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The Parable of the Talents' Meaning Explained
The Parable of the Talents' Meaning Explained

The Parable of the Talents, or the Parable of the Minas, reminds us that everyone receives gifts or abilities to contribute in this life, serving God and others. What we do with the talent we receive...

9 Psalms for Protection in God: Find Refuge and Deliverance from Evil
9 Psalms for Protection in God: Find Refuge and Deliverance from Evil

The Psalms of the Bible are a source of inspiration and encouragement throughout all times. In many of them, we learn that God is our faithful protection! He has preserved and delivered His servants...

11 Comforting Bible Verses for Those Grieving the Loss of a Loved One
11 Comforting Bible Verses for Those Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

We all face difficult situations. We try to move forward with our own strength, but many times we need to receive words of encouragement that comfort us. In the midst of those moments of pain and...

The Just Shall Live by Faith: Explanation And Meaning
The Just Shall Live by Faith: Explanation And Meaning

The expression "the just shall live by faith", or "the righteous shall live by faith" emphasizes that those who are faithful to God, considered just, live driven by their faith and will receive life...

You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:32 Explained)
You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:32 Explained)

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He came to free the sinner from the slavery of sin. If we allow Jesus to take the center of our lives, then we are truly transformed, and sin no longer has...

Prayer: The Power In Praying According To God's Word (Bible Study)
Prayer: The Power In Praying According To God's Word (Bible Study)

In this study, we will seek to understand what the Scriptures truly say about prayer: its importance, how we should pray, how often, for what reasons, the types of prayer, and more... If you wish to...

Sodom And Gomorrah: The Story of The Cities Destroyed By God (With Explanation)
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Story of The Cities Destroyed By God (With Explanation)

Sodom and Gomorrah were ancient cities destroyed by God because of their many sins. Their story is mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. They were located in the Valley of Siddim, near the...

13 Bible Verses on God's Love For Us That Will Touch Your Heart
13 Bible Verses on God's Love For Us That Will Touch Your Heart

Do you know how much God loves you? It is amazing to know that God loves us all with everlasting love, that His love for you and me has no end. God's love can touch our hearts and change our lives....

The Story of Judas Iscariot (the disciple who betrayed Jesus)
The Story of Judas Iscariot (the disciple who betrayed Jesus)

Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve disciples of Christ, known for betraying Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. After leading the soldiers to the place where Jesus was, Judas handed Him over...

Forgiving 70x7: What Jesus Really Meant About Forgiveness (Bible Study)
Forgiving 70x7: What Jesus Really Meant About Forgiveness (Bible Study)

In Matthew 18:21-22, Peter approached Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus replied, “I tell you, not seven times, but...

30 Ideas of Themes For Family Worship
30 Ideas of Themes For Family Worship

The family is a divine design crafted by God. The Bible provides various examples and important teachings to strengthen family ties. Therefore, we have prepared several blessed biblical themes to...

The Story of Abraham (The Great Patriarch of Israel) in The Bible
The Story of Abraham (The Great Patriarch of Israel) in The Bible

Abraham was the great patriarch of Israel, known as the "father of faith" due to his unwavering trust in God. He heeded the divine call to leave his homeland and journey to an unknown land, with the...

Fasting in The Bible: The 4 Types of Fasting Mentioned in the Scriptures
Fasting in The Bible: The 4 Types of Fasting Mentioned in the Scriptures

The Bible mentions and gives us examples of total fasting, water fasting, partial fasting, and fasting from other things. Sometimes we wonder how to fast correctly for God. As Christians, fasting...

Yahweh: The Meaning of  "I Am" in the Bible (Complete Bible Study)
Yahweh: The Meaning of "I Am" in the Bible (Complete Bible Study)

Yahweh is considered God's proper name. "I Am Who I Am" is the most specific designation for the God of the Bible (Exodus 3:14-15). Other names are presented to qualify the endless attributes of God,...

The Story of King Solomon in The Bible
The Story of King Solomon in The Bible

The king Solomon, son of the king David and of Bathsheba, is one of the figures central in the Bible, known for his wisdom, wealth, and works grand. Governed Israel during 40 years, building the...

The Story of Jacob (Son of Isaac and Grandson of Abraham) in The Bible
The Story of Jacob (Son of Isaac and Grandson of Abraham) in The Bible

Jacob, Son of Isaac and Rebekah, Grandson of Abraham was an important biblical figure, was chosen by God to fulfill a significant purpose. His life was turbulent, starting with his act of taking the...

10 Signs of the End of Times: What the Bible says and How You can Prepare for it
10 Signs of the End of Times: What the Bible says and How You can Prepare for it

We live in a finite world. The Bible speaks about its end and details the signs that will precede it. God exhorts us in His word to stay alert and prepare ourselves. Among the things the Bible...

Seek the Lord While He May be Found (Isaiah 55:6 Explained)
Seek the Lord While He May be Found (Isaiah 55:6 Explained)

Seeking the Lord is an opportunity and a privilege for anyone willing to approach him. But this opportunity won't be available forever. We can discover why in the powerful verse from the book of...

Parable of The Prodigal Son: Meaning And Main Message Explained
Parable of The Prodigal Son: Meaning And Main Message Explained

The Parable of the Prodigal Son, taught by Jesus and recorded in Luke 15:11-32, is a rich narrative about forgiveness and the unconditional love of God. In this story, a young man decides to leave his...

Explanation of Ecclesiastes 3: A Time for Everything (Bible Study)
Explanation of Ecclesiastes 3: A Time for Everything (Bible Study)

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. - Ecclesiastes 3:1 Life is made up of many different experiences and emotions. Ecclesiastes 3 explains that there are...

28 Inspirational Bible Verses About Love that Will Transform Your Life
28 Inspirational Bible Verses About Love that Will Transform Your Life

Love is the most powerful force in the world. It is the link that connects people to each other and to God. True love does not depend on the person who receives the love. The person who chooses to...

God, Please Speak to Me! (10 Tips on How to Hear From the Lord)
God, Please Speak to Me! (10 Tips on How to Hear From the Lord)

There are days when it seems like we are alone, in total silence, and we say to the Lord: "God, speak to me." Indeed, as children, we need to hear the voice of our heavenly Father guiding, teaching,...

The Story of Leah (The First Wife of Jacob)
The Story of Leah (The First Wife of Jacob)

Leah is a biblical figure known for her marriage to Jacob, arranged through the deception of her father, Laban. Although she was not the favored wife, Leah demonstrated perseverance and faith amid...

The story of Queen Esther in The Bible
The story of Queen Esther in The Bible

Esther was a young Jewish woman who married King Xerxes of Persia and, thanks to her position as queen, managed to save the Jewish people from extermination. We find Esther's story in the Old...

11 Prayers You Can Pray For Your Children (For God to Always Be with Them)
11 Prayers You Can Pray For Your Children (For God to Always Be with Them)

One of the best gifts we can give our children is to pray for them. Here you will find some prayers that will help you draw near to the Heavenly Father to thank Him for your children and to intercede...

12 Steps To Train Up a Child In The Way Of The Lord
12 Steps To Train Up a Child In The Way Of The Lord

Learn through these important steps to put into practice the biblical principle of Proverbs 22:6. Teach your children to follow God's way for a full and happy life. Train up a child in the way he...

The Story of Ruth (And What We Can Learn From It)
The Story of Ruth (And What We Can Learn From It)

Ruth was a young foreign widow who generously left her homeland to care for her mother-in-law, Naomi. The story of Ruth is narrated in the biblical book of the same name, the eighth in the Old...

The Woman With The Issue of Blood in The Bible (Passage and Meaning)
The Woman With The Issue of Blood in The Bible (Passage and Meaning)

This familiar story of the woman who had been subject to bleeding shows how someone suffering greatly demonstrated incredible faith in Jesus and His ability to heal her. It can be found in three of...

Equipped for Battle: Wearing the Armor of God (A Bible Study on Ephesians 6)
Equipped for Battle: Wearing the Armor of God (A Bible Study on Ephesians 6)

Ephesians 6 is the last chapter of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, and in verses 10-18, he encourages them to stand firm in the Lord. He knew that as Christians, we face an intense spiritual battle...

27 Powerful Bible Verses About Prayer You Need to Know to Strengthen Your Faith
27 Powerful Bible Verses About Prayer You Need to Know to Strengthen Your Faith

Prayer is one of the main ways to develop intimacy with God. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16), and it is one of the believer's main weapons in Jesus. Praying is...

I Am The Bread of Life: What Did Jesus Mean? (John 6:35 Explained)
I Am The Bread of Life: What Did Jesus Mean? (John 6:35 Explained)

Jesus declared to be the "Bread of Life" who came to give life to mankind. This means that He is to the soul what bread is to the body: its nourishment. Just as bread feeds the physical body, Jesus...

The Parable of the Lost Sheep Explained
The Parable of the Lost Sheep Explained

The Parable of the Lost Sheep, also known as the Parable of the Strayed Sheep, tells how Jesus loves each one of us. It recounts the story of a shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep in the pasture...

18 Great Bible Verses that can be included in your Birthday messages
18 Great Bible Verses that can be included in your Birthday messages

Life is a gift from God, and we should cherish it! Birthdays are a day to celebrate the life that God has given. On birthdays, we remember that God has sustained us through another year. Teach us to...

18 Bible Verses to Teach Your Child
18 Bible Verses to Teach Your Child

Children are gifts from God - the Christian faith emphasizes this! Throughout the Bible, we are reminded of God’s love and care for the little ones. Because they are so precious and vulnerable, we...

From Weakness to Strength: Bible Verses to get you Through Difficult Times
From Weakness to Strength: Bible Verses to get you Through Difficult Times

It's hard to keep your spirits up when you're going through difficult times. But we are not alone! In the most difficult times, the Bible offers us words of consolation that help us to carry on. In...

17 Bible Verses That Remind us That God is in Control
17 Bible Verses That Remind us That God is in Control

God is in control of absolutely everything. He is sovereign and in the driving seat of our lives. So have no fear! We are under His divine protection. Here are some verses that demonstrate God's power...

20 Insightful Bible Verses on Leadership That Will Inspire You
20 Insightful Bible Verses on Leadership That Will Inspire You

Leadership is a great responsibility. Leading is not about bossing others around or being domineering. Leading is about guiding, teaching, and preparing people. The leader is responsible for helping...

7 Bible Verses to boost a Woman’s Self-Esteem
7 Bible Verses to boost a Woman’s Self-Esteem

In Christ, find your true identity and worth. You are loved and special in God's eyes. Believe and flourish in the confidence He gives you. Love yourself as a daughter of the Most High, cultivate your...

7 Bible Scriptures For Your Family That Will Strengthen Your Bonds
7 Bible Scriptures For Your Family That Will Strengthen Your Bonds

Here are seven biblical passages related to the family for you to share with all your relatives. Through reading these passages, we can learn the role and importance of the family. We were created to...

Faith: The Victory That Overcomes the World (Sermon Outline)
Faith: The Victory That Overcomes the World (Sermon Outline)

What is faith, and what does it mean to believe in Jesus? Understanding the principles of faith and learning how to be an overcomer are vital themes for the church. Thus, let us boldly proclaim the...

33 Inspiring Themes for Communion Service
33 Inspiring Themes for Communion Service

The Communion service is a solemn time of fellowship and renewal. We've listed some edifying themes to help you prepare Communion services in your community. Along with these themes, pray, prepare,...

28 Beautiful Bible Verses of Thanksgiving to Inspire Gratitude
28 Beautiful Bible Verses of Thanksgiving to Inspire Gratitude

Have you ever stopped to think about all the good things God has given you? The simple fact that you can read this is already a reason to be thankful. There are many people who cannot read or see. We...

Isaiah 9:6 - The 4 Titles of Jesus That Explain Who He Is
Isaiah 9:6 - The 4 Titles of Jesus That Explain Who He Is

Jesus did incredible things, but there is still much confusion about who He is and what His mission on earth was. However, God made His plan known even before it happened! He revealed who Jesus is and...

The Story of the Paul (Saul of Tarsus) - The Journey of a Persecutor to an Apostle Of Jesus Christ
The Story of the Paul (Saul of Tarsus) - The Journey of a Persecutor to an Apostle Of Jesus Christ

The apostle Paul, or Saul, which was his Hebrew name, was born in Tarsus in or after the year 5 AD, into a family loyal to the Jewish law. His father was a Pharisee, and Saul was raised diligently...

The Power of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives (Bible Study)
The Power of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives (Bible Study)

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He is the presence of God that acts and dwells in our lives. When Jesus saves you, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within you! The Holy Spirit...

The Story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
The Story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

According to the biblical account in the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve were the first human beings on earth. After creating the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them, God decided to...

The Queen of Sheba: Her Story and Her Connection with Solomon
The Queen of Sheba: Her Story and Her Connection with Solomon

The Queen of Sheba, also known as the Queen of the South, is a biblical figure mentioned both in the Old and New Testaments. She is remembered in the story for her search for wisdom regarding the name...

God Uses the Unlikely: 5 Biblical Characters Who Were Unlikely Heroes
God Uses the Unlikely: 5 Biblical Characters Who Were Unlikely Heroes

God doesn't always use the strongest, smartest, or most famous people to accomplish great works. Throughout the Bible, we see many examples of flawed and struggling individuals being used greatly by...

27 Bible Verses About Joy That Will Make Your Heart Leap
27 Bible Verses About Joy That Will Make Your Heart Leap

A joyful heart is stronger and better prepared to face life's challenges. Even if we go through difficult times, we can experience God's wonderful joy. It's impossible not to feel joy if we look at...

5 Characteristics of a Good Wife According to the Bible
5 Characteristics of a Good Wife According to the Bible

The Bible says that an exemplary wife is more valuable than rubies. An exemplary wife deserves respect and admiration, especially from her husband. No woman is perfect, but the Bible shows how to be...