Mary and Martha: A Bible Study on the Importance of the Right Priorities in Life

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

The story of Martha and Mary teaches us about the importance of having the right priorities in life. Being in God's presence, seeking to know His Word, avoiding worldly distractions, and living a balanced life of love and faith are fundamental.

This biblical episode encourages every Christian to choose the best path in life, one that pleases and is approved by Christ.

Martha and Mary were two sisters who lived in Bethany. When Jesus visited that village, He stayed at Martha's house. She received Jesus and His disciples with love and served them all with great dedication, as the special occasion required. However, her sister Mary decided to sit at Jesus' feet, dedicating her time and attention to Him.

Martha disapproved of Mary's attitude and, feeling upset, questioned Jesus if He didn’t care that she was left alone to do all the work without her sister’s help. Martha asked Jesus to tell Mary to help her.

With love, Jesus gently rebuked Martha, showing her that her anxiety and distraction with tasks were not more important than listening to God's Word. Mary had chosen the better part, and it would not be taken away from her.

This episode involving Martha and Mary is recorded in the Gospel of Luke 10:38-42:

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, 'Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!'
'Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, 'you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.'

- Luke 10:38-42

These two sisters were also the sisters of Lazarus, the one who was raised from the dead by Jesus. These three siblings were friends of the Lord Jesus (John 11:5). We find many occasions in the Gospels where they were together with Jesus, but in this specific episode, we can learn many lessons.

Lessons Learned from the Story of Mary and Martha

1. Martha Taught Us That Daily Tasks Should Not Distract Us from Our Focus

Martha represents most people today: living a hyperactive and chaotic lifestyle. Unfortunately, we have become accustomed to living with packed schedules, full of commitments, and numerous daily tasks, while also getting lost in many distractions.

Martha exemplifies those who embrace a busy and hectic life, juggling various tasks and personal projects, often serving others with dedication. This is not necessarily wrong. Jesus did not disapprove of Martha's dedicated service. The problem arises when we do all this with anxiety and frustration, feeling unappreciated or lacking the help we would like.

Jesus praised Mary's wiser choice, as she decided to enjoy the company and teachings of the Lord Jesus.

2. Mary Taught Us That Being in Jesus' Presence is the Greatest Priority in Life

Mary seized a unique opportunity! She had the Lord in her home and would not miss the chance to attentively hear His teachings. This readiness to listen to divine instruction is fundamental for any disciple of Christ.

Concerns about worldly things should not distract us from what is most important: remaining in God's presence.

Like Mary, we must have a mental preference to learn from God in total submission. Amid the many distractions of daily life, we need to focus on Christ's Words, silencing all other voices that make us anxious and bowing in quietness, humility, and contemplation to dedicate ourselves in worship and thus know Him more and better each day.

3. The Importance of Listening to the Word of God

The story highlights Mary's choice to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to His teachings as the better part. This emphasizes the importance of prioritizing God's Word in our lives and submitting to Him. Martha was concerned with keeping the house in order for the guests and preparing a good meal, but Jesus preferred to nourish rather than be nourished.

4. Prioritize the Better Part

Often, we get involved in many things and forget what is truly important. Being in God's presence should be our priority. Martha was so busy with household chores that she missed the opportunity to spend precious time with Jesus. Anxiety over the many aspects of life should not overshadow the peace of the soul of those who choose to live with Christ. Make Him the best part of your life.

5. The Danger of Distraction

Martha was so worried about household tasks that she lost sight of Jesus' presence. This can apply to our own lives when we often get distracted by tasks, worldly concerns, and many schedules (even in church!) and fail to pay attention to the most important things. A life of prayer, Bible reading, and study should be present in our daily routine.

6. Service and Devotion

As we develop our relationship with God, we become more capable of serving Him better, in spirit and truth, with all our being and actions. Martha's service was not bad; she simply allowed anxiety and a certain pride to take the place of her total dedication to the Lord.

When we are in Christ's presence, we understand that it is not what we do that should be considered most important and valuable. Certainly, the focus should be on the One we serve.

Everything we do should be for God's glory and the blessing of others. We should not draw attention to our work or abilities. Nothing should serve our own praise, but everything should always glorify the only One worthy: Jesus Christ.

7. The Need for Balance

Although Mary's choice is praised, this does not mean that household chores, work, or other services should be neglected. Both in the church and society, there is much work to be done!

The Bible also says, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" (Matthew 9:37). The world needs people who work with dedication and serve with faithfulness. It is important to balance our daily responsibilities with our spiritual life, always prioritizing our life with God.

8. Jesus' Compassion and Teaching

Despite Martha's apparent rebuke for her worry and anxiety over household tasks, Jesus shows compassion and love for her, teaching her about priorities in life. In the same way, Christ teaches us the best path, which is to choose the better part.

Therefore, our hearts should be more devoted to this priority and not be swayed by anxiety over secondary matters. This serves as a reminder that Jesus cares about all aspects of our lives and that we can trust Him in all things, always giving Him first place daily.

9. Delight in the Lord

Apply this passage to your own life as a test of your own state and character. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What has occupied the primary place in my thoughts: Christ and salvation or the world and worldly things?
  • Am I almost always too overwhelmed with many tasks, and have I dedicated quality time to being alone with God?
  • Do I follow the natural tendency of most people, thinking that I please Christ more when I do many visible and external things for Him? How much value have I placed on less visible things (prayer life, devotion, Bible study, fasting, intercession, etc.)?

Also, choose the better part! God, through His Word, will help you prioritize the best and still balance all daily tasks for His praise and glory! Give the Lord the first place in your life...

10. “Good Things” Can Distract You from the "Best" Thing in Life

Although there are many good things, and no matter how interesting and beneficial they may be, they do not constitute the best thing in life. Health, domestic comfort, academic career, professional position, worldly status, pursuit of pleasure, entertainment - leisure, media, art, literature, physical activity, etc. - all these things are good to a certain extent; but all these things together cannot sustain our existence. These things are secondary and will one day disappear, change, or disappoint us. There is something much "better" than all these good things.

These activities are not "the bread of life" and cannot satisfy our greatest need: the need for God. If we base our lives and our value on these fleeting things, sooner or later, we will feel frustrated, anxious, and overwhelmed because, unlike Christ, the burden of all this leaves us helpless and hopeless.

11. Only One Thing is Necessary

There is one thing that is so extraordinary and excellent that it can be considered the best choice to make in life: the presence of Christ and His teachings. For there is nothing, nor any power on earth, that surpasses the grace of the presence of Jesus Christ.

A personal relationship with Jesus produces in us a vast and deep love that lasts forever. This, indeed, is indispensable! Nothing can separate us from this incomparable love. No one can harm it, neither suffering nor disease, no sadness or affliction will crush it, no fraud or thief can steal it, nor can time weaken it, and even death cannot destroy the love of God through Jesus Christ.

This is the only thing that should be above all else in our lives. All other earthly good things are temporary and may fade away one day. But the better part, when chosen by us, will reflect in our present life and bear fruit for eternity. This is the "better part" to choose.

Other Related Episodes Involving Martha and Mary in the Bible:

  • Lazarus becomes ill and dies. The sisters Martha and Mary lost their brother Lazarus but could not count on Jesus at that time - John 11:1-37
  • Jesus raises Lazarus, who had been dead for four days - John 11:38-45
  • Mary anoints Jesus with expensive perfume at a dinner in Bethany - John 12:1-7

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