The History of Stephen (the First Christian Martyr)

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Bibliaon Team
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Stephen was one of the first seven deacons of the early church, whose role was to help the leaders of the church. He stood out for his strong faith and wisdom, for preaching fervently and performing miracles. Accused of heresy, Stephen faced a tragic fate. He was stoned to death, becoming the first Christian martyr.

Stephen was Jewish of Greek origin. Therefore, he was able to speak with people from different cultures. He was chosen as one of the first helpers of the church. His mission was to organize the distribution of food and resources to the needy, thus allowing the apostles to focus on prayer and preaching the gospel.

Stephen stood out not only for his service to the community but also for his deep faith and wisdom. He performed miracles and signs that caught the attention of the religious leaders. His fervent preaching about Jesus Christ and his criticism of religious traditions provoked the anger of the religious leaders.

Representation of Stephen, the first martyr.

Unjustly accused of heresy against Moses and against God, Stephen was judged. During his defense speech, he summarized the history of Israel and denounced the Jewish religious leaders. He accused them of opposing the Holy Spirit and of murdering Jesus. His boldness further enraged the members of the Sanhedrin (council).

Without giving him the chance for a fair trial, they took Stephen out of the city and stoned him to death. As he agonized, he prayed for God to forgive his attackers. He committed his spirit to Jesus and, until the last moment, showed great courage and faith. His death marked the beginning of a great persecution against the church, but it also inspired many to keep the faith in Christ.

Main events in the life of Stephen

  • Chosen as a deacon (helper): Stephen was chosen as one of the first seven assistants of the early church to help distribute food and meet the needs of the members, especially the widows.
  • Preaching and miracles: Stephen boldly preached about Jesus Christ and performed miracles and signs among the people, demonstrating remarkable faith and wisdom.
  • Confrontation with religious leaders: Members of the council or Sanhedrin and religious leaders who opposed his message confronted Stephen. They falsely accused him of blasphemy against Moses and against God.
  • Stephen's speech during his trial: During his trial, amidst the accusations, Stephen delivered a powerful speech reviewing the history of Israel and denouncing the resistance of the Jewish leaders to the Holy Spirit and their rejection of Jesus (Acts 7).
  • Stephen is stoned and becomes a martyr: Stephen was condemned to death by his persecutors without a fair trial. They took him out of the city and stoned him. During his stoning, he prayed for God to forgive his attackers and committed his spirit to Jesus, becoming the first Christian martyr.

What we can learn from the story of Stephen

The story of Stephen gives us an example of courage. He showed his bravery by speaking the truth, even in the face of opposition and danger. Stephen was not afraid to preach about Jesus and face injustice, even though he knew it could cost him his life. His steadfastness in faith inspires us to be brave in our convictions, especially when we face challenges or persecution.

In addition, Stephen shows us the value of forgiveness. Even while he was being stoned, he prayed for God to forgive his attackers. This demonstrates a heart full of love and compassion, following the example of Jesus. We learn from him that we must forgive, even those who harm us, trusting that God will bring justice.

Stephen reminds us of the importance of depending on the Holy Spirit. His wisdom and power came from a life filled with the Spirit, guided by God at every step. This encourages us to seek a life of prayer and devotion to God, trusting that He will help us face any situation. The story of Stephen calls us to live an authentic and firm faith in our commitment to God.

Bible study on Stephen

The reason they stoned Stephen

Stephen was stoned because his message about Jesus upset the religious leaders. He was accused of heresy for speaking against the temple and the law of Moses. During his trial, Stephen delivered a powerful speech. In it, he accused the religious leaders of resisting the Holy Spirit and of betraying and killing Jesus.

Stephen's boldness enraged the Sanhedrin. Unable to refute his arguments and filled with anger, they dragged him out of the city and stoned him to death, making Stephen the first Christian martyr.

The lynching of Stephen: the death of the first Christian martyr

Stephen became the first Christian martyr, as we read in Acts chapter 7. After his bold speech before the Sanhedrin, the religious leaders became furious and, without a proper trial, took him out of the city and stoned him to death.

While they were stoning him, Stephen had a vision of heaven opened and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. He cried out saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!" and then prayed for his attackers, asking God not to hold this sin against them. His death was a powerful testimony of his faith and love for Christ.

Stephen's death marked the beginning of a great persecution against the church, but it also helped spread the message of Jesus. Christians had to flee, but they continued preaching in other places. The story of Stephen teaches us about the importance of being faithful to Christ, even at the cost of our lives.

Stephen was a true follower of Jesus and was willing to give everything for the kingdom of God. His forgiving attitude while being stoned reflects the character of Jesus and challenges us to love and forgive, even our enemies.

Stephen confronted the religious leaders with his speech

Stephen’s speech before the Sanhedrin is one of the most striking moments in Christian history. When accused, Stephen took the opportunity to preach the word of God. He summarized the history of Israel, speaking of how God was with the people at various moments, from Abraham to Moses and David.

Stephen spoke about Israel’s rejection of God's messengers. He said that those around him were doing the same to Jesus. He explained that God does not dwell in temples made by human hands, as God's presence goes far beyond the walls of the temple. Stephen pressed the religious leaders, trying to make them understand the great mistake they were making by rejecting Jesus.

From Stephen, we learn the importance of sharing the plan of salvation. We must understand the beginning of the story in the Old Testament up to the fulfillment of Christ’s coming. His life also challenges us not to resist the Holy Spirit and to recognize God’s work in Jesus. His courage and clarity in preaching the truth are a great example for all Christians.

Stephen performed miracles in the name of Jesus

Stephen stood out for his powerful preaching and the miracles he performed, as we read in Acts 6. He received the power of the Holy Spirit, and his life was a visible demonstration of God’s power in action. Stephen did not limit himself to performing acts of service; he also boldly proclaimed the message of Jesus Christ.

Stephen performed great signs and miracles among the people, which drew attention and provoked opposition from the religious leaders. His preaching was so full of wisdom that no one could refute it. His example shows us that a life filled with the Holy Spirit goes beyond service - it also includes the power of God.

Stephen’s miracles confirmed the message of the Gospel and showed the power of God's kingdom on earth. Stephen is an example that every Christian, regardless of their role in the church, should be a model of faith and use their spiritual gifts to help others.

Stephen: a helper in the service of the Gospel

A deacon is someone who helps the leaders of the church with their tasks. Stephen was chosen as one of the first deacons of the early church. His main role was to help distribute food and meet the needs of the members, especially the widows, ensuring that no one went without.

Stephen was chosen for his great faith and because he was full of the Holy Spirit. He served others with love and wisdom. His role was important in keeping the church united and allowed the apostles to focus on prayer and preaching the message of the gospel.

The story of Stephen teaches us that helping others is an essential part of the Gospel. Even with simple tasks, we can be a great blessing in the lives of others. Stephen's example shows us that, no matter the task we take on, we are called to serve with a heart filled with the Holy Spirit.

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Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.