Jesus did incredible things, but there is still much confusion about who He is and what His mission on earth was. However, God made His plan known even before it happened! He revealed who Jesus is and why He would come into the world in advance, so that we would know it was true. Long before Jesus was born, Isaiah prophesied about Him:
For to us a Child is born,
to us a Son is given;
and the government shall be upon His shoulder,
and His name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
- Isaiah 9:6
Wonderful Counselor
Jesus came to be the one who teaches and advises us. Throughout His ministry, Jesus gave many important teachings and showed the way to a life with God. Jesus is our great counselor who guides the lives of all who believe in Him.
Mighty God
Jesus is God! He has all the power and authority of God. But God chose to come to earth as a man to save us. This is a great wonder: God, in all His power, loves us so much that He came and suffered with us. God Himself took our sins upon the cross.
Everlasting Father
Jesus is eternal. He is God, with no beginning or end. When He died, death could not hold Him because He is stronger! Jesus rose from the dead and lives forever. Just as Jesus is eternal, He gives eternal life to all who believe in Him and love Him.
Prince of Peace
Jesus came to restore our relationship with God. When we sin, we become enemies of God, separated from Him. But through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus offers us forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Thus, we can have peace with God and peace in our lives.
Jesus is God coming into the world to save us, forgive us, teach us, and give us eternal life.
Other Names And Titles of Jesus
We know that the name of Jesus was a name given to Him at birth, meaning "The Lord saves" (Matthew 1:21); He was referred to as Christ – Meaning "Anointed One" or "Messiah" (Matthew 16:16). There are other titles used to refer to Jesus and a few are mentioned below:
- Son of God – Emphasizing His divine nature (John 1:34).
- Son of Man – Highlighting His humanity (Matthew 8:20).
- Lord – Signifying His authority and divinity (Philippians 2:11).
- Savior – The one who saves us from sin (Luke 2:11).
- Redeemer – The one who redeems or buys back (Job 19:25).
- Lamb of God – The one who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).
- Good Shepherd – The one who cares for His flock (John 10:11).
- Bread of Life – The one who gives spiritual nourishment (John 6:35).
- The Way – The path to God (John 14:6).
- The Truth – The ultimate reality (John 14:6).
- The Life – The source of eternal life (John 14:6)
- Light of the World – The one who brings spiritual light (John 8:12).
- Living Water – The one who satisfies spiritual thirst (John 4:14).
- True Vine – The source of spiritual vitality (John 15:1).
- Alpha and Omega – The beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13).
- King of Kings – The supreme ruler (Revelation 19:16).
- Lord of Lords – The ultimate authority (Revelation 19:16).
- Immanuel – Meaning "God with us" (Matthew 1:23).
You can also read: The Names of God We Find in The Bible (And Their Meanings)