Check out our quizzes (with questions and answers), designed to improve your Bible trivia knowledge in a relaxed and challenging way. These were created mainly for adults.
The questions and answers have a brief explanation and are also available in text format, so you can copy and use them as you wish. Have fun with friends, and encourage each other by getting to know God's Word better!
I. Quiz: General knowledge and Bible trivia (hard)
1) What is the name and age of the oldest person mentioned in the Bible?
A) Enosh, lived 905 years
B) Noah, lived 990 years
C) Methuselah, lived 969 years
D) Queen Esther, lived 859 years
2) Which of these did not have their name changed in the Bible?
A) Sarah
B) Abraham
C) Jacob
D) David
E) Peter
3. What names was Moses supposed to give to the Israelites when asked about who had sent him?
A) "Elohim"
B) "El Shaddai"
C) "I am who I am"
D) "I am the Lord"
4. In the stories of Samuel, which is not true?
A) His mother was called Hannah
B) He anointed 3 kings of Israel: Joseph, Saul, and David
C) He succeeded the prophet Eli
D) He had a vision while he was still very young
5. Which animal spoke to Balaam?
A) donkey
B) camel
C) lamb
D) dove
6. As a shepherd, David protected his flock from two dangerous animals. Which ones?
A) snake and camel
B) bear and lion
C) snake and wolf
D) bear and scorpion
7. As a baby, how was Moses saved from Pharaoh's murderous decree?
A) He was rushed out of Egypt
B) He was hidden in a cave
C) He was put in a basket and thrown into the river
D) He was taken to the temple to serve God
8. How many close disciples did Jesus have?
A) 10
B) 7
C) 5
D) 12
9. Complete the verse: "For God so loved the world...
A) who gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
B) who sent his Son into the world, so that the world might be saved through him. John 6:16
C) to the point that we are called his children, and indeed we are. 1 John 3:1
D) who came for his own, but his own did not receive him. John 1:11
10. What is the name of the island where John wrote the book of Revelation?
A) Island of Crete
B) Island of Malta
C) The island of Patmos
D) The island of Pergamon
II. Quiz: Characters and passages (hard)
1. What was the name of the garden planted by God for the first couple?
A) Garden of Gethsemane
B) Rose of Sharon
C) Garden of Eden
D) Paradise
2. In which books of the Bible is the story of Jesus' birth told?
A) Genesis and Psalms
B) Matthew and Mark
C) Hebrews and Revelation
D) Matthew and Luke
3. How many human couples entered Noah's ark?
A) 4 couples
B) 1 couple
C) 6 couples
D) 3 couples
4. Which of the disciples denied Jesus?
A) Judas Iscariot
B) John
C) Peter
D) Bartholomew
5. What was the name of the city founded by Cain after he left God's presence?
A) Sodom
B) Gomorrah
C) Enoch
D) Canaan
6. What did God tell Abraham to look at when he made him a promise?
A) For the rainbow in the sky, a symbol of the covenant with Abraham
B) To the sand of the sea, that he might count the grains of sand.
C) To the stars in the sky, so that he could count them.
D) To the forest of the promised land, to count the fruit trees
7. How much did Judas betray Jesus for?
A) 30 silver coins
B) 100 gold coins
C) 50 silver coins
D) 30 gold coins
8. Who were Moses' two siblings?
A) Esau and Jacob
B) Miriam and Aaron
C) Joshua and Caleb
D) Priscilla and Aquila
9. Who was the Hebrew judge that Delilah seduced to hand over to the Philistine army?
A) Samson
B) Solomon
C) Samuel
D) Saul
10. How and where did Paul's conversion take place?
A) He was called while he was fishing with other fishermen in the Sea of Galilee.
B) He had a dream at night while sleeping in the city of Tarsus
C) While preaching the Scriptures in the synagogue in Jerusalem
D) He had a vision after falling to the ground near Damascus
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III. Quiz: Do you know the Bible? (hard)
1. How many books does the Bible consist of?
A) 88 books
B) 37 books
C) 66 books
D) 100 books
2. What is the original meaning of the word 'Bible'?
A) Bible is the plural of 'biblos' from the Greek and means books
B) Bible means 'written word' in Hebrew
C) Bible was the Hebrew name for the tablets of the 10 Commandments.
D) Bible is a tribute to the first translators, who were called 'Biblians'
3. According to 2 Timothy 3:16, all Scripture is:
A) dictated by God, letter by letter
B) based on the dreams of the prophets and apostles
C) God-breathed and useful for his purposes
D) transcribed by angels to teach men
4. The Bible is divided into
A) 3 parts: Pentateuch, historical books and Gospels
B) 2 parts: Old Testament and New Testament
C) 3 parts: Old Testament, Psalms and New Testament
D) 2 parts: Books of the Law and Revelation
5. How was the Bible written?
A) Throughout Jesus' ministry, the disciples wrote all the books.
B) For approximately 100 years, a group of 70 prophets wrote the Bible
C) For 5 centuries, the Bible was written by 70 scribes and 12 apostles
D) Over 1600 years, 40 different authors wrote the entire Bible
6. What is the central theme of the Bible?
A) The heroes of faith and their supernatural miracles
B) Jesus Christ
C) The importance of seeking God for a long and prosperous life
D) The victories and glory of important figures such as King David, Moses and others
7. According to the NIV (New International Version) what is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A) John 11:35
B) Esther 8:9
C) Exodus 20:13
D) Job 3:2
8. Which is the longest and shortest chapter in the Bible?
A) The largest chapter is Isaiah 66 and the smallest chapter is Psalm 2.
B) The largest is Psalm 119 and the smallest is Psalm 117
C) The largest chapter is Lamentations of Jeremiah 3 and the smallest is the 2nd letter of John
D) The largest is Psalm 150 and the smallest is Jude 1
9. Which of the following statements is not correct?
A) The Bible was the first book printed in the world, and from then on it was the most translated and sold.
B) The Old Testament has 39 books and the New Testament has 27.
C) The Bible is also known as the "Word of God", the "Truth" and the "Holy Scriptures".
D) Moses was the author of the fewest books written in the entire Bible
10. Which original languages was the Bible written in?
A) Syriac, Hebrew, and Latin
B) Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek
C) Aramaic, Persian, and Greek
D) Hebrew, Macedonian, and Aramaic
IV. Quiz: Do you know everything about Jesus Christ? (Hard)
01. Who is Jesus Christ?
A) One of the Jewish prophets, very important
B) A wise teacher who taught everything about love
C) Jesus is the Son of the Living God, the promised Savior of the world
D) A guru healer who helped many people in the past
02. What is the name of the town where Jesus was born?
A) Nazareth
B) Bethlehem
C) Jerusalem
D) Galilee
03. At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?
A) Around 30 years old
B) At the age of 18
C) At the age of 12
D) At approximately 7 years old
04. What should be the 3 attitudes of Jesus' followers?
A) Change your life, help those in need and learn to forgive
B) Repent, consecrate yourself and read the whole Bible
C) Follow him, offer all your resources and preach to the crowds
D) Deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow him
05. It's WRONG to say about Jesus:
A) Jesus sinned in very few situations.
B) Jesus Christ is God.
C) Jesus was 100% human.
D) Jesus was resurrected on the third day.
06. What was Jesus' first miracle?
A) He healed blind Bartimaeus on the side of the road
B) He walked on water and also made Peter walk
C) Multiplied loaves, and fishes for a crowd of people
D) Turned water into wine at a wedding feast
07. According to Jesus, what are the most important commandments in the Bible?
A) Do not kill and keep the Sabbath.
B) Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
C) Obey God by keeping the 10 commandments and baptize
D) Seek the Kingdom of God and do justice
08. The name of Jesus is the name above all names (Philippians 2:9). Christ means:
A) The surname Jesus received from the family of Joseph, his earthly father.
B) "Anointed", "consecrated" from the Greek, equivalent to 'Messiah' in Hebrew.
C) A name from Mary's family that Jesus received in childhood.
D) A Hebrew title meaning: King of the Jews.
09. Jesus taught several parables to illustrate the Kingdom of God. Which one talks about God's forgiveness?
A) Parable of the Tares and the Wheat
B) Parable of the Ten Virgins
C) Parable of the Prodigal Son
D) Parable of the Good Samaritan
E) Parable of the Sower
10. What happened while Jesus was on the cross?
A) People were healed; earthquake split the earth; lunar eclipse
B) The sun was darkened; the veil of the temple was torn; there was an earthquake and rocks were broken
C) The centurion was converted, one of the crucified thieves was resurrected, the veil of the temple was torn.
D) Time stood still for 3 hours, people were healed, the dead rose from the tombs
V. Quiz: Women of the Bible (hard)
01. Which woman was thought to be drunk while praying to the Lord for a child?
A) Raquel
B) Hannah
C) Abigail
D) Sarah
02. Who was the wise woman who stopped David from destroying Nabal, her husband, and her house?
A) Merab
B) Michal
C) Abigail
D) Bathsheba
03. Who were the wives of the first bigamist (married with 2 wives) mentioned in the Bible?
A) Adah and Zillah
B) Hannah and Penina
C) Leah and Rachel
D) Zilpah and Bilhah
04. What was the name of Saul's eldest daughter, who was promised to David but given to someone else?
A) Michal
B) Shulamite
C) Merab
D) Talmai
05. After his ordeal, Job had 7 sons and 3 daughters. These were the most beautiful women on earth. Who were they?
A) Ada, Olibema, and Basemath.
B) Ahinoam, Kileab, and Maacah.
C) Hadassa, Dina, and Sulamita.
D) Jemima, Keziah, and Keren-Happuch.
06. What woman wanted to change her name to Mara (meaning bitter)?
A) Naomi
B) Hannah
C) Orpah
D) Rebekah
07. Who was the woman who threatened to kill the prophet Elijah?
A) Jerusha
B) The Medium of Endor
C) Jezebel
D) The widow of Zarephath
08. Who was the young woman who gave water to Eliezer and his camels in Mesopotamia?
A) Milcah
B) Rachel
C) Ruth
D) Rebekah
09. How many years did Sarah live?
A) 156 years
B) 127 years
C) 107 years
D) 116 years
10. What was Priscilla's trade?
A) Seller of purple fabric
B) Tent maker
C) Idol maker
D) Dressmaker
VI Quiz: Questions on the Old Testament (hard)
01. What did God do to stop the construction of the Tower of Babel?
A) He destroyed the tower with a great earthquake.
B) It confused people's languages and scattered them across the land.
C) Caused the tower to be invaded and destroyed by enemy peoples.
D) Sent plagues and fire to consume the construction of Babel.
02. What was the name of Jacob's father-in-law who deceived him by giving him his eldest daughter instead of Rachel?
A) Laban
B) Nahor
C) Bethuel
D) Jethro
03. What was the name of the wife of Joseph (son of Jacob)?
A) Potiphar
B) Zipporah
C) Keturah
D) Asenath
04. About Deborah's life, it is CORRECT to say:
A) She was married to King Ahasuerus and saved Israel from the plot hatched by Haman, the Jews' enemy.
B) She was the queen married to Ahab, the idolatrous king who abandoned God to serve Baal.
C) She was a prophetess and leader of Israel. Together with Barak, she won the battle against the Canaanites.
D) She was the outstanding judge of Israel who struck down Sisera, the commander of the army of Canaan.
05. About the story of the warrior Gideon it is INCORRECT to say:
A) He destroyed the altar to Baal that belonged to the king of Midian, and made an altar to God.
B) He was threatened with death by the idolaters of the city but was saved by his father, Joash.
C) His faith was strengthened by the signs of the wool.
D) God ordered Gideon's army to be reduced from 32,000 to 300 men.
E) Gideon and the 300 warriors blew trumpets and broke pots against the Midianites and were victorious.
06. Which king in history got leprosy?
A) Josiah
B) Uzziah
C) Jehoshaphat
D) Ahaziah
07. What was Naomi's daughter-in-law's name?
A) Jochebed
B) Elizabeth
C) Ruth
D) Rachel
E) Hannah
08. It is INCORRECT to say about the book of Proverbs:
A) It is a collection of moral and religious sayings and advice, which teach us the right way to live.
B) Solomon, Agur and Lemuel were some of its authors.
C) The contrast between good and evil (wisdom and folly) is a very present theme.
D) It highlights the value of virtuous women and does not mention evil women.
09. Which prophet made the iron of an axe float?
A) Elijah
B) Elisha
C) Isaiah
D) Ezekiel
10. In the Old Testament there are several prophecies about Jesus Christ. It says: "For unto us a child is born... And he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
A) Micah 5:2
B) Zechariah 9:9
C) Isaiah 9:6
D) Psalms 22:1
E) Isaiah 53:5
VII - Quiz: Questions about the New Testament
01. The journey Mary and Joseph took before Jesus was born was...
A) from Nazareth in Egypt to Bethlehem.
B) from Bethlehem in Galilee to Nazareth.
C) from Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem.
D) from Jerusalem to Nazareth in Galilee.
02. Who said, "You may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation"?
A) One of the soldiers in front of Jesus' cross.
B) Simeon, a righteous and God-fearing man, as he held the baby Jesus in the temple.
C) One of the magi coming from the East after worshipping the Lord.
D) Anna, a very old prophetess who was serving in the temple and waiting for God's Christ.
E) One of the disciples after witnessing Jesus' resurrection.
03.Who spoke on the day of Pentecost, with the result that almost 3,000 souls were added?
A) John
B) Paul
C) Peter
D) Stephen
04. Which disciple replaced Judas Iscariot after Jesus' resurrection?
A) Matthias
B) Matthew
C) Joseph the righteous
D) Saul
05. In Luke 9, Jesus sent his 12 disciples on a mission. In Luke 10, how many were commissioned?
A) 3 disciples - Peter, James and John
B) 10 disciples
C) 40 disciples
D) 70 disciples
06. What mother asked Jesus for her children to be on his right and left in glory?
A) The mother of James and Joseph.
B) The Syro-Phoenician woman.
C) The mother of the sons of Zebedee, James and John.
D) The widow of Nain.
E) Mary, Jesus' mother, asked for her brothers.
07. Which of these parables addresses loving your neighbor?
A) Parable of the Tares
B) Parable of the net
C) Parable of the Good Samaritan
D) Parable of the two sons
E) Parable of the 10 virgins
08. In one account with Jesus there were two women, one who was worried and concerned about many things, and one who chose the right path. Who were they?
A) Mary Magdalene and Joanna, Herod's wife.
B) Mary of Bethany and Susanna, who helped with offerings.
C) Martha and Mary of Bethany.
D) Mary of Bethany and Mary the mother of Jesus.
09. Which of these books was NOT written by the apostle Paul?
A) Titus
B) James
C) Romans
D) Timothy
E) Philemon
10. Who resurrected a young man called Eutychus?
A) Jesus
B) Peter
C) Philip
D) Paul
E) John
These questions and answers have been designed more for adults. For easier levels, try:
- Easy Level Bible Quiz Questions
- Medium Level Bible Quiz Questions
- Bible Quiz Questions for Teenagers
- Bible Quiz Questions for Children
- Bible Quiz: Is That Quote In The Bible?
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