The Story of Jesse (the Father of David)

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Jesse was the father of King David. Jesse was a farmer and had eight sons, of whom David was the youngest. When God sent the prophet Samuel to choose the next king of Israel, Samuel went to visit Jesse. Jesse presented his older sons, but God picked David, the most unlikely. The story of Jesse teaches that God sees the heart, not the appearance, and that He chooses ordinary people to fulfill His extraordinary plans.

Jesse lived in Bethlehem, a city in the region of Judah, and belonged to a family of farmers. Jesse had eight sons, and among them were Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah, and the youngest, David. As was common at the time, he lived off agricultural work, taking care of his lands and flocks, and taught his sons to do the same.

A representation of Jesse (the father of David)

The most notable moment in the life of Jesse occurred when the prophet Samuel, sent by God, went to his house to anoint one of his sons as the new king of Israel. At that time, King Saul had turned away from God, and the Lord decided to choose another leader for the people.

Upon receiving the prophet Samuel, Jesse presented his sons, starting with the oldest and strongest. Samuel initially thought that the chosen one would be the firstborn, Eliab, but God corrected him, saying that He does not look at the appearance or stature, but at the heart.

Samuel went through each of the sons until, after seeing seven of them, he asked if there was another. Jesse then mentioned David, who was tending the sheep. Upon calling David, Samuel perceived that he was God’s chosen one and anointed him as the future king.

The story of Jesse and David teaches us that God values who we are, not appearances. Jesse, without imagining it, was a fundamental part of the line that would lead to the birth of Jesus, showing that ordinary people have special roles in God’s plan.

Main events in the history of Jesse

Here are the main events in the life of Jesse, as told in the Bible.

  • Descent and lineage: Jesse represents an important lineage, being the direct ancestor of David and, later, of Jesus, referred to as “the root of Jesse.”
  • Life as a farmer in Bethlehem: Jesse was a simple man with a quiet life, who taught his sons to work in the fields. David took care of his sheep.
  • Sons of Jesse: Jesse had eight sons, including David, who became the king of Israel. His older sons, such as Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah, were soldiers in the army of Israel. Jesse also had two daughters, Zeruiah and Abigail.
  • Visit of the prophet Samuel: When Samuel visited him, Jesse presented all his sons, except David, who was tending the sheep. After seeing that none of the older sons was the chosen one, Samuel asked to see David, who was anointed as the future king of Israel.
  • Sending David to the war camp: Jesse sent David to the battlefield to bring provisions to his brothers who were serving in King Saul’s army, which led to David’s encounter with Goliath.

Bible Study on Jesse

The visit of the prophet Samuel and the selection of David as king

The visit of the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse is described in the Old Testament, in the book of 1 Samuel 16:1-13. God instructed Samuel to go to Bethlehem to find Jesse, because He had chosen one of his sons to be the next king of Israel, since King Saul had lost God’s favor. Upon arriving, Samuel asked Jesse to present his sons.

Jesse, not knowing which one God would choose, brought his older sons, starting with Eliab. Samuel, impressed by Eliab’s appearance, thought that he would be the chosen one, but God corrected him, saying: “Do not look at his appearance, nor at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7). Jesse then presented the other sons, but God did not choose any of them.

Finally, Samuel asked if there was any other son, and Jesse mentioned David, the youngest, who was tending the sheep. Upon seeing David, God confirmed that he was the chosen one, and Samuel anointed him as the future king. This episode teaches that God values the heart and character of people, not their appearance or position. It also shows that God can choose those who seem unlikely in human eyes for great purposes.

Jesse sends David to the war camp where he faced Goliath

Jesse sent David to the war camp to bring provisions to his brothers, who were in the army of Israel facing the Philistines. This episode is described in 1 Samuel 17. At that time, David was the youngest son and was taking care of his father’s sheep in Bethlehem, while his older brothers were on the battlefield.

When David arrived at the camp, he saw Goliath, a Philistine giant, challenging and insulting the army and the God of Israel. For forty days, Goliath issued this challenge, but all the soldiers, including David’s brothers, were afraid to face him.

David was outraged by Goliath’s words and asked why no one accepted the challenge to confront him. With confidence, he said that, with God’s help, he could defeat the giant.

With King Saul’s permission and armed only with a staff, five stones, and his sling, David faced Goliath. David declared his trust in God and launched a stone that struck Goliath’s forehead, knocking him down and securing victory for Israel.

This episode shows David’s courage and faith, as, despite being young and lacking military experience, he fully trusted in God to face a much stronger enemy. The story teaches us that trusting in God helps us face challenges that seem impossible. It also shows that God can use even the most unlikely people to carry out His plans and bring victory to His people.

Read:David and Goliath: How to Defeat a Giant (Bible Passage Explained)

The importance of Jesse in the genealogy of Jesus

Jesse is an important figure in the Bible because he is the father of David, the great king of Israel, and the ancestor of Jesus. His lineage belongs to the tribe of Judah, and through David, the throne and the promise of an eternal kingdom were established.

In Isaiah 11:1, the prophet describes that from the “stump of Jesse” a “shoot” would emerge, a prophecy that was fulfilled in Jesus, known as the “root of Jesse.”

In the New Testament, Jesse’s genealogy is confirmed in Matthew 1:5-6, where the direct descent from Jesse and David to Jesus is shown. Jesus, as a descendant of Jesse, fulfilled the messianic promises, offering salvation and being established as the eternal king.

The importance of Jesse, therefore, lies in his participation in the divine plan, being the origin of the royal and messianic line of Jesus.

Jesse and his sons

The Bible mentions Jesse's sons primarily in two passages: 1 Samuel 16 and 1 Chronicles 2:13-15. The complete list includes Eliab, Abinadab, Shimea (or Shammah), Nethaneel, Raddai, Ozem, and David.

David is the most famous son, as he became the king of Israel. The older sons, such as Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah, served as soldiers in the Israelite army. Jesse also had two daughters, Zeruiah and Abigail.

All of these sons are listed in 1 Chronicles 2:13-15. In 1 Samuel 16, where the prophet Samuel visits Jesse to anoint the future king, not all the names are mentioned. In 1 Samuel 17:12, there is a reference that Jesse had eight sons, though only seven are named in the Bible.

Read: Genealogy of David: The Lineage From Abraham to Jesus (Bible Study)

What we can learn from the story of Jesse

The story of Jesse teaches us about humility, faith, and the surprising ways of God. As the father of David and the ancestor of Jesus, Jesse was a simple farmer with no great significance, but he became part of history as an essential link in the genealogy of King David and the Messiah, Jesus.

His story shows that God looks beyond appearances and chooses people based on their hearts, not on their position or external abilities. God can use anyone to accomplish great works, even those who seem the least prepared or important.

Jesse's life reminds us that, even unknowingly, we are part of something bigger and that God can transform our simplicity into something great. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's plans, even when we do not understand the purpose.

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Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.