Sermon Outline for Young People Who Want to Change the World

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Key Idea: How Can I Change the World?

Objective: To show young people that they can make a difference in the world by following Jesus.

Base Text: Matthew 5:14-16

You are the light of the World

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

- Matthew 5:14-16


At just 6 years old, a Canadian boy began saving money to help poor people in Africa access clean water. He was so successful that by age 10, he founded his own organization, the Ryan's Well Foundation. Today, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have access to clean water thanks to this young person's efforts!

Many young people dream of changing the world, but the response they often hear is: "You can’t do it!" But if you love Jesus, the Bible says you are the light of the world. You can make a difference!

How to Make a Difference

But where do you start? Do you need special talent, genius-level intelligence, or a brilliant idea to begin changing the world? And what should be your priority: ending poverty, improving education, reducing crime, finding a cure for cancer? What strategy should you use? How much money would you need? The questions seem endless! But the Bible shows us the way and helps us focus on what is most important.

The Bible offers many good pieces of advice for young people who want to improve the world. Read the book of Proverbs, and you’ll find many useful teachings! But today, let’s explore just three principles that are essential for those who want to be a light in the world:

1. Participate in Jesus’ Plan to Transform the World

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

- John 8:12

You are meant to shine in the world because Jesus is the light of the world. Only Jesus has the power to transform everything. But He invites you to be part of His great plan in this world.

The first step to changing the world is to let Jesus change your heart. This means recognizing that you have not always lived in a way that pleases God and that you need His forgiveness.

When you believe that Jesus died to pay the penalty for your sins and rose to give you forgiveness and eternal life, and you declare that He is the Lord of your life, He gives you a new life. Then, a very special part of the world is changed: you!

From there, you can participate in God's great plan to save humanity. How? By obeying God. It’s that simple! If you want to light up the world around you, you need to follow the light of Jesus. He has the right plan, and you need to follow that plan.

Pray to God and ask Him to show you what He wants you to do. Put God’s will first. Reflect on what Jesus wants to do through you and learn to follow His guidance. In this way, God will use you in His plan to transform the reality around you.

2. Do Not Despise the Small Beginnings

He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches."

- Matthew 13:31-32

When we hear stories of success, we often only think about the end result. We forget how everything started. Before having a large foundation for building clean water wells, young Ryan started by saving money and doing chores at home. At first, he did not collect much money, but he did not give up. Gradually, his perseverance inspired more people to support his cause, until it became a global campaign. But it all started with a boy collecting spare change.

Start by Taking One Step at a Time

Great things have humble beginnings. Jesus was born in a stable and lived as a simple carpenter before revealing Himself to the world as the Son of God. If even Jesus had to start humbly, so must you!

Do not expect everything to happen suddenly. Walk step by step, starting from where God has placed you. Remember that, just like the mustard seed takes time to grow and take root before becoming a large tree, you too will grow over time.

Learn the Basics First

Small things prepare us for greater things. When you first studied math at school, your teacher did not start with trigonometry and complex algorithms. Why? Because you were not ready. You first needed to learn to add 1+1, 2+2! Therefore, do not be discouraged if God first calls you to clean the church, be a good friend to someone, or obey your parents. To master the complex, you need to master the basics.

God values small things. He cares about all the details and even knows how many hairs you have on your head! Often, He uses small actions to make a big difference.

The Example of Ananias and Paul

The Acts of the Apostles tells us about a man named Ananias (Acts 22:12). We do not know much about him or what he did. The Bible only says he was a Christian and that, in obedience to God, he prayed for a man named Saul (Acts 9:10-17).

This Saul, also known as Paul, became a great missionary and wrote half of the books of the New Testament! The mustard seed planted by Ananias still bears fruit today, blessing the lives of many people.

Perhaps some of you will be called to be great leaders, reaching multitudes and doing great things. But if that is not God’s purpose for your life, do not be discouraged! Even the smallest acts of Christian love and faithfulness can make a huge difference. Every person you help and reach with God’s love is valuable, and you cannot even imagine the impact it will have one day.

We look at the immediate, but God sees the bigger picture. Remember: you are part of that plan. Therefore, obey God, even in the small things.

3. Do Not Give Up!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

- Galatians 6:9

Let’s be honest, God does not promise us an easy life. We are light but live in a world of darkness. And darkness fights against the light. In your mission to change the world, you will face many challenges and temptations. The pressure to give up will be great. But in Jesus, you are strong and shining! And light dispels darkness.

Perseverance means not giving up. But how can you withstand all the pressure without quitting? The Bible says that perseverance is one of the fruits of the Spirit, so the strength to continue comes from God. He does not leave you alone in the struggle. When you stumble, He helps you get up again; when you are tired, He holds you in His arms; when you are weak, He is your strength. In difficulties, put your trust in God.

When you follow Jesus, the Bible assures that all your effort will be worth it. You may not see the results now, but God is at work! In the hardest moments, the roots of your mustard seed are growing. In the densest darkness, the light shines brighter. Keep obeying God and doing good, and in due time, you will reap the reward.


God wants and can use you to change the world. Today we saw that He calls you to be light in this world and equips you to make a difference. You just need to follow His plan, obeying His Word in both small and big things, and never giving up! He will work through your life.

Now there’s just one question left: do you want to make a difference in this world?

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.