45 Ideas And Themes For Sunday School Lessons (Kids)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Working with children in children's ministry is very rewarding, but it is also a great challenge. Teaching the Bible to new generations requires love, prayer, and preparation! Therefore, to help in this special work, we have made a selection of biblical themes to bless the little ones in your church. Check it out:

1. Following in the footsteps of Master Jesus - John 14:6

Plan: Discuss what it means to follow in Jesus' footsteps by highlighting His teachings on love, kindness, and faith. Use a footprint craft activity where children trace their feet and write ways they can follow Jesus in their daily lives.

2. You are a wonderful creation of God - Genesis 1:31

Plan: Emphasize how each child is uniquely created by God. Have a "creation art" session where children draw or paint what makes them unique, followed by a discussion on how God sees each of them as wonderful.

3. Always remember to thank God - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Plan: Start with a gratitude jar activity where each child writes or draws something they are thankful for. Encourage ongoing gratitude by having a weekly "thankfulness challenge" where they share their blessings.

4. Bible Heroes: Meet David who defeated a giant - 1 Samuel 17:4-51

Plan: Retell the story of David and Goliath with an emphasis on courage and faith. Create a "David and Goliath" role-play, letting the children act out the story to experience the power of trusting God.

5. The Savior from heaven is watching over you! - Psalms 139:24

Plan: Teach children that God is always present and caring. Use a "God is watching" game, where children take turns saying how they feel God is watching over them during different activities (school, home, playtime).

6. Detectives at the ready: let’s look for God! - Jeremiah 29:13

Plan: Set up a fun scavenger hunt where children look for clues that lead to discovering Bible verses or objects that represent God’s presence in our lives. Discuss how seeking God brings blessings and joy.

7. The Father in heaven does not like lies! - John 8:44, Proverbs 12:22

Plan: Create a truth-and-lies game where children have to identify if a statement is true or false. Follow it up with a discussion on how telling the truth is always better than lying.

8. Be smart: forgive others - Matthew 6:12 and 5, Luke 6:37

Plan: Use a short skit to show how forgiveness heals relationships. Afterward, let the children write down someone they need to forgive and pray together for strength to forgive.

9. Stop and think, look carefully, and follow Jesus! - Hebrews 12:1-3

Plan: Create an obstacle course to illustrate distractions that keep us from following Jesus. Conclude with a prayer asking for help to stay focused on Him.

10. In search of good treasure - Luke 12:34, Luke 6:45

Plan: Have a treasure hunt with clues that lead to "treasures" representing kindness, love, and forgiveness. Each treasure should link to how our hearts store good things when we follow Jesus.

11. Be nice to your father and mother: God has a special gift - Ephesians 6:2

Plan: Discuss honoring parents and have children create “thank you” cards for their parents, acknowledging ways they can show respect and love at home.

12. Prayer: learn to talk to your friend Jesus - John 14:13-14

Plan: Teach about prayer as a conversation with Jesus. Create a "prayer journal" craft where kids can write or draw their prayers to Jesus each week.

13. Life with Jesus is sweet - Psalm 119:103

Plan: Use a sweet-tasting object (like candy) as a metaphor for how God’s word is sweet. Let the children taste the candy and then discuss how learning about Jesus brings sweetness to their lives.

14. 3 friends and 1 dilemma: obey God or go to the fiery furnace? - Daniel 3

Plan: Retell the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego through a puppet show or drama. Discuss how God protects us when we obey Him, even in tough situations.

15. A dirty heart has a solution! The Bible teaches how to wash away mistakes and failures - Psalms 51:1-2, 1 John 1:7

Plan: Use washable markers on paper to illustrate how sin dirties our hearts. Have children "wash" the paper with a damp cloth to symbolize how Jesus cleanses us when we ask for forgiveness.

16. Doing what is right: the choice is yours! - 1 Corinthians 6:12

Plan: Play a “choices” game where children have to decide between two options (e.g., being kind or being mean). Talk about how making the right choices brings us closer to God.

17. I want to be a friend of God! - John 15:13, James 2:23

Plan: Discuss what it means to be a friend of God by highlighting loyalty, trust, and love. Have children make friendship bracelets and dedicate one to Jesus.

18. Beware of bad influences! Some people can be a danger - 1 Corinthians 15:33

Plan: Role-play scenarios where children encounter negative influences and discuss how to respond. Talk about choosing friends who help us grow closer to God.

19. Everything has its right time: seeking God, playing, studying, resting... - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Plan: Use a visual clock to represent different times for various activities (prayer, study, rest, play). Discuss how God has a perfect time for everything.

20. Away with laziness! Be wise and learn from the little ant - Proverbs 6:6

Plan: Teach the value of hard work with an "ant race" game. Children will build a task-based relay race to demonstrate the importance of diligence, just like the hardworking ants.

21. Love everyone, including bullies! - Matthew 5:44

Plan: Discuss what it means to love someone who is unkind. Use role-playing exercises to practice responding to bullies with kindness and prayer. End with a group prayer for people who are hard to love.

22. The Word of God is like a rich treasure: keep it in your heart! - John 14:15

Plan: Create a “treasure chest” craft where children write Bible verses on small cards and place them in a decorated chest, symbolizing how they can keep God’s Word close to their hearts.

23. Good friendships are a gift from God! - Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 18:24

Plan: Have children make “friendship trees” where they write qualities of a good friend on each leaf. Discuss how God gives us the gift of friendship and how we can be good friends to others.

24. Bible Heroes: Samson, the strong one with the long hair - Judges 13-16

Plan: Tell the story of Samson with an emphasis on using the gifts God gives us wisely. Create a strength-building activity (such as a simple workout or teamwork challenge) to remind kids of Samson's strength and God’s power.

25. Share the love of Jesus until everyone has heard - Matthew 28:19-20

Plan: Create a “mission field” map and talk about sharing the Gospel around the world. Have the children create postcards or letters that they could send to friends or family, sharing Jesus’ love.

26. Patience! Waiting on God will be worth it! - Hebrews 10:36

Plan: Use a timed activity (like baking or planting seeds) to illustrate the concept of patience. Talk about how waiting for God’s timing in our lives is always worth it, even when it's difficult.

27. Gifts and talents: God has given you special gifts with a purpose - Colossians 3:23-24

Plan: Have children participate in a talent show where they demonstrate their unique gifts (singing, drawing, storytelling, etc.). Use this as an opportunity to discuss how God wants us to use our talents for His glory.

28. Cyberbullying: Jesus wants us to love everyone, in person or online - Matthew 5:44

Plan: Discuss what cyberbullying is and how Jesus wants us to treat others with kindness, even online. Create a “social media kindness pledge” that children can sign, committing to spreading love online.

29. 3 Children in the Bible who made a difference: Naaman’s helper, Samuel, and David - 2 Kings 5:1-3, 1 Samuel 3:10, 1 Samuel 17:14-50

Plan: Share the stories of these three children, emphasizing how even young people can make a big difference for God. Have each child draw a picture of themselves doing something to make a difference for God in their world.

30. Don’t forget to study the Word of God! - Psalms 119:105

Plan: Create a fun Bible quiz or scavenger hunt to encourage children to study and know God’s Word. Follow up with a craft where they make personalized bookmarks to remind them to read their Bibles regularly.

Check out our fun quizzes for kids: Children's Bible Quiz With Answers

31. A boy helped feed a multitude? God also wants to use you! - John 6:9

Plan: Retell the story of the boy who shared his lunch with Jesus. Organize a “giving” activity where the children bring food donations for a local charity, showing that God can use even small offerings to make a big difference.

32. Reflect Jesus to others through your actions - John 1:9, John 3:19, John 8:12

Plan: Have a “lights of the world” craft where each child decorates a candle or lantern to represent how they can reflect Jesus’ light through their actions. Discuss everyday ways they can shine Jesus’ love at home, school, and in their community.

33. Let God change your heart until you have a heart more like Jesus - 1 Samuel 16:7

Plan: Use a heart-shaped craft to symbolize a transformation from the inside out. Have children write ways they want to be more like Jesus on the heart, and pray for God’s help in making those changes.

34. Princes and princesses! God wants you to be part of His Kingdom - Matthew 22:1-14

Plan: Discuss the parable of the wedding feast, explaining that everyone is invited to be part of God’s Kingdom. Have a royal-themed party with crowns and decorations to celebrate that we are all children of the King.

35. Seek more of God to grow in Christ - Ephesians 4:14-15

Plan: Plant a seed in a small pot with each child and explain how just like a plant grows with water and sunlight, we grow in Christ when we seek Him. Have the children check on their plants each week as a reminder to grow in their faith.

36. Yes! We can talk to God! - 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Philippians 4:6

Plan: Create a “prayer station” where children can write their prayers and place them in a prayer box. Have a group prayer time where each child gets the opportunity to thank God, ask for help, or share something on their heart.

37. God keeps His promises - Genesis 9:13

Plan: Share the story of Noah and the rainbow, discussing God’s faithfulness. Let the children create their own rainbow crafts to remind them of God’s promises that never fail.

38. Talent Show: singing the Word of God - Psalms 9:1-2

Plan: Organize a talent show where children can sing Bible verses or Christian songs. Encourage them to use this as an opportunity to praise God through their talents.

39. Bible Heroes: Joseph, from dreamer to prince of Egypt - Genesis 37, 39-50

Plan: Retell Joseph’s story with a focus on trusting God through difficult times. Have children create a “dream” journal where they write down the dreams and plans they believe God has for their lives, just like Joseph trusted in God’s plan.

40. God’s plan for our lives: we can trust Him with all our heart - Jeremiah 29:11

Plan: Create a road map craft where children map out some of their life’s journey and how they can trust God in every step. Discuss how God has a perfect plan for each one of us, even when we don’t see it.

41. God's protection: trust, we are always in the hands of the Lord - John 16:33

Plan: Use a safety-related activity (like creating a fort or shelter) to illustrate how God protects us. Have children share times when they have felt God’s protection, and then pray together for continued trust in God’s care.

42. Christmas Party: Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas - Isaiah 9:6

Plan: Host a Christmas celebration with a nativity play and Christmas-themed crafts. Discuss the birth of Jesus and why He is the center of Christmas. Have children make ornaments that remind them of Jesus as the greatest gift.

43. Bible Heroes: Jesus is my Superhero!

Plan: Compare superheroes to Jesus, explaining how Jesus is the ultimate hero who saves us from sin. Have the children design their own superhero capes, but instead of powers, they write characteristics of Jesus (e.g., love, compassion, forgiveness) on the cape.

44. Be more like Jesus Christ! - tell the truth, be obedient, love God and people - 1 Corinthians 11:1, Proverbs 22:1

Plan: Create a “Jesus checklist” where children write ways they can be more like Jesus, such as telling the truth, obeying their parents, and showing love to others. Each week, they can reflect on how they’ve followed Jesus’ example.

45. We should always praise God, in good and bad times - Job 1:21

Plan: Share Job’s story and discuss how he praised God even when things were hard. Create a praise jar where children can put slips of paper with things they’re grateful for, even when life is tough. Have a weekly praise session where they share these with the group.

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.