In the Christian life, fasting and prayer are important practices of spiritual consecration. It is a special time to seek God and focus on worship and specific prayers to the Lord. We have prepared some examples of prayers that may inspire you to open your mind and heart before God during this time.
Prayer to Offer the Fast
Beloved Heavenly Father, during this period of fasting and prayer, I humbly come before You in search of guidance and grace. You know me completely. You know my successes and my failures. You know my shortcomings and my needs.
Help me, Lord, to depend more on You and trust that You are in control of everything! I surrender my life, my mind, and my heart to You.
Purify my entire being, Lord, in the clear waters that flow from Your throne. May Your Word be my constant nourishment, my bread, my water. May I sit at Your table every day to have fellowship with You.
Jesus, grant me discernment to understand Your will for my life, and wisdom to honor You in everything I do and say. Give me courage, my Lord, to follow Your ways, even when I face struggles and dangers.
May this time of seeking Your presence strengthen my faith and lead me closer to You, near to Your heart.
In Jesus’ name, I pray and give You thanks. Amen.
Prayer to Begin a Period of Fasting
O Merciful God, I want to begin this time of dedication to You with an open heart. To the Lord Jesus, I consecrate my life, my dreams and plans, my family, and everything else.
As I abstain from physical food and other activities, nourish me, Heavenly Father, with Your Word and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Renew my heart, God, and do not allow me to get lost in the distractions of daily life. Help me focus on praising, thanking, and worshiping You, in spirit and in truth. May Your love transform me and help me to become a better person than I was yesterday.
Grant me peace and serenity, so that I may be sensitive to Your presence and Your movement in my life. May my prayers be pleasing to You, and may my requests align with Your will. May Your loving heart embrace my humble soul, in need of Your help.
May this period of fasting and prayer be a time of spiritual strengthening and growth in intimacy with You. Help me fulfill this purpose, and may I be more faithful to You each day.
In the name of Christ Jesus. Amen!
Prayer to End the Fast
Lord, at this moment, I come to surrender this time of fasting to You. Thank You for taking care of me up until now. I give You thanks for Your great love! I acknowledge that I am totally dependent on You and need You to continue sustaining me.
I am so grateful for Your goodness in my life. I thank You for all the blessings that have surrounded me during this period of fasting and prayer.
Father, now, as I conclude this special time of communion with You, I surrender to You my heart, my needs, and my desires. I believe that You are the God who hears and answers the prayers of Your people.
As I take and share food once again, may I recognize that everything comes from Your holy hands. All good things come from the Lord. May my soul acknowledge Your goodness and continue to be nourished by Your Word, always in fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
Help me to bring all my worries, requests, and thanksgivings before You. May this moment of ending the fast be the beginning of a new stage in my spiritual journey. Strengthen me to face life’s challenges with renewed faith and trust in You.
May I continue on Your path with faith, determination, and love, knowing that You are with me at all times. Grant that my life may reflect Your love and grace. In the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
If you are preparing to begin or end a period of fasting and prayer, open your heart to Christ and seek to be at the center of His will.
Note: Use these prayers as inspiration, but allow your own words to express to the Lord everything that is in your heart.
See more inspiring prayers:
- Prayers to Kickstart Your Day with Peace and Inspiration
- Prayers You Can Pray For Your Children (For God to Always Be with Them)
- Prayers You Can Pray Before Bed For a Peaceful Sleep
Learn more about fasting: