Characteristics of Queen Esther That Should Inspire Us (Bible Study)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Esther was an ordinary woman, without the gift of prophecy, healing, or performing miracles, yet she became a great heroine who saved her people from destruction. Esther did a few simple things that you can do too:

Esther sought advice. Esther was very beautiful, but she didn’t rely solely on her beauty. When she entered the beauty contest to become the next queen of Persia, Esther followed the advice of the harem attendant (who knew the king’s preferences well) and won the contest!

Esther listened. Esther also listened to the advice of her relative Mordecai, who was like a father to her. By learning from the wisdom of someone with more experience, Esther was able to strengthen her position as queen and make the right decisions.

Esther prayed. Once, a wicked man named Haman decided to destroy all the Jews. He managed to deceive the king of Persia into signing a decree ordering the death of the Jewish people. When Mordecai heard about the decree, he asked Esther to intercede with the king on behalf of her people.

Esther was courageous. Esther was afraid, but still did the right thing. That's courage. No one in the palace knew she was Jewish, and she could be killed for approaching the king. So, she gathered all the Jewish people to fast and pray for three days. Esther knew she needed God’s help. She decided to trust her life in God’s hands and sought the solution in Him.

Esther acted with wisdom. Esther thought carefully before acting. She could have gone straight to the king and exposed everything impulsively, but she devised a plan. First, she invited the king to two banquets to gain his favor. During this time, she had the opportunity to analyze the situation and find the right moment to explain everything. When the king made her two promises to grant anything she asked, she knew it was time to speak.

Esther spoke wisely. Esther was wise in her caution before the king and gained his favor. Haman was hanged, and the Jews were saved from massacre. This was only possible because Esther was wise in her decisions and thought carefully about how to act.

You may not become the spouse of a powerful political leader, but like Esther, you can make a difference in the world around you. Seek advice from those who have knowledge and wisdom to learn how to act. Pray and seek God’s guidance in your life, and He will show you the right path. And think carefully before you say or do important things! This way, you will become a positive influence.

Be like Esther and make a difference in your world!

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.