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The Parable of the Good Samaritan: (Meaning And Main Message Explained)
The Parable of the Good Samaritan: (Meaning And Main Message Explained)

The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the most well-known parables of Jesus. With it, we learn the importance of having a heart so filled with love and mercy that when someone is in need, we...

Your Tears Are Not in Vain (A Bible Study on God's Comfort)
Your Tears Are Not in Vain (A Bible Study on God's Comfort)

God sees your tears. He knows what you are going through and cares deeply for you. Every tear you shed is recorded and carefully kept, with the love and care of the Heavenly Father. God has not...

The story of Rehoboam (son of Solomon and grandson of David)
The story of Rehoboam (son of Solomon and grandson of David)

Rehoboam was the son of Solomon and the grandson of David, who became the fourth king of Israel. Like his father, Rehoboam had many wives and dozens of children. He was the first king of Judah - the...

How to Start Reading the Bible To Understand It Better
How to Start Reading the Bible To Understand It Better

There are many ways to begin reading the Bible. Each person can choose their own path according to their situation. However, if you want to start your Bible reading journey and understand its content...

8 Bible Verses About Strength That Will Energize Your Soul
8 Bible Verses About Strength That Will Energize Your Soul

Life isn't always easy and sometimes you may want to give up on your faith. But the Bible has all the right words for when you feel like giving up. Find the encouragement you need in these verses: 1....

The 10 Commandments of the Law of God mentioned in the Bible
The 10 Commandments of the Law of God mentioned in the Bible

The 10 Commandments are a list of ten very important rules that God established for a righteous life. All other rules in the Bible depend on these rules. Those who obey the Ten Commandments please...

The Story of Lazarus - The Friend Whom Jesus Raised from the Dead
The Story of Lazarus - The Friend Whom Jesus Raised from the Dead

Lazarus is one of the most poignant characters in the New Testament, known for the miraculous resurrection that Jesus performed to bring him back to life. His story is primarily found in the Gospel of...

Our Unique And Incomparable God: A Bible Study With Explanation
Our Unique And Incomparable God: A Bible Study With Explanation

There is nothing that compares to our God! No matter how much we try to measure the greatness and excellence of the Lord, it is impossible to fully comprehend who He is. No matter how we try to...

What Is The Bible About? The Main 8 Teachings of the Word of God
What Is The Bible About? The Main 8 Teachings of the Word of God

The Bible is the most recognized book in the world, and these are the eight main teachings of the Bible: 1. Love God Above All Things The Bible teaches us to love God above all else. This means...

12 Bible Verses About Friendship to Brighten Your Day
12 Bible Verses About Friendship to Brighten Your Day

Friendships are very special relationships. Friendships we make throughout our lives shape us and change us. The most famous friendship mentioned in the Bible is between David and Jonathan (the son of...

Bible Verses About God's Omniscience
Bible Verses About God's Omniscience

God knows all things, He is omniscient. The Lord knows our thoughts, actions, and even our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God, for He sees everything. God knows what happened in the past, what is...

Nicodemus - A Transformative Story of a Secret Seeker to a Follower
Nicodemus - A Transformative Story of a Secret Seeker to a Follower

Nicodemus was a Jewish man and Pharisee who had a significant encounter with Jesus. We find his story in the Gospel of John. Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin, the supreme religious and civil...

Home Worship: Here is How You Can Hold a Family Worship Service
Home Worship: Here is How You Can Hold a Family Worship Service

Family worship is an extremely important practice for fostering spiritual growth and strengthening the family's faith in Christ. Therefore, gather your household and set aside one day a week for...

Parable of the Lost Coin Explained
Parable of the Lost Coin Explained

The parable of the Lost Coin, or the Parable of the Lost Drachma, is found in Luke 15:8-10. See the biblical passage below: The Parable of the Lost Coin 8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins...

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: An Explanation and Biblical Insights
The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: An Explanation and Biblical Insights

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, also known as the Parable of the Evil Vinedressers, was a story told by Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem after being questioned by religious leaders about His...

Quotes on God And Faith To Reflect On
Quotes on God And Faith To Reflect On

Here we have some phrases and messages from God for you to reflect on. These are words of reflection on God, life, and faith. Share them with your brothers and sisters. These phrases come straight...

Honor Your Father and Mother (Biblical Reflection)
Honor Your Father and Mother (Biblical Reflection)

From the Ten Commandments, the first one that comes with a promise of blessing is the commandment to honor your father and mother. God blesses those who honor their parents with a long and good life....

The Story of Jeremiah (The Weeping Prophet)
The Story of Jeremiah (The Weeping Prophet)

Jeremiah was a prophet in the kingdom of Judah during the 7th and 6th centuries BC. He is known as the " weeping prophet " because of his suffering and lamentation over Israel's rebellion against God....

17 Powerful Bible Verses to Inspire Gratitude and Fill Your Heart with Joy
17 Powerful Bible Verses to Inspire Gratitude and Fill Your Heart with Joy

A grateful heart should be part of what it is to be a Christian. Anyone who recognizes that they have been saved through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ knows that they have done nothing to deserve this...

Cain and Abel: The Story of Adam and Eve’s First Sons and the Tragic Fate That Befell Them
Cain and Abel: The Story of Adam and Eve’s First Sons and the Tragic Fate That Befell Them

The story of Cain and Abel is told in chapter 4 of the biblical book of Genesis. Out of hatred and jealousy, Cain cold-bloodedly murdered his brother, being guilty of the first murder in human...

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard: A Lesson on God's Grace, Generosity, and True Humility
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard: A Lesson on God's Grace, Generosity, and True Humility

Jesus told the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20 while teaching the crowds in the region of Judea during His earthly ministry. He used it to illustrate the Kingdom of God, where...

Scriptures About The Blood of Jesus: 18 Bible Verses That Reveal Its Power
Scriptures About The Blood of Jesus: 18 Bible Verses That Reveal Its Power

There is nothing more powerful than the blood of Christ. The blood that Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary cleanses us from all our sins, reconciles us with God the Father, and offers us salvation....

The Story of Sarah (Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac)
The Story of Sarah (Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac)

Sarah, whose original name was Sarai, is a central figure in the Bible, standing out as one of the most important women in the Scriptures. Her story is found in the book of Genesis, closely tied to...

The Joy of The Lord is My Strength (Nehemiah 8:10 Explained)
The Joy of The Lord is My Strength (Nehemiah 8:10 Explained)

Does your life have joy? In a world full of problems, suffering, and stress, this is a difficult question. How can you have a joyful life when everything seems to be falling apart? Yet, the Bible...

Parable of the Two Sons: A Reflection on True Obedience and Repentance
Parable of the Two Sons: A Reflection on True Obedience and Repentance

The Parable of the Two Sons is a story Jesus told to teach about true obedience. In this story, a man with two sons tells them both to work in the vineyard. The first son refused to go but later...

40 Verses About Forgiveness: This is What The Bible Says
40 Verses About Forgiveness: This is What The Bible Says

Forgiving and being forgiven are beautiful and liberating experiences. Forgiveness has the power to transform people and situations. The Bible speaks a lot about forgiveness and teaches us to forgive...

Parable of The Watchful Servant: Key Lessons for Spiritual Readiness and Faithfulness
Parable of The Watchful Servant: Key Lessons for Spiritual Readiness and Faithfulness

The Parable of the Watchful Servant, told by Jesus, teaches us that we must always be ready for His return. In the parable, Jesus speaks about servants who are waiting for the return of their master...

Who is the Angel Gabriel: Learn His Story (and His Appearances in the Bible)
Who is the Angel Gabriel: Learn His Story (and His Appearances in the Bible)

Gabriel is a divine angel mentioned in the Bible. The word "angel" means messenger, and the name Gabriel means "valiant one of God." This supernatural being was created and sent by God on at least...

The Story of Miriam (Prophetess and Sister of Moses)
The Story of Miriam (Prophetess and Sister of Moses)

Miriam (Mary, in some translations) was a brave and important woman in the history of Israel. She was the sister of Moses and Aaron. From a young age, Miriam showed boldness and faith when she...

The Parable of the Empty House: A Powerful Lesson on Spiritual Transformation
The Parable of the Empty House: A Powerful Lesson on Spiritual Transformation

The parable of the empty house was told by Jesus during His ministry in Judea and Galilee, recorded in the books of Luke 11:24-26 and Matthew 12:43-45. This moment occurred while He was teaching and...

The Parable of the Faithful and Wise Servant: Lessons on Responsibility and Readiness
The Parable of the Faithful and Wise Servant: Lessons on Responsibility and Readiness

The Parable of the Two Servants, also known as the Parable of the Faithful and Wise Servant, is narrated in both the book of Matthew 24 and in Luke 12. Both passages emphasize the importance of being...

Courageous Caleb: The Story of an Unstoppable Leader of Israel
Courageous Caleb: The Story of an Unstoppable Leader of Israel

Caleb was a leader and a man of faith. He was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. While ten of the spies feared the giants in the land, Caleb and Joshua trusted in God...

The History of Stephen (the First Christian Martyr)
The History of Stephen (the First Christian Martyr)

Stephen was one of the first seven deacons of the early church, whose role was to help the leaders of the church. He stood out for his strong faith and wisdom, for preaching fervently and performing...

Parable of the Vine and the Branches: How Staying Connected to Jesus Leads to Spiritual Fruitfulness
Parable of the Vine and the Branches: How Staying Connected to Jesus Leads to Spiritual Fruitfulness

In the Parable of the Vine and the Branches, Jesus presents Himself as the true vine and God as the gardener. The branches that remain in the vine bear fruit, while those that do not bear fruit are...

The Parable of the Narrow Door: Discover Jesus' Powerful Message About Salvation
The Parable of the Narrow Door: Discover Jesus' Powerful Message About Salvation

The parable of the narrow door, narrated in Luke 13, is a story told by Jesus as He was on His way to Jerusalem. In this parable, Jesus uses the metaphor of the "narrow door" to warn that, although...

The Story of John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Jesus Christ
The Story of John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Jesus Christ

John the Baptist is known as the forerunner of Jesus Christ, who came to prepare the way for the Lord’s arrival. John was an evangelist and preached repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He was...

The Parable of the Two Debtors Explained
The Parable of the Two Debtors Explained

The Parable of the Two Debtors is a story told by Jesus during a dinner where Jesus had been invited to dine at Simon’s house. While they were at the table, a sinful woman (often referred to as a...

The Parable of the Rich Fool: Lessons on Wealth, Life's Fragility, and True Riches
The Parable of the Rich Fool: Lessons on Wealth, Life's Fragility, and True Riches

The Parable of the Foolish Rich Man is one of the parables in which Jesus speaks about money. In it, Jesus warns us against greed. The central character in the story had dedicated his life to...

Bible Verses About the Resurrection of Jesus
Bible Verses About the Resurrection of Jesus

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most significant and important events in the entire Bible. It was the first resurrection for eternity with a transformed body. The resurrection of Jesus...

The Story of Deborah (the Prophetess and Judge of Israel)
The Story of Deborah (the Prophetess and Judge of Israel)

Deborah was one of the judges of Israel, serving as a leader during a difficult time for the Israelite people. Her story is told in the Book of Judges in the Old Testament. The Bible describes Deborah...