Daily Devotional

A daily devotional to strengthen your relationship with God.

Today's Devotional

God is the strength of your heart!

"My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever."

Psalm 73:26

By accepting our limitations, we recognize everything God has done for us. When we understand that everything comes from the Lord, we realize how much he cares.

Recognizing our weakness is not an excuse for sinning, but a reason to pursue God even more. When we don't recognize God's power, we have this false impression that we conquer all things with the strength of our two arms, when everything we receive is through the Father's grace.

God's grace gave the inheritance of Salvation and no amount of effort could repay the price paid on the cross. The strength of our arm is limited, but the strength that comes from God propels us to accomplish great things!

With God, we do more!

  • Recognize your limitations, and respect yourself. Understand that everything good comes from God.

  • Seek strength in the Word of God. It is effective in cooling our souls and invigorating our strength.

  • Don't feel weak, your strength comes from God. Seek the source, pray.


Lord, you are my strength. When I feel weak, your Word invigorates me. I am grateful to You, because I know that Your hand has sustained me. Thank you Father, amen!

Yesterday's Devotional

Grace and truth

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through.

John 1:16-17

God's Law, given through Moses, revealed who we truly are and the greatness and holiness of God. Through it, we see how far we are from reaching God's goodness and excellence. The commandments of the Lord are not just ordinances, but love and life for those who obey them. Without the help of the Lord, we know that man has failed, unable to fulfill God's will - it is impossible through our own merits...

But thanks be to God for Jesus Christ! By coming into the world, He personified the grace and truth of God for mankind. He not only brought and conveyed instructions but lived fulfilling the law in all its fullness. Jesus demonstrated in practice how man should be toward God and showed God's love and life toward man. Walk in the grace and truth of Jesus. He helps you and grants you victory and abundant life!

Grace upon Grace!

  • Pray and ask God to help you understand and live out the truth and grace through Jesus Christ.
  • Be grateful! Jesus personally brought the ultimate solution to our inadequacy before God.
  • Seek to know the Bible more deeply. Through it, you will discover how to please the Lord.
  • Read the Gospel of John and try to identify other passages that speak of God's grace and truth.
  • Take note of the references you find and what you are learning from them.
  • Share with others what you have discovered about the truth and grace of Jesus.

Let's Pray:

Lord God, thank you very much for sending us, Jesus! Through him, we receive salvation and forgiveness for our failures. In Jesus, we also have the exact model of how we can please you, obey, and love. This is wonderful because, on our own, we could not... Teach us to always walk on this path, which is Christ. The path of truth, grace, love, and life. Help me reflect Your fullness and endless grace to the world! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Day Before Yesterday's Devotional

You reap what you sow!

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Galatians 6:7

The big warning in this verse highlights the deception of thinking we can cheat God. The example of sowing gives a very clear lesson: everyone receives the fruits of what they have sown. Every new day we have the opportunity to do good, and with help from the Spirit of God, we can plant good things. But whether we do or not is a personal decision...

The Bible shows us countless examples of justice and the consequences of one's behavior. In order to sow well, we need to decide which seeds to plant and in which soil. It's all a matter of choice! Plant good seeds in fertile soil and you're sure to reap good rewards.

Start planting good seeds today:

  • Observe what kind of seed you've been sowing. If you've been sowing badly and reaping what you don't like, maybe it's time to change your attitude. Start by asking God for forgiveness.
  • Review how you've been acting (with God, family, work, friends, etc.) and aim to always plant good seeds, moved by God.
  • Pray that your seeds may bless the lives of people other than yourself.
  • Sow good seeds today in a practical way (be kind, be grateful, help someone, forgive, show love).
  • Look in the Bible to see how you can plant in a way that pleases God.
  • Talk to brothers and sisters in Christ and try to share your desire to produce good fruit for God.


Dear God, you know my attitude. No one can hide from you and there's no deceiving you. Forgive my bad intentions and the wrong decisions I've made so far. Help me to always plant good seeds. May I always take advantage of opportunities to sow good things in other people's lives. Thank you for helping and teaching me to harvest good fruit that pleases you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

What is the Daily Devotional

The Daily Devotional is a special moment of your day that you dedicate to having a precious time of intimacy with God. It is very simple to establish an exciting routine of discovery and spiritual growth. You will achieve this by setting aside a moment each day to draw near to the Lord. During the Devotional, you will read a Bible verse with a meditation on the text. Then, you will meditate on the teachings and how to apply them in your life. In the end, you can pray.

How to do your Daily Devotional

Here are some tips for making the most of reading the Bible message during the Daily Devotional:

  1. Set aside a moment and choose a specific place: your devotional time will be more beneficial if you set aside the hustle and bustle and invest in a pleasant time alone with God.
  2. Read the verse or Bible passage attentively: develop a lifestyle committed to the Word of God every day and avoid distractions.
  3. Read the daily meditation: reflect and try to understand God's purpose for your life through the comments.
  4. Practical application: jot down your findings and don't forget to put into practice everything you have learned through the Bible.
  5. Share what you learned: try to share with people around what God has been teaching you in your moments of daily devotion as you go about your daily conversations and interactions.

Don't forget the importance of living a life fully committed to the Word of God!