Covenant With God (Sermon Outline)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

This is a short sermon outline on God’s Covenants in the Bible. Here you will find some important topics on this wonderful theme in the Scriptures. Read, pray, meditate, seek other sources, and prepare well to minister the Word of God.

Theme: God has an unbreakable Covenant with His people

Objective: To understand that God assures His commitment to maintain a relationship with His people. Likewise, we need to be faithful to His eternal Covenant.

Base Text: Ezekiel 16:60, 62

Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you. So I will establish my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord.

- Ezekiel 16:60, 62


Questions for Reflection:

  1. What are the characteristics of a marriage covenant? (It is unbreakable, a circle, without beginning or end, lasting, etc.)
  2. How would you define a covenant? (An agreement between two parties, a pact, a commitment, a contract, a treaty, a merging, etc.)
  3. Who should guarantee the fulfillment of a pact?


"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

- Isaiah 54:10

  1. The concept of "Covenant" runs through both the Old and New Testaments. It is a biblical concept that points to God and His project to create and redeem a people for Himself.

  2. Firm your covenant with God. A covenant is a blood pact that commits both parties to faithfulness under the penalty of life or death. This is exactly what Christ did for us.

  3. The Communion of God with His people is the backdrop behind all the Covenants made in the Bible:

  • Adam - Covenant of Creation - The original relationship between God and humanity (Gen. 3:8-10). By creating us in His image and likeness, He made clear human responsibility in our relationship with God and creation.
  • Adam broke this covenant, but God had already provided redemption through Jesus Christ, "the offspring who would crush the head of the serpent" (Genesis 3:14-19) - See also: Hosea 6:7.
  • Noah - Covenant of Preservation - God preserves humanity (and animals) through Noah and his family (Gen. 6:8-14). Humanity had reached such a level of degradation that it deserved to be completely destroyed. But God had mercy and prevented Noah from sinking into this level of depravity, saving him in the Ark. Subsequently, God promised that He would never again destroy the earth (Gen. 8:20-22; 9:16).
  • Abraham - Covenant of Promise - God made various promises to Abram (land, a son, descendants), but at the core of all this was "in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Gen. 12:3). From Abraham’s lineage would come Jesus, the promised Savior of all nations. See also: Gen. 12:1-3, 6-7, 13:14-17, 15, 17:1-14; 22:15-18.
  • Moses - Covenant of the Law - God spoke to Moses as a friend (Deut. 34:10-12). Through Moses, the Lord brought His Laws to the people, revealing His will (Deuteronomy chapters 11-12).
  • Israel - Conditional Covenant - Also through Moses, God proposes to Israel blessings or curses (Deut. 11:26-28). If the people disobeyed, they would be scattered across the earth. Nevertheless, God promises that He will gather them, bringing them back to the promised land, to remain in His presence forever (Deut. 30:1-20).
  • David - Covenant of the Kingdom - In the Davidic covenant, God promises that a permanent King would come from his lineage (2 Samuel 7:8-16). Through a descendant of David, Jesus Christ, the Lord would establish His Kingdom forever among His people. We know this fulfillment occurred in Christ Jesus, the King of Kings (Luke 1:32-33). See: Isaiah 55:3.
  • Jesus Christ - New Covenant - This covenant speaks of redemption, love, unity, and eternity (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 16:60,62). God's aim throughout history is to establish unity and communion with His people. This union can only be established through Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:28), who is one with the Father. He desires His Church to also be united in Him, in holiness by the Holy Spirit. This covenant, originating in Israel, extends to all the peoples of the earth, so that by faith, they may be united in the same love, knowledge, and obedience to God (Hebrews 8:10-12).


God has established an eternal Covenant with His people. Throughout the Bible, we see that He grants grace and life (redemption). Now we know that this has been fully realized in Jesus Christ. And today, through faith in Him, and by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, we can have communion with God and live according to His will and purpose.

But what if we fail? Even when we falter, God does not fail. He is always faithful. He is eternally loyal (2 Tim. 2:13) to His Covenant and ensures His commitment to maintain a relationship with His people. He expects us to remain committed to Him. Firm your covenant with God! Only by remaining in Christ can we stand firm and faithful to the Covenant with God.

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Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.