15 Bible Stories For Kids (And What We Learn From Them)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
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Here are some of the best known Bible stories that you can read, reflect on, and use to teach your children valuable lessons from the Bible:

  1. God Creates the World
  2. The Fall of Man
  3. Noah and the Ark
  4. God Chooses Abraham
  5. Hannah Asks for a Son
  6. The Birth of Samuel
  7. God Calls Samuel
  8. David and Goliath
  9. Daniel in the Lions' Den
  10. An Angel Brings Good News
  11. The Birth of Jesus
  12. Jesus Chooses his First Disciples
  13. Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man
  14. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
  15. The Good Samaritan

1. God Creates the World

Biblical reference: Genesis 1 and 2

Do you know how everything began?

Look around you, feel the air; see the sky, the sun and stars, the sea, and the beauty of nature with all its animals? Who made all this? Who made you, your parents, your family? Who is the author of life?

The Bible says that God is the creator of the entire universe. He created the Earth and everything that exists, and he did it all in six days.
Shall we see how it all happened?

In the beginning the Earth had no form, it was dark and empty. God wanted to create something very special on our planet. So...

On the first day, God said: "Let there be light!" Light appeared, and then there was day and night. God liked what he had done and said it was good!

On the second day, God created a blue sky, and placed white clouds up there. God liked what he had made and said it was good!

On the third day, God commanded the waters to gather in one place, forming the seas. He also commanded dry land to appear. This land produced grass and all kinds of trees and plants. These trees would bear very tasty fruit, such as apples, oranges, strawberries, bananas... God liked what he did and said it was good!

On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars and placed them in the sky to illuminate the earth. The sun shining during the day, and the moon and stars shining at night. God liked what he made and said it was good!

Fourth day of creation - God created the sun and stars
Image by Jim Pagett, licenced by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

On the fifth day, God created fish and all kinds of marine animals, large and small. And with them he filled the rivers and seas. He also made birds to live on the land and many kinds of birds to fly in the sky. God liked what he made and said it was good!

The last day of creation was very special! On the sixth day, God commanded the earth to produce animals of all kinds: domestic animals like dogs and cats, wild animals like lions and elephants, and reptiles like snakes and alligators... The earth was filled with animals large and small.

Sixth day of creation - animals of various species
Image by Jim Pagett, licenced by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

But God left the most special creature for last: the human being! That's right, we are very important to God. The Lord created man and woman from the dust of the earth, different from all the other created animals and more like Himself. God said: "Let us make human beings in our image and likeness so that they may care for and govern the earth. God loved us in a very special way... He liked what he made so much that he said it was very good!

Sixth day of creation - creation of man in the image of God
Image by Jim Pagett, licenced by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

Everything was beautiful and perfect! God's great story had begun... Adam and Eve loved each other. God loved them both and everything he had created. On the 7th day, God rested from all the work he had done. He blessed that day and was very happy with his creation.

The Moral of the Story

In this story we learn that God is the Creator of all things. He is in control of everything in the universe. That's how we know He is so much bigger than the sun, the stars and the entire universe. God is the strongest and the most powerful! He made us in a special way because He loves us and prepared a beautiful world for us to live in.

2. The Fall of Man

Biblical Reference: Genesis 3

Have you ever felt sad because you lost something important?

This is the story of how the first ever couple made an enormous mistake! They lost something very important: their friendship with God... Adam and Eve made a mistake by disobeying the Lord. Unfortunately, they didn't do what God told them to do and instead listened to voice they should have ignored. And this is how this happened...

Adam and Eve lived happily in The Garden of Eden. It was a beautiful place that God had prepared for them. Everything was wonderful in this place and they never had any reason to complain. Two very special trees grew in the garden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God had given them only one command: "Eat from any tree in the garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil".

But sadly they both disobeyed the Lord. Eve was tricked by an evil serpent who twisted what God said. Eve thought the special tree looked beautiful, she thought it would give her more knowledge and the fruit looked so tasty... so she disobeyed God and did what he told her not to do! She ate the fruit and gave it to her husband Adam. This was a BIG mistake! Now they knew evil... They had just spoilt God's perfect world.

Adam and Eve disobey God - Genesis 3
Image by Jim Pagett, licenced by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

After they had eaten, they were ashamed and hid from God. "Why did you do what I commanded you not to do?"
- God asked. Each of them began to apologise by blaming the other. Unfortunately, evil had already entered their hearts.

- "It wasn't me, Lord! It was Eve who ate first and gave it to me! "- said Adam.
- "It wasn't my fault, God! It was the serpent who tricked me and I ate it..." - said Eve.

Adam and Eve try to apologize for their mistake before God
Image by Jim Pagett, licensed by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

The Lord prepared clothes for them and sent them out of the beautiful garden he had made. He placed two angels with swords to guard the Tree of Life that was there.

Moral of the Story

Every action has a consequence, and if we disobey God it does not end well! We learn from this story that we have to listen to God's Word and obey it, even if others try to convince us that wrong is right. God sees everything good or bad that we do and corrects us. He takes care of us even when we fail, which is why we must always repent for our mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

Adam and Eve expelled from paradise - Genesis 3:23

3. Noah and the Ark

Biblical Reference: Genesis 6, 7 and 8

What do you like to do on rainy days?

This is the story of a great rain that fell for days and days, flooding the whole earth. Can you imagine that? God however, is loving and so He saved a family who trusted in him, as well as many animals. Shall we see how it happened?

Noah loved God and always tried to obey everything he said. Nobody else loved God like that, or did things the way God told them to. People at that time were very bad, and they liked to do wrong things: violence, lies and every kind of evil you can imagine.

Noah‘s ark and the Flood - the violence of men
Image by Jim Pagett, licenced by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

God was so saddened by the people's attitude that he decided to send a great rain, a flood, to drown the earth and destroy all their wickedness. But God wanted to save Noah and his family because he was a good man and loved God with all his heart.

Noah‘s Ark and the Flood - Noah loved God
Image by Jim Pagett, licensed by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

So one day, God told Noah to build a very large boat, where he and his family would be safe from the great rain and floods that were on their way. Noah did everything exactly as God told him to. When the ark was ready and after everything had been prepared and food stored on board, the moment had come... God commanded Noah to bring pairs of animals of every kind into the great ark so that they too could be saved from the flood.

After everyone had entered, God closed the door. Suddenly it began to rain. At first it was just a few drops, and then it became a heavy downpour that lasted 40 days and 40 nights. The rain didn't stop for a moment, but inside the boat everyone was safe and dry. With all that rain, the waters began to rise and the boat sailed as if it were on the high seas.

Noah‘s Ark and the Flood - the ark on the water
Image by Wycliffe BibleTranslators of Russia / FreeBibleimages.org

Finally, the rain stopped! Little by little the water level began to drop until the ark landed on a mountain called Ararat. After a few days, the water was gone. When the ground was dry, God told Noah that the time had come to leave the ark. So Noah, his family and all the animals went out two by two...

Noah made an altar and thanked God very much for taking care of them all that time. God then promised that he would never again send so much rain on the earth as in the flood. And so that everyone would remember his promise, he created the rainbow, which appears in the sky on rainy days.

Noah‘s Ark and the Flood - Psalm121:7

Moral of the Story

God saves us and keeps us safe. Because of God's goodness and mercy, many bad things don't happen to us or our families. God protects those who love and obey him. God also takes care of animals. He made a promise that he would never destroy the earth with a flood again and left us a reminder, the rainbow, which we can often see on rainy days.

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4. God Chooses Abram

Biblical Reference: Genesis 12, 18 and 21.

Have you ever had to wait for something you really wanted?
Sometimes it's hard to wait, but if we trust in God, good things will happen! This story tells of someone who had to wait a long time to receive a very special promise from God. Shall we see what those promises were?

One day, God called Abram and said to him: - "Get out and go to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you and use you to bless all the families of the earth!".

Even though Abram didn't know where he was going, he didn't complain. He got up, dismantled his tents, packed his bags, organised all his things and set off with his wife Sarah, his animals and his servants. They travelled for a long time until they arrived in a land called Canaan.

Then God said to Abram: "one day all this land will be yours and your descendants'. I will give it to you forever!"

But Abram didn't understand how this could be possible, because he and his wife were already very old and had never had children. - "Oh Lord God, how can this be when I am still childless? and Sarah and I are too old to have a baby!"

Image of old Abraao and Sara, background with starry sky
Image by Jim Pagett, licensed by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

God Replied: "Now look up at the sky and count the stars. If you can count them all! That's how many descendants you'll have". God then told Abram to change his name to Abraham, a name which means father of a multitude (father of many).

Abraham believed God's promise and God was very pleased with him.
But time passed by and Abraham was desperate to have the promised son. He even tried to find a way, but it wasn't until he was 99 years old that God said to him: in one year's time, Sarah will have the son she was promised. All that I have promised you, I also promise to Isaac and his sons.

When Sara heard the conversation, she smiled because she thought: how can I, being so old, still have children?

But nothing is impossible for God! When Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90, they could have laughed for joy! Baby Isaac (the name meaning 'laughter') was born exactly when God said it would happen. God always keeps his promises!

Abram, Sarah and baby Isaac - joy of promise fulfilled
Image by Jim Pagett, licensed by Sweet Publishing, via FreeBibleimages.org

Moral of the Story

Even if God's promises seem to take a long time, they will all come true! God is faithful and does not go back on what he has promised and said. We can always trust in God's Word because the He will make all things happen in due time. Not only this, but all those who believe in Jesus are part of the promise made to Abraham. Jesus Christ is a descendant of Abraham and through him our whole family can be blessed. All you have to do is believe!

5. Hannah Asks for a Son

Biblical Reference: 1 Samuel 1:1-17

This is the story of a woman of faith and prayer. Hannah was childless, but one of her greatest dreams was to have a son. She was married to a man called Elkanah. It was common in some families at that time to have more than one wife, and Elkanah had a second wife called Peninnah.

Unlike Hannah, Peninnah had children. For this reason, Penninah was very mean to Hannah. She insulted and belittled her because God had prevented her from having children. Life however was difficult for Hannah, but despite this, she very much loved her husband, and he very much loved her.

Every year, Elkanah went with his family to the Temple to worship the Lord and sacrifice. There he shared the portion of the sacrifice with Peninnah and her children and also gave Hannah a double portion, because he loved her very much. But Peninnah continually teased and tormented Anna. Every time they went on this journey to Shiloh, Anna was so humiliated and angry that she would only weep bitterly and not eat, so much did she suffer.

Hannah asks the Lord for a son - Samuel 1 - Woman crying
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

Her husband Elkanah comforted her, but Hannah knew there was only One who could help her. So, after the meal, Hannah got up and cried out to the Lord. With bitterness in her soul, Hannah prayed and wept out loud. She also made this promise: "Lord Almighty, look on my affliction and remember me kindly. Do not forget your handmaid! If you grant me the grace to have a son, I will consecrate him to the Lord, so that he may serve you all his life."

Prayer for a son - Ana cries out to God to give her a son
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

As she had been praying in the temple for a long time, Eli the priest thought she was drunk. She prayed silently, only her lips moved. As he couldn't hear her words, Eli said to her:
- "How long will you remain drunk? Go enjoy your drunkenness somewhere else!" But Hannah answered:
- "That's not it, my lord! I'm a woman who suffers, I didn't drink wine or any other alcoholic beverage. I was venting all my sorrows and sufferings to the Lord God. Don't think that I'm an irreverent and disrespectful woman, but it's because of my great affliction and grief that I've been praying until now." Then Eli said to her:
- "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked."

Moral of the Story

God hears the prayers of the hurt and needy. Hannah cried out in faith and humility, believing that He could perform a miracle in her life. She believed against the odds and God heard her heartfelt prayer. It's worth trusting in the Lord, despite the struggles, frustrations, humiliations, misunderstandings and insults. God is the God of the impossible! He can change our story and fulfill each dream in our hearts.

6. The Birth of Samuel

Referência Bíblica: 1 Samuel 1:18-27

After that heartfelt prayer and crying, Hannah left, ate and no longer felt so sad. Early the next morning, the family got up and went to worship the Lord once more, before traveling back to their home in Ramah.

The Lord had heard and answered Hannah's prayer. After some time, Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel, "because I asked the Lord for him," she said.

Ana had a baby - image of a woman with a baby next to her husband
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

Then the time came for Elkanah to go back to the Temple with all his family to fulfill the annual sacrifice and worship the Lord. But Hannah didn't go with him. She explained the reason to her husband: "When the child is weaned, I will take him and present him to the Lord in the Temple, and there he will stay all his life." Elkanah responded: - "All right. Do as you see fit."

Hannah gives Samuel to serve in the temple - image of Hannah and Elkanah handing Samuel over to the priest Eli
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

Hannah prayed again, thanking God for such a great blessing. The arrival of that boy had changed her family forever. Ever since he was a little boy, Samuel had heard his mother say how good God was. Certainly, his mother's prayers blessed him throughout his life.

You are also very special to God and to your family. Always remember, God formed you, loves you very much and has a perfect purpose for your life!

Moral of the Story

God surprises us! The Lord answered Hannah's heartfelt prayer 🙏 and gave her the son she had been dreaming of. Anna was grateful to the Lord, fulfilled and very happy to have her little boy in her arms. But that didn't stop her from obeying the Lord. Many people forget God when they receive what they want. When the time came, Anna kept her promise. Keep your promises to God. Be obedient and faithful, both in bad times and in happy times.

7. God calls Samuel

Biblical Reference: 1 Samuel 3

Samuel was a judge, priest and prophet in Israel. In other words, he was someone who heard God's message and shared it with others. God is faithful in everything and all his Words are the truth.

The first time Samuel heard God's voice, he was still a boy..

Samuel‘s calling when he was still a boy
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

One night while he was sleeping, he heard someone calling his name: - Samuel!
Thinking it was the priest Eli, who lived in the same place, he went up to his room. - I'm here, you called me, Eli? But Eli told him: - I didn't call you, Samuel. Go back to bed. So he did.
Then Samuel heard the voice calling him again and again, confused, he went to his tutor Eli, thinking it was Eli who was calling him. The third time Eli thought it might be God who was speaking to Samuel.

Eli tells Samuel to go back to bed and answer the Lord
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

So Eli told Samuel to go lie down again, but that if the voice called him again, he should say: "Speak, Lord, I hear you." Samuel obeyed.
Again he heard the voice calling him: - Samuel! And he answered: Speak, Lord, I hear you!. It was God who was speaking to Samuel and he did indeed tell him many things. He told him about the bad news he had to tell Eli about his family. Because of their bad behavior, Eli and his sons would no longer be priests of the people.
Samuel was worried, because he didn't want to tell Eli and his family all the difficult things that were to come. But Samuel obeyed God anyway. Eli answered him: - He is the Lord, his will be done. Sometimes people may not like God's message, but the prophet has to worry more about what God says than what people say.

Samuel responds to the Lord‘s call - image boy praying
Image by Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org.

As Samuel grew up God was always with him, and all the words that God told him to proclaim to the people were being fulfilled. And so Samuel was confirmed as the Lord's new judge, prophet and priest.

Moral of the Story

Even though we're little, God wants to be our best friend. Today Jesus speaks to us through the teachings of the Bible, in stories like this one. Always pay close attention when you're taught the Bible, at church, at home or at school. God has wonderful things to speak to your heart! ❤️

And we too can always talk to God. How can we do that? Through prayer. 🙏 Prayer is a conversation with God. Always remember to talk to God, to give thanks for the day, for your mum and dad, for your siblings, for your food, for your home, for your friends, and above all for the life the Lord has given you.

8. David and Goliath

Biblical Reference: 1 Samuel 17:1-51

In Bethlehem of Judah there was a man called Jesse who belonged to the family of Ephraim, a descendant of Abraham. He was the grandson of Boaz and Ruth (but that's another story!). Jesse had eight sons and one of them, the youngest, was called David. David's three older brothers were called Eliab, Abinadab and Shammah (Shimei).

Once, the people of Israel were facing a very big problem: attacks from an enemy who didn't know God, the Philistines. David's brothers were already adults, so they went with King Saul to war against the Philistines.

While the war was going on, David, who was still very young, continued to shepherd his father's flock. He loved looking after the little sheep, and was very good at it.

David and the flock of sheep in the pasture
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

As well as looking after the sheep, David worked in the palace, serving King Saul by playing the harp for him 🎵. He was also a messenger, going to where the soldiers were to find out, at his father's request, how his brothers were doing in the army.

The situation was tough. The enemies had a powerful weapon: a huge, brave giant. His name was Goliath. All the Israelites were too scared to face him. For days, the giant Goliath insulted and challenged the Israelites to a duel.

The giant Goliath near other soldiers
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

One day, when David went to take supplies and hear news of his brothers, he heard Goliath, the Philistine warrior, challenging the army of Israel again. David heard this and was cross: "Who is this wicked Philistine to challenge the army of the living God? - and so he asked King Saul if could fight the Giant.

Everyone was impressed by his boldness, including David's brothers. The Giant was so big and strong, and David was just a boy, courageous and trusting in the great, all-powerful God.

David told the king how God had already given him the strength 💪 to face a lion 🦁 and a bear 🐻 who had attacked the sheep of the flock 🐑🐑🐑. He trusted that just as God had helped him against those ferocious animals, the Lord would also help him fight the giant. 🙏

King Saul was worried and even tried to lend David his armour and helmet. But David couldn't get used to them, and so he took them off straight away. David took only his staff, picked out five stones from the brook and went to meet Goliath. When the giant saw that David was just a boy, he didn't take him seriously. He thought they were joking... they'd sent a child to fight a big man!

- Am I a dog for you to come at me with sticks and stones? - said Goliath. And he began to curse and swear at David.But David replied: "Goliath, you come against me with sword, spear and shield, but I come against you in the name of the Lord, the almighty God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. He is the one who will win this battle and deliver you into my hands".

The giant Goliath is hit in the forehead with a stone
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

So David took one of the stones, put it in the sling and flung it at the giant. The stone hit Goliath square in the forehead, whack! Suddenly the big man fell to the ground. When the Philistines saw that their best soldier had died, they all began to flee in fear.

David defeats the giant Goliath by the power of God
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

Moral of the Story

The Lord saves and defends his people without weapons, swords or human strength. He is powerful to win our wars and deliver us from evil. Even if we are facing giants, if God is with us, we are more than conquerors! For far greater is God who is with us! 🙏

What seemed impossible in everyone's eyes happened: David, a small boy, but with a big God, overcame a bully and a gigantic enemy. That's how it is for us too: even though we're small, our God is very big! He helps us win.

9. Daniel in the Lions' Den

Biblical Reference: Daniel 6:1-25

During the reign of King Darius, Daniel, God's servant, was placed as one of the three great leaders of the empire. Despite being a foreigner, a Jew and an exile (from another land), he was placed in a very high position. He and two others were at the head of the prefects of the kingdom.

The other two leaders and the prefects were very jealous of Daniel, so they tried to find something wrong with his work so that they could accuse him before the king.

But Daniel was a very good man. He was honest, law-abiding and did nothing wrong. Since they could find nothing bad in Daniel's behaviour or work, they agreed among themselves: "We won't be able to find anything to accuse Daniel of, unless we find something related to the God he worships..."

So they went to King Darius and told him:

"- All of us, leaders, mayors, rulers and counsellors of the kingdom agree that the king must order a decree. Your Highness, give orders that for thirty days, no one will be authorised to pray, whether to the gods or to men. Prayers may only be made to you, King Darius. And whoever disobeys this decree must be thrown into the den of lions. We recommend that this law be written down and signed by the king, so that it cannot be cancelled in any part of our empire."

And so King Darius signed the decree and it soon became compulsory for everyone in the kingdom.

Daniel used to pray three times a day 🙏. When he heard about this evil decree, he went home. Upstairs, he had a room with windows facing the direction of the city of Jerusalem. As he always did, he knelt there, with the window open, and prayed to the Lord God 🙏.

Image of Daniel praying and group of men conspiring with a scroll - decree - in their hands
Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org

Suddenly, Daniel's enemies appeared and found him kneeling and praying to God. They immediately went to the king's palace to accuse Daniel of breaking the law. "You signed the decree, king, but Daniel has broken your order. He doesn't care about you, King Darius. This Daniel, a foreigner, continues to pray to his God three times a day.

The king was very sad, because he liked Daniel, and he tried to save him until the end of the day. But those evil men came back to King Darius and said: "Your Majesty! The king knows that no decree issued by the Medes and Persians can be changed. So the king ordered Daniel to be arrested and thrown into the den of lions. But he said to Daniel: "Daniel, may your God, whom you serve faithfully, deliver you.

Image of Daniel being thrown to the lions
Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org

They placed a stone over the entrance to the lions' den and the king sealed it with his ring so that nothing would be changed. That night King Darius could hardly sleep and ate nothing. Early in the morning, he went sadly to the lions' den and called out: - "Daniel, servant of the living God! Has your God whom you serve faithfully delivered you from the lions?"

Daniel replied: "Long live the king! God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths so that they wouldn't harm me. He knew I was innocent. And I haven't done anything against you either, oh king!"

Image of Daniel unharmed inside the lions’ den
Moody Publishers / FreeBibleimages.org

Then the king joyfully ordered Daniel to be taken out of the lions' den. When he was pulled out, they saw that he hadn't been bitten, because he had trusted in God. The king gave an order to arrest those who had accused Daniel. They and their families were thrown into the den and the lions finished them off.

King Darius wrote a letter to people all over his empire:

- Let everyone in my kingdom tremble and fear the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and will remain forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his dominion will have no end. He delivers and saves his people; he performs signs and wonders in heaven and on earth. It was he who delivered Daniel from the power of the lions. (Daniel 6:26-27).

Moral of the Story

Sometimes we face a conflict between obeying God and obeying men. Daniel was a great example of someone who remained faithful to the Lord and committed to his will, even at the risk of death.

Maintain a life of constant prayer and always keep your faith firm in the Lord. Even if there are human laws that say otherwise, choose to put God first, and obey Him. In the New Testament of the bible it says: "It is more important to obey God than men." (Acts 5:29b)

10. An Angel Brings Good News

Biblical Reference: Luke 1:26-38

What's the biggest surprise you've ever had in your life?

Everyone was waiting for the promise that God had made a long time ago: that a great King would come to save all those who loved and believed in God. But time went on, and on.... no one was expecting it, but God's great surprise was about to happen...

In the town of Nazareth there lived a girl called Mary, she was engaged to marry a young man called Joseph. They were going to get married soon, however, what Mary didn't know was that she was about to receive some unexpected news! It was an enormous surprise that would change their lives forever... But what special news would that be?

An angel announces the birth of Jesus - Luke 1:26-38
Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

One day, God sent an angel with a message for her: - "Hello Mary!" said the angel Gabriel. - "God is with you and has been pleased with you!" Mary didn't know what the angel meant by these words.

The angel Gabriel appears to Mary - Luke 1:26-38
Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

Then the angel said to her: -"Don't be afraid, Mary. God has a marvellous surprise for you: you're going to have a baby and his name will be Jesus. This baby will be the Son of God and will be the great King, as David was, and will reign over God's people forever."

Then Mary said to him: - "I don't understand, how can I have a child if I'm not married yet?" The angel replied: "don't worry, God will make it happen through his Spirit. Nothing is impossible for God, Mary."

Mary accepts God‘s will - Luke 1:26-38
Good News Productions International e College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

Mary then said, "So be it. I'll do whatever the Lord wants!" The angel Gabriel left and Mary went to visit Elizabeth, a relative of hers who was also pregnant. "What a marvellous surprise!" Elizabeth was overjoyed with Mary's visit and the news about Jesus. Mary then praised God with all her heart for all His goodness and love!

Moral of the Story

God sent the angel Gabriel to give Mary and the world marvellous news: Jesus, the King of kings, would be born to save humanity from its sins. Mary accepted God's will. So too must we live and obey God's will.

nothing is impossible for God - Luke1:37

11. The Birth of Jesus

Biblical Reference: Luke 2:1-21

Can you imagine your first Christmas?

Jesus, the eternal Saviour, came down from heaven and came to us because he loves us so much. But how did this happen? Did he fly down like a superhero? Or did he suddenly appear on earth? Shall we see how he got here to save us?

God loved the world so much that He sent His own Son to come here and help us. In his plan, he chose a girl called Mary to be the mother of Jesus. Mary was not yet married. She miraculously became pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Mary had a fiancé called Joseph, a young man who also trusted in God. Shortly before she gave birth to the baby, they had to travel to Bethlehem, her hometown.

Travel map of Joseph and Mary - from Nazareth to Belém
Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

In those days there weren't as many hospitals as there are today. Mary and Joseph looked for a place where they could stay, but the city was full, there was no room in the inn (it was a kind of hotel or guesthouse)... They might even have looked for a house, someone who would welcome them in a more comfortable place to be with their baby... But they couldn't find anything!

It was nearly time for the baby to be born. The only place they could find was in a stable. This is the place where farm animals go to eat, drink water and rest. Mary had the baby there. She wrapped him in some cloths and put him to sleep in a very warm manger (a feeding trough).

Mary wraps baby Jesus in some cloths and places him in a manger
Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

Despite all its simplicity, it was a most wonderful event for the whole world: Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world had been born! Angels sang in heaven:

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Luke 2:14

Shepherds in the field - Crowd of angels praise God for the birth of the Savior of the world
Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

The baby Jesus was visited by some shepherds (who were given the good news by angels) and some magi (we sometimes call the wise men). A big, bright star appeared in the sky and led the magi on a long journey from the east to the place where Jesus was. They went there to worship Jesus and give him presents! That was the first Christmas. Jesus brought life, peace and light to the world through the hope of Salvation...

Moral of the Story

Jesus was born to help all people. The world was totally dark and sad because people were far from God. Our mistakes and wickedness kept getting in the way. But God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to bring light, and to help us do good and get on the right path. Everyone who believes in Jesus can become a better person and escape the final punishment. Make room for Him in your heart! He is the greatest gift in the world... Jesus is the greatest wealth in the universe!

12. Jesus chooses his first disciples

Biblical Reference: Matthew 10:2-4 , Mark 3:13-19, Luke 5:1-11, 6:12-16

John the Baptist was a well-known prophet in Jesus' time. He preached that the Kingdom of God was at hand. That's why people had to prepare for Jesus' arrival. They needed to change their bad behaviour and receive a baptism of repentance.

John in the river with a crowd points to Jesus
Good News Productions Int./ FreeBibleimages.org

One day as Jesus was passing by, John the Baptist said, "Look! He is the Lamb of God!" Two of John's followers immediately followed Jesus. One of them was Andrew, who ran after his brother, Simon Peter, so that he too could meet Jesus. Come on, Simon! We've found the Lord Jesus, come and see him.

The next day, Jesus went to a town called Galilee. On the journey he met Philip and said: "follow me!" Philip also took his friend Nathanael to meet Jesus.

Another time, Peter and Andrew were fishing. Then Jesus called out: "Come with me and I will make you fishers of men! " They left everything on the beach and followed Jesus. He also called James and John to join the group. Jesus also met a tax collector called Matthew (Levi) and said: "Follow me!"

Jesus followed by some men, in the background boats full of fish and the sea
Good News Productions Int./ FreeBibleimages.org

After this, Jesus went up a mountain and spent the night in prayer to God. When morning came, he called his disciples together and chose twelve helpers: the brothers Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew, James and Simon Zelotes, Judas Thaddaeus and Judas Iscariot. These would be the closest and would be sent out to announce Jesus' teachings to all the people.

Moral of the Story:

We are all called to follow Jesus. When he calls us, we must be ready and say, "Yes, Lord, I'm here! I will follow you!"
By following God we get to know his Word better and how we can fulfill his will. Following Jesus' example always helps us fulfill a good purpose in life!

13. Jesus heals the Paralyzed Man

Biblical Reference: Luke 5:17-26

Do you have good friends? Probably yes. And if they're really nice to you, they'll help you get closer and closer to Jesus. This story tells of a man who was paralyzed and had four good friends. We don't know the details: their names, their personal stories, or how they became friends... But we do know that this group of friends experienced a great miracle together. They believed that Jesus had all the power to heal and transform difficult situations, and because of that, they had a great adventure!

Jesus heals a paralyzed man - 4 friends take a sick man‘s bed into the presence of Jesus
Good News Productions Int./ FreeBibleimages.org

One day, Jesus was teaching a large crowd of people. Among the listeners were some Pharisees (Jewish leaders) and teachers of the law from various regions of Galilee, Judea and Jerusalem.
Some men arrived carrying a bed and a paralyzed man on it. They tried to pass by and place him before Jesus, but there were so many people in the house that they couldn't even get near the door.

As they couldn't get close because of the crowd, they climbed up and made a hole in the roof, through which they lowered the bed with the sick man.

Jesus heals a paralyzed man - the friends go down the sick man‘s bed into the presence of Jesus
Good News Productions Int./ FreeBibleimages.org

Finally, they managed to get in the middle, in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man: "Friend, your sins are forgiven!"
But the teachers of the law and the religious who were there began to think to themselves: "Who is this who thinks he is equal to God? Only God can forgive sins."

But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking, said to them: - Why are you thinking like this? Which is easier? To say to this paralyzed man: "Your sins are forgiven, or to say to him: Get up, take up your bed and walk? So that you may know that I, the Son of Man, have power on earth to forgive sins? He said to the paralyzed man: "I tell you, get up, take up your stretcher and go home.

Jesus heals the paralytic - the healed man leaves glorifying God
Good News Productions Int./ FreeBibleimages.org

He got up and immediately, in front of everyone, picked up the stretcher he was lying on and went home, giving glory to God! Everyone was amazed and praised God, saying in awe: - Wow! What we've seen today is extraordinary!

Moral of the Story

In this story we read that Jesus has the power of the Lord to heal the sick. But more than just healing our bodies, Jesus wants to heal our hearts, which are sick and stained by sin. Furthermore, the healing of the paralyzed man shows us other very important things:
1) Jesus is God. He is powerful to heal, forgive sins and save us from all evil.
2) The greatest miracle that Jesus performs on human beings is spiritual healing. He gives us eternal life!
3) Jesus is the greatest and best friend we can have in life.
4) It's good to have friends in the faith who help us through difficulties and bring us closer to Jesus.
5) We should glorify God for the forgiveness and salvation we have received through Jesus.

14. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Biblical Reference: John 6:1-13

This story tells us about a great miracle performed by Jesus. He multiplied a little boy's snack in such a way that it fed thousands of people. Can you imagine such an amazing thing!?

Multiplication of loaves and fishes - Jesus, the disciples and a boy‘s 5 loaves and 2 fish
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

A large crowd started followed Jesus because they saw his miracles, extraordinary signs and how he healed many people. Jesus sat on a mountain with his disciples and saw this large crowd coming towards him. He felt very sorry for all those people, because they were like a huge flock of sheep without a shepherd. So he began to teach them many things.

As it was getting very late, the disciples said to Jesus: This place is far away and it's already very late. Tell the people to leave so they can buy something to eat nearby.
But Jesus replied: Give them something to eat!

The disciples were concerned, they asked Jesus: Where will we buy bread for so many people? We would need at least 200 pieces of silver... Jesus asked them to go into the crowd and see how many loaves there were.

Andrew found a boy in the crowd who was willing to share his five loaves of bread and two small fish. But how far would that go in such a large crowd?

Jesus said, Tell everyone to sit down. So the crowd sat on the grass in groups of 100 and 50. In total there were almost 5,000 men there.

Disciples share the bread blessed by Jesus - thousands eat until they are full
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

Jesus took the loaves and fishes, looked up to heaven, and blessed them. Then he divided up the loaves and fishes and told his disciples to distribute them to everyone. There was so much food that everyone ate to their heart's content, and incredibly, there were 12 baskets full of loaves and fish left over after everyone had eaten!

Multiplication of bread and fish - 12 baskets are left after everyone has eaten and is satisfied
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org

Moral of the Story

Jesus has compassion and cares about people. Compassion means wanting to help someone who is suffering. Jesus saw people who were sick and healed them, he saw them who were afraid and calmed the storm, and now he saw them who were hungry and fed them. He not only pitied them (without doing anything), but took the initiative to do something to help them.

Jesus took the small offering of a little boy's snack and multiplied it to feed thousands of people. Jesus served people. God will also bless your small acts of compassion when you take what little you have to bless others. Share what Jesus has given you with love and generosity.

15. The Good Samaritan

Biblical Reference: Luke 10:25-37

This story told by Jesus is called The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Parables were little stories that Jesus taught so that people could better understand God's teachings. And a "Samaritan" was a person who lived in Samaria, a land close to Judea. But the Jews didn't like Samaritans at all, it was totally unthinkable that there would be any kind Samaritans.

One day, a very intelligent man approached Jesus. He was a lawyer and a teacher of the Law (God's Word), very knowledgeable. He knew the Bible very well, but he wanted to test whether Jesus knew things too.

He asked the Lord Jesus a tricky question, he asked: "what he should do to attain eternal life". So Jesus answered with a question: - "What does the Bible say about this? The man replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength and intelligence, and love your neighbour as yourself." Jesus said to him: - "Very well, you have answered correctly. Do this and you will attain eternal life!"

But the teacher of the Law did not want to finish there, so he asked Jesus one more question, "So who is my neighbour?". In response Jesus told the following story:

- "Once a man was travelling from the city of Jerusalem to another city called Jericho. The roads were sometimes dangerous for those travelling alone, so some nasty thieves came along and stole the man's clothes and everything he owned. Poor man... As well as stealing, they beat him so badly that he was left unconscious on the ground.

Image of a man being attacked and robbed
GNP Int. and College Press Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

By chance, a few moments later, a priest (priests were like pastors or leaders of the churches) also passed that way. When he saw the injured man, he passed by on the other side of the road and didn't help him.

Image of injured man on the ground

A Levite also passed by (Levites were like deacons or worship ministers who also served in churches). But when he saw the man lying on the ground, he also passed by and didn't help him.

But later there was a Samaritan who was also travelling on that road. He didn't ignore that man. He saw the wounded man and showed mercy (a desire to help). He approached the man, tended to his wounds, cleaned and bandaged them all up. Then he put him on his animal (a horse or donkey) and took him to a boarding house where the wounded man could recover from his horrible beating. The Good Samaritan took good care of him.

Image of a man caring for the robbed and injured
Good News Productions International e College Press Publishing.

The next day, the Samaritan gave two pieces of silver to the innkeeper. And he said to him: - Take care of this man. And if you spend any more on him, when I come back, I'll pay you back in full.

Jesus then asked the Bible teacher: - Which of the three was next to the man who was robbed and beaten by the thieves on the road? The man answered: "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus concluded: "Go and do likewise."

Moral of the Story

This story answers the question: Who is my neighbour? We learn something important from it: we must love and do good to everyone in need, no matter who they are. Jesus taught everyone a great lesson about loving your neighbour, using the figure of the Samaritan. Everyone, especially religious people, who are involved in church and the things of God, need to pay attention to this.

What's most surprising is that the Samaritan was the only character nobody expected to help anyone. Samaritans were frowned upon by the Jews (they were despised, they were considered to be no good). The teacher of the law couldn't even say his name, replying only "The one who had mercy on him". And yet it was he who helped a stranger. What a great lesson we can all learn from this story of the Good Samaritan!

Distribute the love you receive from God and always help those in need.

Interested in learning more about other biblical characters and their stories: Read, Bible Characters: People In The Bible And Their History

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.