Looking for Bible Trivia for Kids? Check out our multiple-choice questions prepared specifically for children. Ideal for activities for the young audience, whether in Sunday school or even for fun with family. Teach the Bible in a simple and easy way, this is the best way for the child to learn where to walk!
1. What was the name of the giant defeated by David?
a) Jonah
b) Goliath
c) Pharaoh
2. What was the name of Adam's companion?
a) Mary
b) Ruth
c) Eve
3. Who died on the cross for us?
a) Jesus
b) Joseph
c) Joshua
4. What is the name of the wall that fell at the sound of the trumpet?
a) Berlin Wall
b) Walls of Jericho
c) Wailing Wall
5. How many days did Jesus rise after?
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 7 days
6. What is the first book of the Bible?
a) Exodus
b) Genesis
c) Revelation
7. Who is the "father of lies"?
a) Devil
b) Saul
c) Pharaoh
8. Who was known as a dreamer, was sold by his brothers, but became governor of Egypt?
a) John
b) Jonah
c) Joseph
9. How many disciples did Jesus have?
a) 12
b) 10
c) 7
10. Which of these names is not a disciple of Jesus?
a) James
b) John
c) Isaac
Want something different? Why not try:
11. Who is known as the "father of a great nation"?
a) Peter
b) Abraham
c) David
12. Which prophet was swallowed by a big fish?
a) Jonah
b) John the Baptist
c) Isaiah
13. Who walked on water with Jesus but then sank?
a) John
b) Andrew
c) Peter
14. What were the names of Jesus' parents?
a) John and Anna
b) Joseph and Mary
c) George and Marisa
15. Who was called by God three times while sleeping?
a) Samuel
b) David
c) Daniel
16. Who was thrown into the lions' den but was not devoured?
a) David
b) Daniel
c) Saul
17. What is the name of the parable of the son who returns to his father's arms?
a) Parable of the Forgiving Father
b) Parable of the Prodigal Son
c) Parable of the Repentant Son
18. Eve was deceived by which animal?
a) Serpent
b) Frog
c) Vulture
19. What is the last book of the Bible?
a) Genesis
b) Psalms
c) Revelation
20. Complete the phrase: God is ______ .
a) Invisible
b) Love
c) Merciless
21. Who is known as the "Son of God"?
a) Paul
b) John the Baptist
c) Jesus
22. How many animals were placed in Noah's Ark?
a) A pair of each species
b) A young of each species
c) One of each species
23. What is the Flood?
a) A period of great drought
b) A flood that covered the earth
c) A meteor shower
24. Who built the ark?
a) Abraham
b) Noah
c) Adam
25. What material was Noah's ark built with?
a) Wood
b) Stone
c) Gold
26. Complete the song: "Peter, James, and John in the little boat. In the sea of _______ ".
a) Red
b) Dead
c) Galilee
27. Jesus said to "love your _______ ".
a) Sin
b) Neighbor
c) Money
28. Which character was the king of Israel?
a) John
b) Peter
c) David
29. What did David use to bring down Goliath?
a) Sling
b) Sword
c) Axe
30. How many days did God take to create everything?
a) 10 days
b) 1 day
c) 6 days
31. Which woman married the king and saved her people?
a) Mary
b) Ruth
c) Ana
32. Which fruit from the tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat?
a) The fruit of the tree of peace
b) The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
c) The fruit of the tree of death
33. What was the name of the king who pursued David?
a) Silas
b) Solomon
c) Saul
34. Who was the wisest man in the world?
a) David
b) Saul
c) Solomon
35. Who was the strongest man in the world?
a) Solomon
b) Samson
c) Zachariah
36. Which of these characters was not a prophet?
a) Elijah
b) Elisha
c) Zacchaeus
37. Complete the verse: "The Lord is my ______, I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1)
a) King
b) Sovereign
c) Shepherd
38. How many commandments did God give to Moses?
a) 7 commandments
b) 10 commandments
c) 100 commandments
39. What does it mean to love your neighbor?
a) To love and respect people
b) To ignore people
c) To desire others' things
40. Who was placed inside a basket and set afloat on a river?
a) Moses
b) Pharaoh
c) Jesus
41. Who is the "King of kings, Lord of lords"?
a) The Bible
b) The angels
c) Jesus
42. The Bible is...
a) a magazine.
b) the Word of God.
c) a dictionary.
43. God is 3 in 1, He is: Father, Son, and _______.
a) Cousin
b) Holy Spirit
c) Soul
44. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown where?
a) Into a fiery furnace.
b) Into the sea.
c) Into the river.
45. Which of these words does NOT represent Jesus?
a) Lie
b) Love
c) Peace
46. God is ______ !
a) bad
b) love
c) nobody
47. What was the "king" of Egypt known as? He was known as...
a) Emperor
b) Pharaoh
c) Shaman
48. One thing only Jesus does?
a) Save us!
b) Love us.
c) Respect us.
49. If my friend is my neighbor, I should...
a) disrespect him.
b) ignore him.
c) love him.
50. Does God love everyone?
a) True
b) False
c) Loves only my friends.
51. After Jesus was born, He was placed...
a) in a cart.
b) in a cradle.
c) in a manger.
All the answers:
Answers: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9a, 10c, 11b, 12a, 13c, 14b, 15a, 16b,17b, 18a, 19c, 20b, 21c, 22a, 23b, 24b, 25a, 26c, 27b, 28c, 29a, 30c, 31b, 32b, 33c, 34c, 35b, 36c, 37c, 38b, 39a, 40c, 41c, 42b, 43b, 44a, 45a, 46b, 47b, 48a, 49c, 50a, 51c.
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