cared for.

The resurrection of Lazarus, four days after his death, not only demonstrated Jesus’ power over death but also symbolized the hope of eternal life (John 11:43-44). This story teaches us that, even amid pain and loss, we can trust in God's plan and His ability to bring about new beginnings.

To be friends with Jesus, we must seek an intimate relationship with Him through prayer, Bible reading, and practicing love for others (John 15:14-15). Friendship with Jesus strengthens us and gives us hope in difficult times, reminding us that we are never alone.

The Death of Lazarus

The death of Lazarus is one of the most emotional moments in the Gospel of John. When Lazarus fell ill, his sisters sent a message to Jesus asking for help. However, Jesus chose to wait before going to Bethany. He knew that this situation would serve to reveal the glory of God.

Sadly, Lazarus died before Jesus arrived. He was buried and remained in the tomb for four days. When Jesus finally arrived, Martha and Mary were deeply saddened, mourning the loss of their brother. Their grief was so intense that when Jesus saw their suffering, He too was moved and wept (John 11:35). This moment reveals the human side of Jesus and His deep compassion.

The Bible does not specify the exact cause of Lazarus' death, but we know he passed away due to a serious illness that could not be cured in time. The sorrow of his sisters and the pain of Jesus show the impact of death on those left behind.

The resurrection of Lazarus, which happened shortly after, is one of Jesus' most notable miracles. He called Lazarus to come out of the tomb, demonstrating His power over death.

This story not only highlights Jesus' ability to bring life where there seems to be only death, but it also teaches us about the importance of faith in difficult times.The friendship between Lazarus and Jesus reminds us that even in the face of death, there is always hope in God.

The Resurrection of Lazarus

The resurrection of Lazarus is one of the most impactful miracles of Jesus. Lazarus, a friend of Jesus, had died and had been buried for four days. When Jesus arrived in Bethany, He found his sisters, Mary and Martha, deeply grieved.

Jesus wept as He approached Lazarus' tomb and saw the sorrow of His sisters (John 11:35). He spoke with Martha, affirming that Lazarus would rise and revealing His identity as the resurrection and the life (John 11:25-26). Martha expressed her faith, but Jesus wanted everyone to understand what was about to happen.

Jesus asked for the stone that sealed the tomb to be removed. Then He looked up to heaven and prayed, thanking God for His presence. Afterward, He called out loudly, “Lazarus, come forth!” (John 11:43). Surprisingly, Lazarus came out of the tomb, still wrapped in burial cloths. This act demonstrated Jesus' power over death and His ability to bring life.

The resurrection of Lazarus offers important lessons about faith and hope. It shows that, even in situations that seem impossible, Jesus' intervention can change everything.

Although the Bible does not specify how long Lazarus lived after his resurrection, his return to life impacted many and strengthened the faith of those who witnessed it. This miracle reminds us that, in Jesus, there is always the possibility of a new beginning.

The Two "Lazaruses" in the Bible: The Friend of Jesus and the Beggar

In the Bible, there are two figures named Lazarus, but they are not the same person: Lazarus, the friend of Jesus, and Lazarus, the character in the parable told by Jesus.

The first is Lazarus of Bethany, a friend of Jesus, known for his resurrection four days after his death, as narrated in the Gospel of John (John 11:1-44). Lazarus lived with his sisters, Martha and Mary, and was the protagonist of one of Jesus’ greatest miracles.

The second is the Lazarus in the parable of the “rich man and Lazarus” (Luke 16:19-31). In this case, Lazarus is a beggar who suffers on earth but is rewarded after death. The story has a symbolic nature and teaches about justice and life after death.

Another significant difference is that the Lazarus in the parable is a fictional character, used by Jesus to teach about justice, life after death, and the fate of the rich who ignore the poor. On the other hand, the Lazarus of Bethany is a real person.

The story of Lazarus reminds us of Jesus' compassion and our hope in the resurrection through salvation, found in Jesus, the Son of God and our friend.

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.