11 Prayers You Can Pray For Your Children (For God to Always Be with Them)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

One of the best gifts we can give our children is to pray for them. Here you will find some prayers that will help you draw near to the Heavenly Father to thank Him for your children and to intercede for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Pray for your children every day!

Prayer of Protection for a Beloved Child

Beloved Father, my dear child is in Your hands. Bless him and protect him from all evil. Deliver him from the attacks of the enemy and from those who seek to harm him. I ask that he may feel Your presence at all times and know that he can turn to You for help and protection. Thank You for never abandoning him.

Guard him from accidents and serious illnesses. May Your angels surround him always and deliver him from all harm. Thank You because we can trust in Your power. Your Word says that he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1). Help my child to remain under Your shadow, clinging to You at all times. May he never forget that in You he has refuge, care, and protection.

Grant my child much wisdom and discernment. Help him to choose his friends wisely and to make good decisions in all areas of his life. Give him the strength and determination needed to stand firm amid temptations. May he never yield to the traps of the evil one and always remain steadfast in You. May his deepest desire be to please You and live within Your will.

Lord, also guard our child's emotions. When the devil puts doubts about his worth as a human being or makes him question Your design for his life, may our child stand firm, finding refuge in You and in Your Word. May he always remember how loved and valuable he is to You and to our family.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for God to Always Be with Them

Beloved Father, on this beautiful day, I ask for Your presence and care over our children. Never abandon them, Lord; be with them and protect them from all evil. Help our children to be aware of Your love and to understand that they need You, for it is with You that they are complete.

I bless their ability to feel Your presence and care today. Give them sensitivity to feel the Holy Spirit, and may they be spiritually awake and alert. Let them know that they are not alone in the challenges that life presents, but that they have Your help and guidance, for You will never abandon them.

Father, protect them from all harm. Surround them with Your guardian angels day and night. Grant them health so they may continue to grow physically strong and healthy. As they receive Your presence and blessing, may they also transmit it to others.

Help them to develop a spirit that is awake and attentive to Your movements. Protect them from the spiritual attacks of the evil one. May they understand the importance of putting on Your armor each day so they can stand against the schemes of the enemy and overcome in Your name.

Guard their hearts, that they may always remain faithful to You, and may Your blessing be upon them today and forever. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Intercessory Prayer for a Child

Lord, I kneel before You today, asking for our child. I beg You, please work in her life. You know her heart; You understand what burdens her at this moment, and You have the solution. Please intervene on her behalf and act in her life.

Only You know and fully understand what is happening in her heart. I ask that You remove any spirit of confusion that prevents her from remembering Your great love for her and that she is Your wonderful creation. Lord, lift the dark cloud of depression and despair that seeks to take hold of her.

Help her to remember that she belongs to You, that You love her unconditionally, and that You have wonderful things in store for her life. Break the work of the evil one that tries to blind her to the reality of Your love for her and the purpose You have for his life. I turn to You, Almighty God, to break the chains of the evil one and to burst forth with Your power, bringing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Thank You for hearing our prayers and for Your works. Thank You because our child will rise up to worship You in victory, and Your name will be glorified. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Sick Child

Father, my daughter is sick and needs Your healing touch. Thank You because You love her greatly and have all the power to help her in this moment of illness. Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus that You touch her body and restore her health. Remove all illness and renew her strength. She needs Your intervention right now, and we place all our trust in You because You are the God who heals.

Thank You, Lord, because You hear our prayers and act. We trust in You today and always. Amen.

Prayer for a Child Who Has Strayed from the Lord

Father, I place my child's life in Your hands. You know that he has heard Your gospel, but he has chosen to distance himself from You and live life on his own terms. I ask, Lord, that You bring to his memory the moments when he experienced Your love and care, the experiences he had with You during his childhood. Help him remember how much You love him and the great sacrifice of love You made for his salvation.

Remove the enemy of souls from him, Lord. Take away the blindfold from his eyes so that he can see the greatness of Your love for him. Lord, only You know what happened and why he decided to turn away from You. Thank You because even when he turns his back on You, You never abandon him or forget him. You are always waiting for his return with Your arms of love extended.

Bring healing to his heart and soul. May he leave behind what has separated him from You and reach out his hand toward You. May my beloved child realize how much he needs You. May his eyes and heart be opened so that he can see and recognize that everything he longs for or seeks can be found in You. Heal any disillusionment caused by sad or unpleasant experiences with acquaintances or people from the church. Help him to refocus his eyes on You so that nothing and no one can rob him of the great blessings You have prepared for his life.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Adult Children

Thank You, beloved Father, for our children, for they have become good people. Thank You for the health You have given them to this day, for Your care, Your work, and Your guidance in every stage of life. Continue to grant them physical and spiritual health, and may they continue to reflect Your love in the neighborhood, at work, with family, and wherever they go.

Lord, guide our children in their professional lives. Thank You because they have a good work ethic and use the intelligence and talents You have given them to help others through their work. Help them to feel useful, to remember that what they do makes a difference and contributes to the well-being of others.

Father, thank You for the families they have started. Thank You for bringing the right person into each of their lives. Help them in their marital relationships, that there may be much love and that they bless each other at all times. May they serve and love You above all else and seek Your direction each day and in every situation. Help them to reach others for Your kingdom, that they may be light and salt in their neighborhoods.

Provide for them so that they can meet all their needs, Lord. May they experience Your abundant provision at all times and share Your blessings with all those around them.

Lord, even though they are adults and have formed their own families, You know that I pray and will always pray for them. Help them to remember that they can come to me at any time for prayer, a word of encouragement, a hug, or anything else they may need.

Thank You for the privilege You have given me to see my children grow and become good people who bless and bring joy to others. I praise You, Lord, for their lives and for all Your goodness toward each of us. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer for Bedtime

Thank You, Father, for the day that is ending. Thank You for Your presence by our side and Your care at all times. We praise You because we can trust that You will remain with us throughout the night. Grant us a good sleep, Lord. Guard our hearts and our thoughts so that we can rest peacefully and regain our strength.

Remove from our minds any thoughts that do not come from You. Into Your hands, we place our worries and receive Your peace. "In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety" (Psalm 4:8). Amen.

Prayer for Teenagers or Young Adults

Thank You, beloved Father, for the growth of our son. It’s wonderful to see him so mature and developed as a human being. Thank You for Your great love for him. I praise You for Your work in his life and for Your protection over him to this day.

Lord, You know his struggles. Help him understand his need to open his heart completely to You and receive You as his Savior. I ask You to help me continue to be an inspiration so that he walks in the path of obedience to You.

Holy God, help my son to have a good self-esteem. May he learn to set clear and achievable goals, recognizing his strengths as well as his limitations. Help him see himself as You see him: whole, precious, with enormous potential to help others and to make this world a better place.

I pray that he learns to firmly and respectfully reject malicious comments. May he not fall into the temptation to belittle, attack, or offend those who speak ill of him, but instead be an agent of love and respect who blesses others with his words, actions, and presence.

Please protect him from all evil. May Your angels guard him at all times from malicious people and dangerous situations.

Father, there are so many temptations surrounding him! Grant him wisdom and discernment to understand what comes from You and what does not. Help him have firm convictions so he can reject anything that separates him from You and Your purpose for his life.

Dear Father, bring good friends into his life—other young people who have biblical values and seek to do Your will. Keep him away from bad influences, from those guided by evil who do not fear You.

I also pray for his future wife. May she be focused on You and Your will for her life. May both of them grow in their love for You and clearly hear Your guidance in the romantic area. Help them value physical, emotional, and spiritual purity so that their future life together is not marked by bad memories or negative experiences.

Lord, grant our son much wisdom and help him make the right decisions in all areas of his life. May he seek in Your Word and in prayer the keys to knowing Your will and what to do in every situation. Guide him in his studies, that he may use his intelligence and gifts to be a productive citizen who contributes to the well-being of our country.

He is in Your hands, and that is the best place he could ever be. Amen.

Thank you for our children

Prayer against Anxiety and Fear

Oh Lord, Your Word says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:6-7. Lord, we pray that our child is not anxious about anything as they navigate daily activities that may involve stress, peer pressure, exams, and tests. Lord we pray that You give them the grace to go through all changes in their lives without any fear and anxiety.

Lord we pray that they turn to You and lift up all their troubles and issues to You, knowing that You are the Prince of Peace and that You will guard their hearts and minds. We pray that they will not harm themselves in any way coming under any pressure. That they will build their faith in You, knowing that You have their back. We pray Lord for Your wisdom to fill our child so that they will be able to cast all their burdens unto You knowing fully well that You care for them. We make this prayer in the name of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer against Sexual Immorality

Heavenly Father, we cry out to You to fill our child with Your Holy Spirit so that they will avoid all temptations from the evil one and keep themselves pure. Lord in today’s times, our child has 24*7 access to the world wide web getting them entangled in things that do not please you. Lord, we pray that they be sanctified: that they should avoid sexual immorality; that each of them should learn to control their bodies in a way that is holy and honorable.

We pray for Your grace Lord over their lives, that they be filled with Your spirit – that they are able to filter and avoid such temptations and traps of the evil one. Protect them and may the Holy Spirit keep them safe from all evil, enabling them to remain pure and undefiled for Your glory. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Children to be Obedient

Lord, we lift up our hands to You, pleading that our child be obedient. Lord it is Your command to children along with a promise that they should obey their parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honoring their father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise - so that it may go well with them and that they may enjoy long life on the earth.

We pray Lord, that our child is obedient not only to their parents but also to authorities in school and colleges. We pray that they respect authority and are not defiant. We pray they honor their parents, so it will be well with them all their days. Lord we pray for Your protection upon our child’s life and we pray that You remove any rebellious spirits and nature from them. We pray that they change their ways and be obedient and in doing so, will find favor in sight of their earthly parents and Heavenly Father.

We make this prayer in the name of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Note: These prayers are meant as guidelines to use as references in your prayer times.

Praying is talking to God. Remember that God wants to hear your voice, to express your feelings and desires in your own words. He listens to you at all times, day or night, wherever you are. He will answer your prayers!

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.