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33 Bible Verses About Family: Strengthening Bonds, Increasing Love
33 Bible Verses About Family: Strengthening Bonds, Increasing Love

Family is very important to God; in fact, the concept originated with Him. God could have created us to live in isolation, but He didn’t. We need one another not only for the continuation of the...

The Books of the Bible (Explained): A Summary of What Each Book is About
The Books of the Bible (Explained): A Summary of What Each Book is About

The Bible is a collection of 66 books inspired by God that guide the life of every believer. These books were written by more than 40 people over approximately 1500 years, and each character and story...

51 God Captions for Instagram (Bio and Photos)
51 God Captions for Instagram (Bio and Photos)

Here are the best Christian phrases to copy and paste into your Insta bio! Is it time to revisit your Instagram bio and spice things up a bit? What you say about yourself is a great way of...

15 Old Testament Prophecies About Jesus That Were Fulfilled
15 Old Testament Prophecies About Jesus That Were Fulfilled

We know that Jesus is the Savior promised by God because He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. Several prophets, men who spoke on behalf of the Lord, announced the Savior sent by God to...

The Story of Rahab in The Bible (And What We Learn From Her)
The Story of Rahab in The Bible (And What We Learn From Her)

Rahab is a biblical character who appears in the Book of Joshua in the Bible. She was a prostitute who lived in Jericho, a fortified city that the Israelites planned to conquer. Rahab's life inspires...

25 Bible Verses About Evangelism: Mighty Scriptures for Sharing the Gospel
25 Bible Verses About Evangelism: Mighty Scriptures for Sharing the Gospel

All evangelizing must focus on one thing: Jesus Christ, the son of God who came into the world to save us. The principle of the Gospel is Jesus Christ. The Bible has many verses and passages that...

180 Most Inspirational Short Bible Verses And Quotes
180 Most Inspirational Short Bible Verses And Quotes

Here you can find the best Bible verses to stick in your Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or WhatsApp bio status! Short biblical phrases and powerful verses to share your faith. It's so easy!.. just copy...

The Story of Saul (The First King of Israel)
The Story of Saul (The First King of Israel)

Saul was the first king of Israel. As the leader of the people, he had a good start, but his complicated journey led him to lose the crown. He disobeyed God and exhibited reprehensible behavior. Saul...

The Story of Peter in the Bible (Apostle and Disciple of Jesus)
The Story of Peter in the Bible (Apostle and Disciple of Jesus)

Peter was one of Jesus Christ’s most prominent and closest disciples. Before being called by Jesus, Peter was a simple fisherman with an impulsive and vibrant temperament. However, his encounter and...

13 Prayers You Can Pray Before Bed For a Peaceful Sleep
13 Prayers You Can Pray Before Bed For a Peaceful Sleep

Here is a collection of prayers to bless your night's sleep. In peace and faith, lift up these prayers to the Lord, and sleep well in God's tranquility! Prayer for a Good Night's Sleep Lord my God,...

105 Bible Verses About Strength to Get You Through Any Hard Time
105 Bible Verses About Strength to Get You Through Any Hard Time

The world is facing difficult times... This will most probably affect your life, both directly and indirectly. But God's Word has the right answer and the strength your heart needs. For every...

The Holy Spirit: Who Is He, What Does He Do And How To Know Him?
The Holy Spirit: Who Is He, What Does He Do And How To Know Him?

The Holy Spirit is God. He is one of the three Persons of the Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son, whose work is to manifest the active presence of God in the world and especially in...

Where Did The Bible Come From And How Was It Put Together?
Where Did The Bible Come From And How Was It Put Together?

The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written between 1500 - 1400 BC and 100 AD. The Holy Bible is divided into two main parts: the Old Testament - or Hebrew Bible - composed of 39 books, and the New...

Psalm 23 Explained Verse by Verse (A Bible Study)
Psalm 23 Explained Verse by Verse (A Bible Study)

Psalm 23 A Psalm of David. 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right...

The 36 Miracles of Jesus in the Bible (With Scriptures)
The 36 Miracles of Jesus in the Bible (With Scriptures)

Jesus performed many miracles during His ministry on earth, and the Gospels recount some of them. These miracles were meant to glorify God and show that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Jesus touched...

47 Messages of Gratitude to God for Everything (Even in Adversity)
47 Messages of Gratitude to God for Everything (Even in Adversity)

We have selected Christian messages of gratitude to God: reflections, phrases, and verses for you to express your joy and thankfulness. Every day is a day to thank God because He does more than we ask...

19 Good Morning Bible Verses For Blessing And Encouragement
19 Good Morning Bible Verses For Blessing And Encouragement

Every morning, we have reasons to praise God and thank Him for His grace and mercy in our lives. We should view each new day as a blessing and a gift from our Creator. Thus, we should learn to start...

The Story of Joshua in The Bible: Successor to Moses and Leader of the People of Israel
The Story of Joshua in The Bible: Successor to Moses and Leader of the People of Israel

Joshua was a significant leader in Israel's history, loyal to Moses during the desert wanderings and courageous in the conquest of the Promised Land. He began as Moses' aide, demonstrating faith and...

104 Short Bible Verses to Memorize and Share With Others
104 Short Bible Verses to Memorize and Share With Others

The Bible is full of treasures condensed into every book. This source of wealth is available to all of us with depth but also simplicity. That's why we've selected a series of short verses that will...

The story of Moses in The Bible: From The Nile to Mount Sinai
The story of Moses in The Bible: From The Nile to Mount Sinai

Moses is recognized as one of the most important biblical figures in the Old Testament. God used him as a liberator to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and lead them to the Promised Land....

Understanding Peter's Denial: Why He Denied Jesus Three Times (Bible Study)
Understanding Peter's Denial: Why He Denied Jesus Three Times (Bible Study)

One of the most striking episodes in Peter's life recorded in the Gospels is his threefold denial of Jesus. Despite being one of Jesus' closest disciples, Peter acted out of fear and cowardice under...

6 Lessons From the Life of Joseph of Egypt (Bible Study)
6 Lessons From the Life of Joseph of Egypt (Bible Study)

Joseph was a biblical figure with an inspiring story. As Jacob's favorite son, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, but God blessed him. He served in Egypt, interpreted Pharaoh's...

The Story of Joseph of Egypt (Son of Jacob) in The Bible
The Story of Joseph of Egypt (Son of Jacob) in The Bible

Joseph of Egypt was an iconic figure of the Old Testament, known for his prophetic dreams and his unshakable trust in God. Born into a family of thirteen brothers and being the favorite of his father,...

What The Bible Says About Mothers: 10 Lovely Scriptures About Moms
What The Bible Says About Mothers: 10 Lovely Scriptures About Moms

Being a mother is a very hard job, it requires a lot of sacrifice. These verses serve to honor all those dedicated mothers who deserve our love and respect: 1. A Role Model "28 Her children arise and...

Psalm 91 Explained Verse By Verse (He Who Dwells in The Secret Place)
Psalm 91 Explained Verse By Verse (He Who Dwells in The Secret Place)

Psalm 91 brims with promises of blessings and divine protection for those who place their trust in the Lord. It assures us that we need not fear the "terror of the night," illness, or danger. This...

The 7 Days Of Creation Story (For Kids)
The 7 Days Of Creation Story (For Kids)

The Bible begins with the story of the Creation of the World, the first narrative recorded in the Holy Scriptures. This story describes the formation of all things over 7 days, shaping the earth as we...

18 Beautiful Bible Stories to Read and Reflect On
18 Beautiful Bible Stories to Read and Reflect On

Get to know the most fascinating Bible stories and increase your knowledge of the Scriptures. Learn about some well-known stories, others less frequently told, and reflect on significant characters...

The Story of The Birth of Jesus For Children (With Lessons)
The Story of The Birth of Jesus For Children (With Lessons)

What was the first Christmas like? Lights, presents, lots of food, music, family and friends gathered at home... that’s how Christmas usually is today, right? But have you ever imagined what the...

Examples of Forgiveness In The Bible: 5 Stories (And What We Learn From Them)
Examples of Forgiveness In The Bible: 5 Stories (And What We Learn From Them)

If forgiving were easy, the Bible probably wouldn’t advise us to forgive so many times. That’s why we find so many examples of forgiveness throughout the stories, with Jesus Christ being the...

God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent (Bible Study)
God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent (Bible Study)

Ever wondered what are the attributes of God? Ever thought how can this understanding strengthen your faith? God's omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence impacts our daily lives. God is...

33 Sermon Themes And Topics For Preaching, Sermons, Campaigns, And Sunday Services
33 Sermon Themes And Topics For Preaching, Sermons, Campaigns, And Sunday Services

Preparing a sermon is a challenge for every preacher. Starting with prayer, spiritual preparation, and study, choosing the theme is also essential in this process. The message must be aligned with...

12 Good Morning Psalms For Prayer And Praise As You Start Your Day
12 Good Morning Psalms For Prayer And Praise As You Start Your Day

Every day God takes care of us, and each day is an opportunity for new things! It is up to us to encourage our brothers and sisters in love for a new day in our lives. Here are a few psalms that could...

Bible Study Lessons Organized by Theme
Bible Study Lessons Organized by Theme

These are the best Bible studies for you. Deepen your knowledge and your intimacy with God. All these studies are short and easy to understand. They can be read on the way to work or on a short...

63 Quotes About God With Inspiring Messages
63 Quotes About God With Inspiring Messages

Be blessed and bless others with these inspirational phrases from God. We have selected the most moving messages taken from the Bible and contemporary Christian authors. Thank you, God, for blessing...

22 verses of gratitude to God for another year of life
22 verses of gratitude to God for another year of life

Another year of life, another birthday - these are reasons for profound gratitude to God! Here are some verses celebrating gratitude to God for another year of life. Let's thank the Lord, the creator...

11 Bible-Focused Icebreaker Games
11 Bible-Focused Icebreaker Games

Check out activities and games with Bible reflections for youth groups and small groups. These icebreaker activities help participants relax, get to know each other, and learn about the importance of...

The Parable of the Seeds and the Sower Explained
The Parable of the Seeds and the Sower Explained

Sometimes also known as The Parable of the Seeds, The Parable of the Sower is a story taught by Jesus to illustrate the different ways in which the Gospel is received in people's lives. It is recorded...

14 Christmas Bible Verses to Celebrate the Birth of Jesus And Fill You With Gratitude
14 Christmas Bible Verses to Celebrate the Birth of Jesus And Fill You With Gratitude

Christmas offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on the coming of Jesus into the world and what it has meant for our lives. Many people equate Christmas with gifts, shopping, and parties... But...

The Parable of The Wineskins (Meaning And Biblical Reflection)
The Parable of The Wineskins (Meaning And Biblical Reflection)

The Parable of New Wine in Old Wineskins is found in the Gospels of Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, and Luke 5:37-38. Jesus told this story to show that we need to be ready and open to accept His teachings....

7 Beautiful Verses About the Faithfulness of God
7 Beautiful Verses About the Faithfulness of God

YES! God IS faithful! One very important characteristic of God is His faithfulness. God is faithful in everything He does, and this gives us security because we know we can trust Him. See how the...

15 Best Bible Verses About Healing for People Who Are Sick and Hurting
15 Best Bible Verses About Healing for People Who Are Sick and Hurting

Share a Bible message and words of encouragement with those who are ill. No one likes to be poorly... sickness discourages us and destroys our plans. But illness is not a sign that God has abandoned...

God Cares For Me! 7 Verses Showing How Much God Cares For You
God Cares For Me! 7 Verses Showing How Much God Cares For You

Life sometimes gives us difficult moments when we feel weak, afraid, lonely, or uncertain along the way. But don't forget how great God's love is for you, and don't start to despise him. When the...

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Biblical Explanation and Meaning)
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Biblical Explanation and Meaning)

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are talents or abilities given by God to the church for its edification, in other words, its growth and encouragement. It is possible to find in the New Testament of the...

The Story of Rachel (Jacob's Wife) in The Bible (And What We Learn From Her)
The Story of Rachel (Jacob's Wife) in The Bible (And What We Learn From Her)

Rachel is one of the most well-known characters in the Bible, famous for her love story with Jacob and for her own life journey. Despite facing difficulties such as infertility, Rachel was always...

25 Scriptures For Sleep That Are Perfect To Read Before Bedtime
25 Scriptures For Sleep That Are Perfect To Read Before Bedtime

In God, we can lie down in peace, knowing that He is in control. God does not sleep. He is always watching over us. Good sleep and rest are valued in the Bible. Remember, God Himself rested on the...

Is It In the Bible: Yea or Nay? (Biblical Quiz Questions with Answers)
Is It In the Bible: Yea or Nay? (Biblical Quiz Questions with Answers)

The game "In the Bible or Not" is a fun way to explore biblical knowledge. Try to guess whether popular phrases are in the Bible or not part of God's Word ("not in the Bible"). 1. "Haste is the enemy...

Parable of the Unjust Steward (With Explanation And Lessons We Can Learn)
Parable of the Unjust Steward (With Explanation And Lessons We Can Learn)

The parable of the unjust steward (also the dishonest manger, or the shrewd manager) recorded in Luke 16:1-13, teaches about the necessity of preparing for the future with God. Jesus uses the example...

Sermon Outlines
Sermon Outlines

Discover a variety of ready-to-use sermons in this index. These messages have been thoughtfully prepared to help you reflect more deeply on specific passages and aid in the preparation of sermons or...

33 Bible Verses on The Power of Prayer that Will Change Your Life
33 Bible Verses on The Power of Prayer that Will Change Your Life

Prayer is one of the main ways to develop intimacy with God. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16), and it is one of the main weapons of the believer in Jesus. To...

Be strong And Courageous: God is With You (Joshua 1:9 Explained)
Be strong And Courageous: God is With You (Joshua 1:9 Explained)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV) Joshua received great...