A Deep Dive into The Way, The Truth, and The Life (Bible Study on John 14:6)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Does your life have direction? Jesus came to show us the way to the Father, which gives meaning to life. And more: Jesus said that He is the way. Discover in this Bible study the meaning of one of the most well-known verses in the Bible:

I am the way, the truth and the life - John 14:6

On His last night with His disciples before being crucified, Jesus organized a special dinner. Gathered at the table, the apostles received some final instructions that would be very important for the rest of their lives: about the Holy Spirit, serving one another, and living in unity. And in the midst of it all, Jesus told them that He was going back to the Father.

Jesus explained that He was going to prepare a place for His followers. And one day, He would come back to take them to the Father's house. The disciples already knew the way to where He was going. But Thomas was confused. What did Jesus mean? Where was Jesus going? What was the way? It was then that Jesus said He is the way, the truth, and the life.

The Only Way to the Father

Because of sin, we are all separated from God, far from His presence. Without God, we are incomplete and spend our lives looking for a way that leads to fulfillment. Deep down, we are looking for a way back to God.

In the search to complete our lives, there are many paths we can follow. Religions, philosophies, studies, careers, pleasures, adventures - these can all affect the direction of our lives, but none lead to God. There is only one Way.

Jesus is the way to the Father. Without Jesus, no one comes to God. Nothing in this world can fill the void left by the absence of God, and no good deed we do can bridge the gap between us and God created by sin. Only Jesus can make the connection. And only faith in Jesus leads us down this path.

The Truth That Sets You Free

Is there an objective truth? Can we know it? Jesus said yes. Moreover, He said that the truth sets us free. But what is the truth? Jesus is the Truth.

All reality was created through Jesus. He is perfect, just, and never changes. He is the light that drives away the darkness of lies and ignorance about salvation. Jesus not only speaks the truth. He is the Truth.

Different paths offer different truths, but none are perfect. Only in Jesus do we find the perfect truth that frees us from the darkness of sin. The devil is the father of lies, but Jesus is the truth. The devil seeks to trap us in lies, but Jesus frees us, showing us the truth about sin, God's justice, repentance, and salvation through faith in His sacrifice on the cross.

Read more about John 8:32 (you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free).

The Source of Life

God is the source of all life. He gives life to every creature in the world. When we are separated from God because of sin, we lose our connection to the source of life and are subject to death (physical and spiritual).

By saying that He is the Life, Jesus was saying that He is God. Only through faith in Jesus can we regain spiritual life, being born again. He reconnects us to God, and we receive the promise of resurrection and eternal life.

No other path can give life, no matter how much it promises. But Jesus proved that He is life by rising from the dead. The author of life could not remain dead! And if Jesus rose, we can also be sure of resurrection. Jesus is our life.

What Path Are You Following?

We all have a choice: what path will we follow to give direction to our lives? There are many different paths, but only one leads to God and eternal life. There is no other path to salvation.

Following Jesus is not always easy. Jesus said that the way to life is narrow, but it is worth it. Believing in Jesus is much more than a prayer made one day. It is a whole life change, to live according to God's will, with Jesus' help. He gives us a new life, a direction, and a firm foundation in the truth.

This choice is yours and yours alone. No one can choose for you. Will you follow Jesus?

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