3 Couples In The Bible That Will Inspire You In Your Marriage

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

In a world full of failed marriages and divorce, it’s good to celebrate marriages that thrive! These couples have overcome the challenges of marriage and become examples for all of us. Discover some of the characteristics that contributed to the success of these marriages:

1. Ruth and Boaz

Loyalty, Responsibility, Respect

Both Ruth and Boaz were mature individuals. Ruth worked hard to care for her mother-in-law, and Boaz treated his workers well. They recognized in each other someone trustworthy and deserving of respect. They treated each other with respect and kindness and earned a good reputation in the community.

Often, we settle for immature, irresponsible, and lazy people who don't know how to show respect. But this kind of attitude can ruin a relationship. If we want to have a good marriage, we need to look for mature and loyal people who respect us and cultivate these attitudes in our own lives. Mature people are attracted to other mature people.

2. Mary and Joseph

Faith, Trust and Courage
This couple faced a great challenge at the very beginning of their marriage! They had to care for the future Savior of the world, flee from powerful enemies, and face suspicions that their child was illegitimate. But Mary and Joseph chose to put their faith in God and trust each other. Together, they faced the dangers with great courage.

God needs to be the center of the marriage. He gives the strength needed to face all the challenges that arise in marriage. Faith in God gives the courage not to give up in times of difficulty. It is also very important to be able to trust one another. The suspicion of Mary's infidelity could have ruined her relationship with Joseph, but he resolved the issue before the marriage.

3. Priscilla and Aquila

Shared Mission, team work
Priscilla and Aquila were friends of the apostle Paul. They led a church and taught and prepared some future Christian leaders. Together, they had a significant impact on the places where they lived and helped Paul in his mission to preach the gospel. This couple was very united and had much love to offer others.

One thing that powerfully unites couples is having a shared mission. When both work together as a team to achieve a goal, the marriage becomes stronger because there is no room for rivalry. Altruism and the desire to help others as a couple strengthen the marriage.

Don't be discouraged; your marriage can also succeed!

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.