Psalm 91 is one of the most well-known passages of the Bible, many people read it and find its words inspire courage and confidence. It is a Psalm that can give us strength in challenging situations,...
God's love is the greatest power there is - unconditional, eternal, and capable of transforming lives. It is incomparable, infinite, and can break down any barrier. This love has the power to...
The gift of helping in the Bible, also known as the gift of assistance, appears in 1 Corinthians 12:28. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then...
The Bible is the Word of God. A book rich in wisdom, stories, and teachings. Our Bible games and quizzes offer an interactive and fun way to explore the Scriptures. Here you will find the right games...
Those who trust in the Lord will not be disappointed. He never fails! The message of the Bible is current and always speaks to us. Only through the Lord's strength will we overcome life's obstacles!...
Unity is a wonderful thing! Life in unity with God and with other Christians is a great blessing that affects all our lives. To be a Christian is to seek unity, and to share God's love with others....
This is one of the parables Jesus used to teach truths about the Kingdom of God. In this parable, He emphasized the reality that in this world, good and evil coexist: His children and the children of...
Have you ever felt uncertain about the future? Have you ever doubted yourself? Have you ever made plans but then doubted them? We all have plans: we can make many plans, but everything is in God's...
Esther was an ordinary woman, without the gift of prophecy, healing, or performing miracles, yet she became a great heroine who saved her people from destruction. Esther did a few simple things that...
The Apostle John, known as the Beloved Disciple, was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus. It is believed that he was the youngest of them, having been born around the year 6 A.D. John was the brother of...
Sincere repentance results in joy and blessing. Here, you will find biblical stories of repentance that led to transformed lives through the forgiveness received. 1. Peter The story of when Peter...
This is a short sermon outline on God’s Covenants in the Bible. Here you will find some important topics on this wonderful theme in the Scriptures. Read, pray, meditate, seek other sources, and...
The Lord's Supper is the moment when the church, the people of God, partake of the bread and the wine in remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Jesus Himself instituted this celebration or...
Are you feeling sad? Do you need help overcoming sadness and anguish? The Bible has important words for you. 1. Feeling sad is natural There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity...
Do you ever feel overwhelmed or lost in the chaos of life? Have you noticed how your day brightens when you take time to meditate on the Word of God? By reading the Bible, we remember the reason why...
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (ASV) Proverbs 22 is a text that shows King Solomon reflecting on behavior and good...
The miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes is undoubtedly one of Jesus' most famous miracles, recognized by both Christians and non-Christians alike. This miraculous event occurred not...
The verse from John 14:6 shows us that Jesus is the only way to reach God. He is like the key that connects us to God, our heavenly Father. Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No...
How many blessings have you received in your life? Can you list them? There are many, right? Who do you give thanks to for all the pleasant things that make up your life? On the other hand have you...
Repentance is the key to moving on in life. When we repent, we acknowledge our sins and reject them, we choose to live differently. With God's help, repentance leads us to a new life. 1. Whoever...
Mary Magdalene was a Jewish woman, probably from the region of Magdala, located near the Sea of Galilee. Her life changed after she met Jesus Christ, who freed her from seven demons. Following this...
Judah was one of Jacob's sons and the patriarch of one of Israel's most prominent tribes: the Tribe of Judah. He is a significant figure in the Bible, not only for his example of leadership and faith...
There are moments in which we need to make an important decision or take a step of faith and we read the verse from Joshua 1:9 seeking encouragement and strength. Have I not commanded you? Be strong...
The Bible reveals that the family is a project instituted by God. The family is a perfect project that reflects God's love for us. When God created man, He noticed that while man had dominion over the...
Life with Jesus is like a tree that grows, matures and bears fruit. As you grow with Jesus, the Holy Spirit transforms your life, making you more mature. Sometimes called "fruits of the Spirit", in...
Does your life have direction? Jesus came to show us the way to the Father, which gives meaning to life. And more: Jesus said that He is the way. Discover in this Bible study the meaning of one of the...
God is omnipresent, meaning He is present everywhere at all times. His presence fills the entire universe, and there is no place where we can hide from Him. God is always with us, guiding and...
Changes, decisions, dreams, emotions, and so many temptations... Youth is a very confusing time. But you are strong! The challenges may be great, but you can find strength, wisdom, and joy in Jesus. I...
When we think of sin, we often associate it with terrible things, such as murder or adultery. But there are also many more common common behaviors that are also sinful and do not please God. Just...
God hears the prayers of the little ones. Through them, the whole family can draw closer to God, seeking a life of peace and transformation. For this, it is essential that our children learn to...
The prophet Samuel was the last leader of Israel before the people had a king. He is known as the last of the judges and the first of the prophets. Samuel's life teaches us important lessons about...
Having a Bible verse in a bio on social networks like Instagram can help us to express our faith in Jesus Christ and show how important our faith is. We hope this list of short verses helps you find...
Here you will find resources to share messages of faith, hope, and love. Whether to celebrate birthdays, use in social media statuses, start or end the day with blessed words, or to encourage and...
Esau and Jacob were twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah, and grandsons of Abraham, the patriarch of the people of Israel. From their birth, their lives were marked by conflict and differences that began...
Anxiety has a way of magnifying minor challenges into seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The weight of worrying about every task at hand and the future uncertainties can quickly become overwhelming....
God's time is not the same as human time. We live in chronological or sequential time, which can be measured in seconds, hours, months, years. God is eternal and timeless. He moves in what we call the...
Mary was a young virgin from Nazareth, chosen by God to conceive Jesus through the Holy Spirit. She played an important role in the story of Jesus, as she was the mother of the Savior. Mary is an...
Is your life hopeless? Have you exhausted all possibilities? The Bible has hope for you! God is the God of the impossible, he can transform even the most difficult situations. Take a look at this...
Amid despair and affliction, the prophet Jeremiah discovered the wonderful consolation of reflecting on God's mercies. The Lord's compassion is still present, they are ' new every morning'. "21 Yet...
The Bible was organized by literary styles. This organization helps in understanding the Scripture in a harmonious and linear way. There are groups of books in chronological order—arranged by...
Daniel was a young Jewish man of noble lineage who became a great prophet of God. When King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem, Daniel was taken captive to Babylon, where he was chosen to serve in the...
The biblical story of the House on the Rock was a short parable told by Jesus at the end of the Sermon on the Mount. In it, Jesus highlights the importance of listening and obeying, putting His...
In all of creation, only God possesses this characteristic. Only He has all the power. For God, there are no limits, nothing is impossible, no matter the circumstances. Our minds are incapable of...
The parable of the rich man and Lazarus, told by Jesus and recorded in the Book of Luke 16, speaks of a rich man who ignores a beggar named Lazarus. Both die, and Lazarus goes to heaven, while the...
Fear can be overcome! To do so, we must shift our focus away from the challenges around us and fix our eyes on God's presence. He is with us, always by our side, and fully able to protect us from all...
Jonah is one of the most well-known prophets in the Old Testament, famous for his story and his conflicting, reactive temperament. The prophet was assigned by God to preach in Nineveh, but initially,...
The Bible is the Word of God revealed to humanity: For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. - 1 Peter 1:23 However, it is...
We offer a wide range of resources to nurture children's faith in a playful and meaningful way. From Bible stories adapted for children's understanding to games, scavenger hunts, and activities that...
In these last years, we have seen an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, wars, the persecution of Christians, and diseases. Many fear that we are living the end of times. The...
Have you ever forgiven someone who wronged you and did it transform your life? The children of God are called to behave with kindness, to be compassionate, and to have pity on others. The greatest...