Daily Devotional

A daily devotional to strengthen your relationship with God.

Today's Devotional

The manifold Grace of God

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1 Peter 4:10

God's action is meticulous and imaginative. When we observe our surroundings, we witness His ongoing efforts, diversified for the betterment of all. From the mesmerizing starry sky to the captivating beauty of flowers, from delightful aromas to delicious fruits with a variety of flavors - each morning, the light and warmth of the sun remind us of His endless blessings. Every day, we are graciously bestowed with gifts, all stemming from God's boundless love.

In addition to life, God has given us many good things. The best gift God gave us was His Son, Jesus, and in Him, we have all other blessings. In Jesus, we can serve with our gifts and share the Lord's grace in various ways. Smiling, being kind, giving, forgiving, helping, caring, protecting, loving... How can you serve someone today?

Be an agent of God's manifold grace

  • Reflect on your life and the blessings you have received. Thank God for this!
  • Pray and make yourself available to make others happy too.
  • Giving something freely is a central part of the Christian lifestyle. Open your heart, smile, and closets; donate food and clothes you no longer use; and give something precious to someone.
  • You may think you have no material (or financial) resources to give, but God has given you other resources. Use your personal gifts to help someone in need.
  • Pay attention! There are countless individuals surrounding you who can experience something of God's grace through your life.
  • Pray for someone. Truly care about someone's happiness.

Let’s Pray:

My Lord God, thank you for giving me much more than enough to live. Help me to be attentive to the people who pass through my life and awaken me to be a channel of Your grace for them too. May I rejoice in giving and in being able to be an instrument of Your favor. Teach me to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who acted with grace and mercy, giving everything for love and obedience to You. Amen!

Yesterday's Devotional

A cloud as small as a man's hand

"The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.”

So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’""

1 Kings 18:44

Great things come about through simple details. When Elijah declared the word of the Lord to Ahab, Israel was going through three years of drought. God had already revealed himself through Elijah - humiliating the prophets of Baal - and the promise of rain brought great expectation.

When the prophet spoke this word, the sky was clear. After checking the weather seven times, a small cloud - the size of a man's hand - appeared from the sea. This sign was enough for Elijah to ask King Ahab to leave Mount Carmel before the storm hit.

The prophet was attentive to detail. Elijah didn't need to ask God for great signs and proof that he would keep his promise. This is a powerful teaching: if God has prophesied something in your life, don't wait for big signs, be attentive to the details.

Even great trees come from small seeds. The promises that God has declared in your life will bear fruit, trust in it, because it will happen!

It's going to rain!

  • More than having faith, we need to persevere in God. Without perseverance, faith does not last. Persevere in God's Word!
  • Be attentive, and ask God for wisdom and discernment.
  • If God has declared something in your life, it will come true! Follow the word you have received, and put your faith into action.


Lord God, thank you so much for your presence in my life. Your Word transforms and enlivens. I want to build my life on your promises and I want to live the extraordinary in these days. Give me wisdom and discernment. In Jesus' name, amen!

Day Before Yesterday's Devotional

Love drives out fear!

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18

If we truly love God, why should we be afraid? Love drives out fear and draws us to God. He is our safe refuge, and nothing can overcome Him. Those who love God and follow His ways have nothing to fear.

The only thing that can separate us from God is sin. Sin brings guilt, and guilt leads to punishment. Therefore, the best way to overcome fear is to turn away from sin. Walking with God instills courage in us! When we are in His presence, we feel safe and confident in His power.

Strive to perfect yourself in God's love and feel secure. Drive fear out of your life and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding!

Expelling fear

  • Deepen your intimacy with God and seek Him through prayer.
  • Tell God what your fears are. Open your heart to God.
  • Read the Word of God. It helps us draw closer to God and dispel fear.

Let's Pray:

Lord God, You are mighty, and in You, I find security. Guard my heart. Illuminate my path to experience Your love every day. In Jesus' name, Amen!

What is the Daily Devotional

The Daily Devotional is a special moment of your day that you dedicate to having a precious time of intimacy with God. It is very simple to establish an exciting routine of discovery and spiritual growth. You will achieve this by setting aside a moment each day to draw near to the Lord. During the Devotional, you will read a Bible verse with a meditation on the text. Then, you will meditate on the teachings and how to apply them in your life. In the end, you can pray.

How to do your Daily Devotional

Here are some tips for making the most of reading the Bible message during the Daily Devotional:

  1. Set aside a moment and choose a specific place: your devotional time will be more beneficial if you set aside the hustle and bustle and invest in a pleasant time alone with God.
  2. Read the verse or Bible passage attentively: develop a lifestyle committed to the Word of God every day and avoid distractions.
  3. Read the daily meditation: reflect and try to understand God's purpose for your life through the comments.
  4. Practical application: jot down your findings and don't forget to put into practice everything you have learned through the Bible.
  5. Share what you learned: try to share with people around what God has been teaching you in your moments of daily devotion as you go about your daily conversations and interactions.

Don't forget the importance of living a life fully committed to the Word of God!