The Bible in Chronological Order (With Free Reading Plan)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

The Bible was organized by literary styles. This organization helps in understanding the Scripture in a harmonious and linear way.

There are groups of books in chronological order—arranged by dates—but much of the Bible does not follow this structure, as there is no exact definition of the events narrated. Furthermore, there are books written in the same period and others that address the same subject.

Today, there is a variety of study Bibles available on the market, including the option of a chronological Bible. This type of Bible is a good complement for Bible study.

Chronological Bible Reading Plan in 1 Year

Although the Bible is not arranged in chronological order, it is still possible to read the Scriptures in chronological order. Here is a plan that consists of reading, on average, 3 chapters per day over the course of 52 weeks.

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Genesis 1 to 3

Genesis 4 to 6

Genesis 7 to 9

Genesis 10 and 11

Job 1 to 4

Job 5 to 7

Job 8 to 10


Job 11 to 13

Job 14 to 17

Job 18 to 20

Job 21 to 24

Job 25 to 27

Job 28 to 31

Job 32 to 34


Job 35 to 38

Job 39 to 42

Genesis 12 to 15

Genesis 16 to 19

Genesis 20 to 22

Genesis 23 to 26

Genesis 27 to 29


Genesis 30 to 32

Genesis 33 to 36

Genesis 37 to 39

Genesis 40 to 42

Genesis 43 to 46

Genesis 47 to 50

Exodus 1 to 4


Exodus 5 to 7

Exodus 8 to 10

Exodus 11 to 13

Exodus 14 to 17

Exodus 18 to 20

Exodus 21 to 24

Exodus 25 to 27


Exodus 28 to 31

Exodus 32 to 34

Exodus 35 to 37

Exodus 38 to 40

Leviticus 1 to 4

Leviticus 5 to 7

Leviticus 8 to 10


Leviticus 11 to 13

Leviticus 14 to 16

Leviticus 17 to 19

Leviticus 20 to 23

Leviticus 24 to 27

Numbers 1 to 3

Numbers 4 to 6


Numbers 7 to 10

Numbers 11 to 14

Numbers 15 to 17

Numbers 18 to 20

Numbers 21 to 24

Numbers 25 to 27

Numbers 28 to 30


Numbers 31 to 33

Numbers 34 to 36

Deuteronomy 1 to 3

Deuteronomy 4 to 6

Deuteronomy 7 to 9

Deuteronomy 10 to 12

Deuteronomy 13 to 16


Deuteronomy 17 to 19

Deuteronomy 20 to 22

Deuteronomy 23 to 25

Deuteronomy 26 to 28

Deuteronomy 29 to 31

Deuteronomy 32 to 34

Joshua 1 to 3


Joshua 4 to 6

Joshua 7 to 9

Joshua 10 to 12

Joshua 13 to 15

Joshua 16 to 18

Joshua 19 to 21

Joshua 22 to 24


Judges 1 to 4

Judges 5 to 8

Judges 9 to 12

Judges 13 to 15

Judges 16 to 18

Judges 19 to 21

Ruth 1 to 4


1 Samuel 1 to 3

1 Samuel 4 to 7

1 Samuel 8 to 10

1 Samuel 11 to 13

1 Samuel 14 to 16

1 Samuel 17 to 20

1 Samuel 21 to 24


1 Samuel 25 to 28

1 Samuel 29 to 31

2 Samuel 1 to 4

2 Samuel 5 to 8

2 Samuel 9 to 12

2 Samuel 13 to 15

2 Samuel 16 to 18


2 Samuel 19 to 21

2 Samuel 22 to 24

Psalms 1 to 3

Psalms 4 to 6

Psalms 7 to 9

Psalms 10 to 12

Psalms 13 to 15


Psalms 16 to 18

Psalms 19 to 21

Psalms 22 to 24

Psalms 25 to 27

Psalms 28 to 30

Psalms 31 to 33

Psalms 34 to 36


Psalms 37 to 39

Psalms 40 to 42

Psalms 43 to 45

Psalms 46 to 48

Psalms 49 to 51

Psalms 52 to 54

Psalms 55 to 57


Psalms 58 to 60

Psalms 61 to 63

Psalms 64 to 66

Psalms 67 to 69

Psalms 70 to 72

Psalms 73 to 75

Psalms 76 to 78


Psalms 79 to 81

Psalms 82 to 84

Psalms 85 to 87

Psalms 88 to 90

Psalms 91 to 93

Psalms 94 to 96

Psalms 97 to 99


Psalms 100 to 102

Psalms 103 to 105

Psalms 106 to 108

Psalms 109 to 111

Psalms 112 to 114

Psalms 115 to 118

Psalms 119


Psalms 120 to 123

Psalms 124 to 126

Psalms 127 to 129

Psalms 130 to 132

Psalms 133 to 135

Psalms 136 to 138

Psalms 139 to 141


Psalms 142 to 144

Psalms 145 to 147

Psalms 148 to 150

1 Kings 1 to 4

Proverbs 1 to 3

Proverbs 4 to 7

Proverbs 8 to 11


Proverbs 12 to 14

Proverbs 15 to 18

Proverbs 19 to 21

Proverbs 22 to 24

Proverbs 25 to 28

Proverbs 29 to 31

Ecclesiastes 1 to 3


Ecclesiastes 4 to 6

Ecclesiastes 7 to 9

Ecclesiastes 10 to 12

Song of Solomon 1 to 4

Song of Solomon 5 to 8

1 Kings 5 to 7

1 Kings 8 to 10


1 Kings 11 to 13

1 Kings 14 to 16

1 Kings 17 to 19

1 Kings 20 to 22

2 Kings 1 to 3

2 Kings 4 to 6

2 Kings 7 to 10


2 Kings 11 to 14:20

Joel 1 to 3

2 Kings 14:21-25 and Jonah 1 to 4

2 Kings 14:26-29 and Amos 1 to 3

Amos 4 to 6

Amos 7 to 9

2 Kings 15 to 17


Hosea 1 to 4

Hosea 5 to 7

Hosea 8 to 10

Hosea 11 to 14

2 Kings 18 to 19

Isaiah 1 to 3

Isaiah 4 to 6


Isaiah 7 to 9

Isaiah 10 to 12

Isaiah 13 to 15

Isaiah 16 to 18

Isaiah 19 to 21

Isaiah 22 to 24

Isaiah 25 to 27


Isaiah 28 to 30

Isaiah 31 to 33

Isaiah 34 to 36

Isaiah 37 to 39 and 2 Kings 20

Isaiah 40 to 42

Isaiah 43 to 45

Isaiah 46 to 48


Isaiah 49 to 51

Isaiah 52 to 54

Isaiah 55 to 57

Isaiah 58 to 60

Isaiah 61 to 63

Isaiah 64 to 66

Micah 1 to 4


Micah 5 to 7

Nahum 1 to 3

Zephaniah 1 to 3

Habakkuk 1 to 3

Obadiah 1 and Jeremiah 1 and 2

Jeremiah 3 to 5

Jeremiah 6 to 8


Jeremiah 9 to 12

Jeremiah 13 to 16

Jeremiah 17 to 20

Jeremiah 21 to 23

Jeremiah 24 to 26

Jeremiah 27 to 29

Jeremiah 30 to 32


Jeremiah 33 to 36

Jeremiah 37 to 39 and 2 Kings 25

Jeremiah 40 to 42

Jeremiah 43 to 46

Jeremiah 47 to 49

Jeremiah 50 to 52 and 2 Kings 25

Lamentations 1 to 5


1 Chronicles 1 to 3

1 Chronicles 4 to 6

1 Chronicles 7 to 9

1 Chronicles 10 to 13

1 Chronicles 14 to 16

1 Chronicles 17 to 19

1 Chronicles 20 to 23


1 Chronicles 24 to 26

1 Chronicles 27 to 29

2 Chronicles 1 to 3

2 Chronicles 4 to 6

2 Chronicles 7 to 9

2 Chronicles 10 to 13

2 Chronicles 14 to 16


2 Chronicles 17 to 19

2 Chronicles 20 to 22

2 Chronicles 23 to 25

2 Chronicles 26 to 29

2 Chronicles 30 to 32 and 2 Kings 20:20

2 Chronicles 33 to 36 and 2 Kings 21 to 24

Ezekiel 1 to 3


Ezekiel 4 to 7

Ezekiel 8 to 11

Ezekiel 12 to 14

Ezekiel 15 to 18

Ezekiel 19 to 21

Ezekiel 22 to 24

Ezekiel 25 to 27


Ezekiel 28 to 30

Ezekiel 31 to 33

Ezekiel 34 to 36

Ezekiel 37 to 39

Ezekiel 40 to 42

Ezekiel 43 to 45

Ezekiel 46 to 48


Daniel 1 to 3

Daniel 4 to 6

Daniel 7 to 9

Daniel 10 to 12

Esther 1 to 3

Esther 4 to 7

Esther 8 to 10


Ezra 1 to 4

Haggai 1 and 2 and Zechariah 1 and 2

Zechariah 3 to 6

Zechariah 7 to 10

Zechariah 11 to 14

Ezra 5 to 7

Ezra 8 to 10


Nehemiah 1 to 3

Nehemiah 4 to 6

Nehemiah 7 to 9

Nehemiah 10 to 13

Malachi 1 to 4

Matthew 1 to 4

Matthew 5 to 7


Matthew 8 to 11

Matthew 12 to 15

Matthew 16 to 19

Matthew 20 to 22

Matthew 23 to 25

Matthew 26 to 28

Mark 1 to 3


Mark 4 to 6

Mark 7 to 10

Mark 11 to 13

Mark 14 to 16

Luke 1 to 3

Luke 4 to 6

Luke 7 to 9


Luke 10 to 13

Luke 14 to 17

Luke 18 to 21

Luke 22 to 24

John 1 to 3

John 4 to 6

John 7 to 10


John 11 to 13

John 14 to 17

John 18 to 21

Acts 1 to 3

Acts 4 to 6

Acts 7 to 9

Acts 10 and 11


James 1 and 2

James 3 to 5

Acts 12 to 14 and Galatians 1 to 3

Galatians 4 to 6

Acts 15 to Acts 18:11

1 Thessalonians 1 to 5

2 Thessalonians 1 to 3, Acts 18:12 to 19:10


1 Corinthians 1 to 4

1 Corinthians 5 to 8

1 Corinthians 9 to 12

1 Corinthians 13 to 16

Acts 19:11 to 20:1 and 2 Corinthians 1 to 3

2 Corinthians 4 to 6

2 Corinthians 7 to 9


2 Corinthians 10 to 13

Acts 20:2 and Romans 1 to 4

Romans 5 to 8

Romans 9 to 11

Romans 12 to 16

Acts 20:3 to Acts 22

Acts 23 to 25


Acts 26 to 28

Ephesians 1 to 3

Ephesians 4 to 6

Philippians 1 to 4

Colossians 1 to 4

Hebrews 1 to 4

Hebrews 5 to 7


Hebrews 8 to 10

Hebrews 11 to 13

Philemon 1 and 1 Peter 1 and 2

1 Peter 3 to 5

2 Peter 1 to 3

1 Timothy 1 to 3

1 Timothy 4 to 6


Titus 1 to 3

2 Timothy 1 to 4

1 John 1 and 2

1 John 3 to 5

2 John 1, 3 John 1, and Jude 1

Revelation 1 to 3

Revelation 4 to 6


Revelation 7 to 9

Revelation 10 to 12

Revelation 13 to 15

Revelation 16 to 18

Revelation 19 to 22



The Books of The Bible in Chronological Order (Timeline)

We can gain an approximate understanding of the Bible’s timeline by viewing the books in chronological order. Check out the Bible’s chronology in the table below:

The Bible in Chronological Order

Understanding the table: The books are arranged vertically, from the oldest to the most recent. The books listed horizontally were written in the same period or address the same subject, and are also distinguished by color.

The poetic and prophetic books are organized by the time period in which the authors lived. The New Testament books are organized by authorship order. It’s important to note that this table is not arranged in the exact order of events, but rather as an estimated projection.

Also see: How to Start Reading the Bible To Understand It Better.

What is the order of the Bible?

The Bible is a collection of 66 books—divinely inspired. It contains writings from the period between 1500-1400 BC to 100 AD. Despite the vast and millennia-long chronological timeline, the Bible has been organized into literary groups. Here are the books of the Bible in order of literary styles:

  • Pentateuch - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
  • Historical Books - Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.Poetical Books - Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.
  • Major Prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
  • Minor Prophets - Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
  • Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • Historical - Acts of the Apostles.
  • Epistles or Letters - Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon (written by Paul). And Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude (written by various authors).
  • Revelation - Apocalypse.

The order in which the Bible is organized—by literary genres—makes it easier for us to consult and understand.

Although we may have the impression that the Bible is in chronological order—since some books follow this sequence—it is not entirely arranged that way. For example, the poetical books were organized by relevance. And if we were to follow only the chronological order, the book of Job would come before Exodus, which would disrupt the organization of the Pentateuch.

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Chronological Bible Reading Plan in 1 Year

Feed yourself with the Word of God! Follow a Bible reading plan!

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.