
What Is The Bible About? The Main 8 Teachings of the Word of God
What Is The Bible About? The Main 8 Teachings of the Word of God

The Bible is the most recognized book in the world, and these are the eight main teachings of the Bible: 1. Love God Above All Things The Bible teaches us to love God above all else. This means...

God Cares For Me! 7 Verses Showing How Much God Cares For You
God Cares For Me! 7 Verses Showing How Much God Cares For You

Life sometimes gives us difficult moments when we feel weak, afraid, lonely, or uncertain along the way. But don't forget how great God's love is for you, and don't start to despise him. When the...

You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:32 Explained)
You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:32 Explained)

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He came to free the sinner from the slavery of sin. If we allow Jesus to take the center of our lives, then we are truly transformed, and sin no longer has...

51 Bible Quiz For Kids (Multiple Choice Trivia Questions + Answers)
51 Bible Quiz For Kids (Multiple Choice Trivia Questions + Answers)

Check out the best multiple-choice questions suitable for children. Ideal for activities for the young audience, whether in Sunday school or even for fun with family. Teach the Bible in a simple and...

Prayer: The Power In Praying According To God's Word (Bible Study)
Prayer: The Power In Praying According To God's Word (Bible Study)

In this study, we will seek to understand what the Scriptures truly say about prayer: its importance, how we should pray, how often, for what reasons, the types of prayer, and more... If you wish to...

Our Father in Heaven: The Lord's Prayer Explained
Our Father in Heaven: The Lord's Prayer Explained

The Lord's Prayer, taught by Jesus, is the perfect model of prayer. It teaches us how we should address our prayers to God. The Lord's Prayer is not a magical formula that we need to repeat word for...

15 Super Fun Bible Games and Activities
15 Super Fun Bible Games and Activities

Entertaining family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ can be pretty tricky these days. In this article, We have a fantastic series of games and activities for you to try out at home, church, or...

What The Bible Says About Children And God's Love For Them
What The Bible Says About Children And God's Love For Them

God, in His infinite goodness, demonstrates His immeasurable love for all children, a love that transcends time and human understanding. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus declared: " Let the little...

45 Ideas And Themes For Sunday School Lessons (Kids)
45 Ideas And Themes For Sunday School Lessons (Kids)

Working with children in children's ministry is very rewarding, but it is also a great challenge. Teaching the Bible to new generations requires love, prayer, and preparation! Therefore, to help in...

The 7 Days Of Creation Story (For Kids)
The 7 Days Of Creation Story (For Kids)

The Bible begins with the story of the Creation of the World, the first narrative recorded in the Holy Scriptures. This story describes the formation of all things over 7 days, shaping the earth as we...

The Story of Jacob (Son of Isaac and Grandson of Abraham) in The Bible
The Story of Jacob (Son of Isaac and Grandson of Abraham) in The Bible

Jacob, Son of Isaac and Rebekah, Grandson of Abraham was an important biblical figure, was chosen by God to fulfill a significant purpose. His life was turbulent, starting with his act of taking the...

The Story of Rachel (Jacob's Wife) in The Bible (And What We Learn From Her)
The Story of Rachel (Jacob's Wife) in The Bible (And What We Learn From Her)

Rachel is one of the most well-known characters in the Bible, famous for her love story with Jacob and for her own life journey. Despite facing difficulties such as infertility, Rachel was always...

The Story of Leah (The First Wife of Jacob)
The Story of Leah (The First Wife of Jacob)

Leah is a biblical figure known for her marriage to Jacob, arranged through the deception of her father, Laban. Although she was not the favored wife, Leah demonstrated perseverance and faith amid...

The Story of Peter in the Bible (Apostle and Disciple of Jesus)
The Story of Peter in the Bible (Apostle and Disciple of Jesus)

Peter was one of Jesus Christ’s most prominent and closest disciples. Before being called by Jesus, Peter was a simple fisherman with an impulsive and vibrant temperament. However, his encounter and...

Commit Your Way to The Lord (Psalm 37:5): Interpretation And Practical Application
Commit Your Way to The Lord (Psalm 37:5): Interpretation And Practical Application

To commit your way to God means placing His will above your own plans. It’s giving priority and permission to God's desires. We can make our choices, but when we invite God to guide us, that’s...

Yahweh: The Meaning of  "I Am" in the Bible (Complete Bible Study)
Yahweh: The Meaning of "I Am" in the Bible (Complete Bible Study)

Yahweh is considered God's proper name. "I Am Who I Am" is the most specific designation for the God of the Bible (Exodus 3:14-15). Other names are presented to qualify the endless attributes of God,...

A Deep Dive into The Way, The Truth, and The Life (Bible Study on John 14:6)
A Deep Dive into The Way, The Truth, and The Life (Bible Study on John 14:6)

Does your life have direction? Jesus came to show us the way to the Father, which gives meaning to life. And more: Jesus said that He is the way. Discover in this Bible study the meaning of one of the...

The Family is God's Project, His Plan And His Masterpiece (Bible Reflection)
The Family is God's Project, His Plan And His Masterpiece (Bible Reflection)

The Bible reveals that the family is a project instituted by God. The family is a perfect project that reflects God's love for us. When God created man, He noticed that while man had dominion over the...

Isaiah 9:6 - The 4 Titles of Jesus That Explain Who He Is
Isaiah 9:6 - The 4 Titles of Jesus That Explain Who He Is

Jesus did incredible things, but there is still much confusion about who He is and what His mission on earth was. However, God made His plan known even before it happened! He revealed who Jesus is and...

The Valley of Dry Bones: a Bible Study on Hope
The Valley of Dry Bones: a Bible Study on Hope

Is your life hopeless? Have you exhausted all possibilities? The Bible has hope for you! God is the God of the impossible, he can transform even the most difficult situations. Take a look at this...

7 Verses on the Value of Unity in a Church
7 Verses on the Value of Unity in a Church

Unity is a wonderful thing! Life in unity with God and with other Christians is a great blessing that affects all our lives. To be a Christian is to seek unity, and to share God's love with others....

Be strong And Courageous: God is With You (Joshua 1:9 Explained)
Be strong And Courageous: God is With You (Joshua 1:9 Explained)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV) Joshua received great...

13 Great Women In the Bible And What They Inspire Us To Be and Do
13 Great Women In the Bible And What They Inspire Us To Be and Do

The Bible has many examples of God-fearing women who made a difference in their time. These famous women stood out in a world dominated by men and showed that God uses everyone to fulfill his...

Honor Your Father and Mother (Biblical Reflection)
Honor Your Father and Mother (Biblical Reflection)

From the Ten Commandments, the first one that comes with a promise of blessing is the commandment to honor your father and mother. God blesses those who honor their parents with a long and good life....

A Reflection On Psalm 91: God's Protection Is Over You
A Reflection On Psalm 91: God's Protection Is Over You

Psalm 91 is one of the most well-known passages of the Bible, many people read it and find its words inspire courage and confidence. It is a Psalm that can give us strength in challenging situations,...

Psalm 27: A Bible Study On God's Protection And Deliverance
Psalm 27: A Bible Study On God's Protection And Deliverance

In general, the Psalms give us an understanding of how we can trust God, even in the most difficult times, they give the image of an Almighty God and an impenetrable fortress. Psalm 27 brings an...

11 Powerful Psalms to Read and Ponder
11 Powerful Psalms to Read and Ponder

Taking time to read the Bible nourishes our souls and strengthens our relationship with God. The Psalms are an excellent choice for reading, as they combine poetry, prayer, and songs that express our...

Psalm 91 Explained Verse By Verse (He Who Dwells in The Secret Place)
Psalm 91 Explained Verse By Verse (He Who Dwells in The Secret Place)

Psalm 91 brims with promises of blessings and divine protection for those who place their trust in the Lord. It assures us that we need not fear the "terror of the night," illness, or danger. This...

Psalm 23 Explained Verse by Verse (A Bible Study)
Psalm 23 Explained Verse by Verse (A Bible Study)

Psalm 23 A Psalm of David. 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right...

9 Psalms for Protection in God: Find Refuge and Deliverance from Evil
9 Psalms for Protection in God: Find Refuge and Deliverance from Evil

The Psalms of the Bible are a source of inspiration and encouragement throughout all times. In many of them, we learn that God is our faithful protection! He has preserved and delivered His servants...

Do not Conform to the Pattern of this World: Romans 12:2 (Bible Study)
Do not Conform to the Pattern of this World: Romans 12:2 (Bible Study)

Sometimes it is the easiest thing to just go with the flow, nobody likes to stick out from the crowd and be different from those around them. The dilemma we face today is no different from the...

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Biblical Explanation and Meaning)
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Biblical Explanation and Meaning)

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are talents or abilities given by God to the church for its edification, in other words, its growth and encouragement. It is possible to find in the New Testament of the...

The Story of Jesus: His Life, Teachings, Death And Background
The Story of Jesus: His Life, Teachings, Death And Background

Jesus Christ was a Jewish man, a rabbi, born about 2,000 years ago, around 4 B.C., in the region of Palestine. According to the Bible, Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Hundreds of years before...

15 Best Bible Verses About Healing for People Who Are Sick and Hurting
15 Best Bible Verses About Healing for People Who Are Sick and Hurting

Share a Bible message and words of encouragement with those who are ill. No one likes to be poorly... sickness discourages us and destroys our plans. But illness is not a sign that God has abandoned...

What Is The Bible About (Study On The Central Theme Of The Scriptures)
What Is The Bible About (Study On The Central Theme Of The Scriptures)

The Bible is the Word of God revealed to humanity: For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. - 1 Peter 1:23 However, it is...

Sodom And Gomorrah: The Story of The Cities Destroyed By God (With Explanation)
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Story of The Cities Destroyed By God (With Explanation)

Sodom and Gomorrah were ancient cities destroyed by God because of their many sins. Their story is mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. They were located in the Valley of Siddim, near the...

The Parable of the Talents' Meaning Explained
The Parable of the Talents' Meaning Explained

The Parable of the Talents, or the Parable of the Minas, reminds us that everyone receives gifts or abilities to contribute in this life, serving God and others. What we do with the talent we receive...

Helping Others: The Gift of Helps in The Bible Explained
Helping Others: The Gift of Helps in The Bible Explained

The gift of helping in the Bible, also known as the gift of assistance, appears in 1 Corinthians 12:28. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then...

The Power of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives (Bible Study)
The Power of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives (Bible Study)

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He is the presence of God that acts and dwells in our lives. When Jesus saves you, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within you! The Holy Spirit...

The Holy Spirit: Who Is He, What Does He Do And How To Know Him?
The Holy Spirit: Who Is He, What Does He Do And How To Know Him?

The Holy Spirit is God. He is one of the three Persons of the Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son, whose work is to manifest the active presence of God in the world and especially in...

The Joy of The Lord is My Strength (Nehemiah 8:10 Explained)
The Joy of The Lord is My Strength (Nehemiah 8:10 Explained)

Does your life have joy? In a world full of problems, suffering, and stress, this is a difficult question. How can you have a joyful life when everything seems to be falling apart? Yet, the Bible...

5 Behaviours That Displease God (Bible Study)
5 Behaviours That Displease God (Bible Study)

When we think of sin, we often associate it with terrible things, such as murder or adultery. But there are also many more common common behaviors that are also sinful and do not please God. Just...

Bible Study on Family: God's Purpose for You
Bible Study on Family: God's Purpose for You

The origin of the family was created by God and not by man. In Genesis 2:18, we read that God said it is not good for man to be alone, that it was necessary to have someone to help him. Thus, He...

11 Prayers You Can Pray For Your Children (For God to Always Be with Them)
11 Prayers You Can Pray For Your Children (For God to Always Be with Them)

One of the best gifts we can give our children is to pray for them. Here you will find some prayers that will help you draw near to the Heavenly Father to thank Him for your children and to intercede...

30 Ideas of Themes For Family Worship
30 Ideas of Themes For Family Worship

The family is a divine design crafted by God. The Bible provides various examples and important teachings to strengthen family ties. Therefore, we have prepared several blessed biblical themes to...

The Multiplication of The Loaves And Fishes: Explanation, Lessons, And Practical Application (Bible Study)
The Multiplication of The Loaves And Fishes: Explanation, Lessons, And Practical Application (Bible Study)

The miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes is undoubtedly one of Jesus' most famous miracles, recognized by both Christians and non-Christians alike. This miraculous event occurred not...

Our Unique And Incomparable God: A Bible Study With Explanation
Our Unique And Incomparable God: A Bible Study With Explanation

There is nothing that compares to our God! No matter how much we try to measure the greatness and excellence of the Lord, it is impossible to fully comprehend who He is. No matter how we try to...

The Just Shall Live by Faith: Explanation And Meaning
The Just Shall Live by Faith: Explanation And Meaning

The expression "the just shall live by faith", or "the righteous shall live by faith" emphasizes that those who are faithful to God, considered just, live driven by their faith and will receive life...

7 Prayers For Children To Pray (And For You To Pray WITH Them)
7 Prayers For Children To Pray (And For You To Pray WITH Them)

God hears the prayers of the little ones. Through them, the whole family can draw closer to God, seeking a life of peace and transformation. For this, it is essential that our children learn to...

13 Prayers You Can Pray Before Bed For a Peaceful Sleep
13 Prayers You Can Pray Before Bed For a Peaceful Sleep

Here is a collection of prayers to bless your night's sleep. In peace and faith, lift up these prayers to the Lord, and sleep well in God's tranquility! Prayer for a Good Night's Sleep Lord my God,...