5 Life-Changing Examples of the Power of Kindness in the Bible

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Have you ever forgiven someone who wronged you and did it transform your life? The children of God are called to behave with kindness, to be compassionate, and to have pity on others. The greatest example of kindness is God Himself. We are saved because of His love and compassion. Let’s look at other biblical examples of kindness and seek to be more merciful and compassionate with others.

1. David took care of Mephibosheth and treated him as family

David and Jonathan were great friends, despite the fact that King Saul, Jonathan’s father, was very jealous of David and wanted to kill him. They were so close that they made a covenant of friendship. Jonathan helped David hide from his father and provided him with information to keep him safe.

Saul and Jonathan died fighting the Philistines in the battle of Gilboa (1 Samuel 31). Some time later, David asked if there was anyone left from Saul and Jonathan’s family to whom he could show kindness for the sake of his friend Jonathan.

A servant informed him that there was Mephibosheth, a son of Jonathan who was crippled in both feet (2 Samuel 9:3). David ordered that he be brought to his house. Mephibosheth was nervous, not knowing David’s intentions.

But David received him with kindness. He returned to him the lands that had belonged to Jonathan and invited him to eat every day with him and his family, as a member of the family.

David welcomed Mephibosheth and made sure that Mephibosheth’s lands were farmed so that he would have provision for the rest of his life.

Let's reflect: How can you show kindness like David did to Mephibosheth in your daily life?

2. Joseph forgave his brothers and saved them from starving to death

Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob, but the first with his beloved wife Rachel. Jacob had a special love for Joseph, which caused jealousy in his brothers. Tired of their father’s favoritism toward Joseph, they decided to sell him as a slave to a caravan heading to Egypt.

Joseph, betrayed by his brothers, found himself living as a slave in Egypt. There, he grew and, after many setbacks and difficulties, became the governor of Egypt. This happened because Joseph interpreted two of Pharaoh’s dreams, which warned of seven years of abundance followed by seven years of great famine.

Joseph managed Egypt’s resources so well that when the seven years of famine came, there was more than enough for all the people of Egypt. People from other countries began to arrive to buy food from Joseph because the famine had spread.

Among those who came to Egypt in search of food were Joseph’s brothers. He recognized them, but they did not recognize him. The brothers made several trips in search of food, and Joseph always sold them provisions.

Finally, Joseph revealed to his brothers that he was the brother they had sold. The brothers were frightened, but Joseph told them that he forgave them because he knew that God had allowed all of this so that he could save many lives, including theirs. In the end, Joseph brought the entire family to live with him in Egypt.

Let's reflect: Is there anyone who has wrong you like Joseph's brother wronged him? Have you forgiven them yet and shown then kindness?

3. The Pharaoh's Daughter Rescued Moses from the Waters of the Nile

The people of Israel had grown greatly in Egypt, and the king was worried, fearing that they might rebel. He ordered that they be oppressed in their work. He also spoke to the Hebrew midwives, instructing them to kill any Hebrew male babies that were born.

Moses was born during this time, to a Hebrew family descended from Levi. His mother kept him hidden for three months, but the time came when she could no longer hide him. She prepared a basket made of bulrushes, sealed it with pitch and tar, and placed it by the riverbank while Moses' sister watched.

The Pharaoh's daughter went down to the river with her attendants to bathe and saw the basket on the bank. She opened it and found the crying baby, and she had compassion on him (Exodus 2:6). She realized that he was a Hebrew child, but still, she did not reject him or return him to the basket. Instead, she decided to find a nurse to take care of him.

Moses' sister, who had been hiding, offered to find his mother. And so, Moses was returned to his family, but under the protection of the Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son..

Let's reflect: Is there any area in your life where you can play the role of the Pharaoh's daughter?

4. The Good Samaritan Took Care of the Wounded Stranger

This parable told by Jesus is found in Luke 10:25-37. It is about a man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho, but along the way, he encountered some robbers who attacked him and wounded him so severely that he was left half dead.

Several people passed by on the road, a priest and a Levite, but they ignored him and continued on their way without even checking if he was alive. Then, a foreigner—a Samaritan—came by. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion. He approached the half-dead man, poured oil and wine on his wounds, and bandaged them.

He then lifted him onto his own animal and took him to an inn where he cared for him. When it was time for him to leave, he gave money to the innkeeper to continue caring for the wounded man. If the cost of caring for him became greater, he promised to pay the rest when he returned.

Jesus used this kind-hearted man as an example of someone who loves their neighbor.

Let's Reflect: Can you be a good Samaritan in your life?

5. Joseph of Arimathea Took Christ's Body and Gave Him a Dignified Burial

Joseph of Arimathea was a good and righteous man who belonged to the Sanhedrin, the supreme council of the Jews. He was waiting for the kingdom of God, but he was a secret disciple of Jesus for fear of the Jews.

It seems that after the crucifixion of Jesus, he lost his fear. He went directly to Pilate and asked for permission to take Jesus' body to give Him a proper burial. Typically, the bodies of those crucified were left hanging on the cross as a spectacle, but Joseph wanted to bury Jesus with dignity.

Pilate gave Joseph permission to go and remove Jesus' body from the cross where He had been crucified. Nearby, there was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb, in which no one had yet been laid.

Joseph of Arimathea went with Nicodemus, another member of the Sanhedrin who was interested in following Jesus. They took Jesus' body, wrapped it in linen cloths with aromatic spices, as was the custom among the Jews for burying their dead.

They carried Jesus' body to the tomb, which was carved into a rock, and then rolled a stone to seal the entrance. Through this act of compassion, Joseph of Arimathea expressed his love for Jesus and his recognition of Him as the redeeming Messiah.

Remember to show kindness to other, irrespective of the past. God demonstrated His ultimate kindness to us by offering us the gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.