The Bible is filled with narratives that inspire, teach, and transform. We offer a journey through the most exciting and significant stories. From the adventures of great heroes to the wisdom-filled parables of Jesus, each story is an open door to a world of spiritual discovery.
Our Story Collections
- 18 Biblical Stories to Read and Reflect Upon: A comprehensive overview of the most notable stories found in the Bible.
- 15 Biblical Stories for Children (with Morals): Bible Stories for children with lessons and adapted narratives, perfect for introducing them to the biblical world.
- The Days of Creation: The account of the world’s first days according to the Bible (for kids).
- Sodom And Gomorrah: The Story of The Cities Destroyed By God (With Explanation)
Stories About Jesus
- The Life and Story of Jesus: A detailed look at the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
- The 15 Best-Known Parables of Jesus And What They Are All About: A collection of the parables told by Jesus Christ.
- The 40 Miracles of Jesus in the Bible (With Scriptures) - Miracles were meant to glorify God and show that Jesus was indeed the Son of God.
- The Birth of Jesus: The Story of The Birth of Jesus (For Children With Lessons)
- Bible Verses About the Resurrection of Jesus: The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a solid foundation of the Christian faith
- Scriptures About The Blood of Jesus: 18 Bible Verses That Reveal Its Power: There is nothing more powerful than the blood of Christ
Stories About Biblical Characters
- Great Women of the Bible: Stories and lessons from virtuous women who made a difference.
- Great Men of the Bible: Men of faith and courage who left a legacy in the Bible
- Unexpected Heroes: Stories of unexpected characters who became heroes through their actions and faith.
- Adam and Eve: The story of Adam and Eve from their creation to their fall.
- Cain and Abel: The story of Adam and Eve’s first sons and the tragic fate that befell them.
- Job: The man who despite all the great suffering and loss, remained confident and faithful to God.
- Noah: The man chosen by God for a crucial mission - to build the ark and preserve human and animal life.
- Lot's Wife: The story of a woman whose disobedience to God's command cost her own life
- Abraham: The story of the great patriarch of Israel
- Sarah: The woman who gave birth to a son in her old age
- Isaac: The son of Abraham who was to be sacrificed
- Rebekah: The story of the woman who had the courage to make difficult decisions
- Esau and Jacob: The story of the sons of Isaac - The Battle for Birthright and Blessings
- Jacob: The story of Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham
- Leah: The story of the first wife of Jacob
- Rachel: The story of Jacob's beloved wife
- Joseph of Egypt: The captivating story of Joseph and his journey to becoming governor of Egypt.
- Joseph the Dreamer: Read about Joseph's special gift of interpreting dreams.
- Lessons from the life of Joseph: The inspiring life of Joseph of Egypt.
- Judah: The patriarch who shaped Israel’s future.
- Tamar: Despite injustice and neglect, she did not give up
- Miriam: The Prophetess and Sister of Moses
- Moses: The extraordinary life of Moses, from the Nile to Mount Sinai.
- Caleb: The Story of a Courageous and Unstoppable Leader of Israel
- Joshua: The story of Joshua’s leadership and faith.
- Rahab: The story of Rahab’s faith and courage in Jericho.
- Boaz: The man who fulfilled the role of guardian-redeemer.
- Ruth: A beautiful narrative of loyalty, love, and redemption in the life of Ruth.
- Deborah: The Story of the Prophetess and Judge of Israel
- Gideon: The Story of Gideon and His Army of 300 Men
- Hannah: An example of faith, devotion, and perseverance
- Saul: The Rise and Fall of Saul, the First Anointed King of Israel.
- Jesse: The story of a simple farmer who was the father of David
- David: The journey of David, from shepherd to king of Israel.
- David: The Lineage From Abraham to Jesus.
- Abigail: Learn about a Woman of Wisdom, Courage, and Faith
- Naaman: The story of a high-ranking commander of the Syrian army, who was miraculously healed by God
- Solomon: The story of Solomon - a man of great wisdom.
- Rehoboam: The story of Rehoboam, son of Solomon and grandson of David
- The Queen of Sheba: Her Story and Her Connection with Solomon
- Sennacherib And Hezekiah: During Hezekiah’s reign, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, threatened to destroy Jerusalem.
- Daniel: A story of Faith and Persistence
- Esther: A story about Esther's courage and her involvement in saving the Jewish people from extermination.
- Nehemiah: A story about a Jewish leader who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
- Jezebel: The queen who became infamous for her fierce persecution of God’s prophets.
Prophets mentioned in the Bible
- Miriam: The Prophetess and Sister of Moses
- Deborah: The Story of the Prophetess and Judge of Israel
- Elijah: A prophet who boldly challenged idolatry and performed miracles, showing God's power
- Samuel: The last judge of Israel, who anointed Israel's first two kings and guided the nation.
- Isaiah: A prophet who foretold Israel's salvation and the coming of the Messiah.
- Jonah: The Prophet swallowed by a great fish
- Jeremiah: The Story the Weeping Prophet
Stories from the New Testament
- Angel Gabriel: Explore the stories involving the angel Gabriel, the heavenly messenger.
- Mary, the Mother of Jesus: The Vessel Through Whom the World Received Salvation
- King Herod: The king who ruled Judea under the Roman Empire during the time of Jesus' birth
- John the Baptist: The Story of John the Baptist - the Forerunner of Jesus Christ
- Martha and Mary: Two sisters and a story about prioritizing the Christian life.
- Peter: The Story of Peter in the Bible - An Apostle and Disciple of Jesus.
- John: The Beloved Disciple of Jesus
- The 12 Apostles of Jesus: Who They Were and What Happened to Them
- Mary Magdalene: A Life Transformed by Jesus
- Lazarus: The Friend Whom Jesus Raised from the Dead
- Nicodemus: A Transformative Story of a Secret Seeker to a Follower
- Judas Iscariot: The disciple who betrayed Jesus
- Stephen: Read about the First Christian Martyr
- James: The Brother of Jesus, who taught us that faith in Jesus is transformative
- Lydia: A Merchant whose Faith in God Transformed her Family and Europe
- Bartimaeus: The Story of Bartimaeus (the blind man of Jericho)
- Paul: The Journey of a Persecutor to an Apostle Of Jesus Christ
- Luke: - The story of a Physician, Historian, and Author of the Gospel
Parables of Jesus
- Parable of the Sower: Jesus’ story about how to receive the Gospel message, with an explanation.
- Parable of the Lost Sheep: The story of a loving rescue (with explanation).
- The Parable of the Talents: The story of that reminds us that everyone receives gifts or abilities to contribute in this life.
- The Parable of The Wineskins: Jesus told this story to show that we need to be ready and open to accept His teachings.
- Parable of The Prodigal Son: This story talks about God's unconditional love for the lost who return to Him.
- The Parable of the Fig Tree: The story talks about God's merciful love and the second chance He gives us.
- Parable of the Unjust Steward: teaches about the necessity of preparing for the future with God.
- The Parable of the House on the Rock: This talks about building a firm foundation in Jesus.
- The Parable on The Rich Man and Lazarus: The parable inspires us to live with generosity.
- Parable of the Vine and the Branches: How staying connected to Jesus leads to spiritual fruitfulness.
- The Parable of the Rich Young Ruler: Is money keeping you from eternal life?
- The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard: A lesson on God's grace, generosity, and true humility.
- The Parable of the Rich Fool: Lessons on wealth, life's fragility, and true riches.
- The Parable of the Narrow Door: Discover Jesus' powerful message about salvation.
- The Parable of the Empty House: A powerful lesson on spiritual transformation.
- Parable of the Two Sons: A reflection on true obedience and repentance.
- Parable of The Watchful Servant: A parable with lessons for spiritual readiness and faithfulness.
- The Parable of the Faithful and Wise Servant: A parable with lessons on responsibility and readiness
- The Parable of the Wicked Tenants: This parable teaches us to value the Word of God.
- The Parable of the Ten Virgins: A parable that encourages you to be ready for Jesus' second coming.
- The Parable of the Good Samaritan: This parable teaches valuable lessons about loving your neighbor.
- Parable of the Lost Coin: Learn about how God rejoices when a person repents of their sins.
- The Parable of the Two Debtors: This small story serves as a powerful illustration of forgiveness, love, and gratitude.
- Parable of the Weeds and the Wheat: Illustrates the goodness of God sown into the world and the evil planted by the Enemy.
- The Parable of the Wedding Feast or Marriage Banquet (with Explanation): This parable teaches about the importance of accepting God's invitation to enter His Kingdom
Stories that Inspire Faith
- 11 Examples of Perseverance in the Bible: People Who Trusted in God and Overcame.
- The Woman With The Issue of Blood: All she had was Faith.
- The Samaritan Woman: The Woman who had a Transformative Encounter With Jesus, the Messiah
- David: The Characteristics of A Man After God's Own Heart
- 6 Powerful Stories in the Bible of Repentance: Stories that result in joy and blessing.
- 5 Life-Changing Examples of the Power of Kindness in the Bible: seeking to be more compassionate with others.
- 7 Biblical Examples of God’s Transformative Forgiveness: There is nothing in the world that compares to the liberating, forgiving, and transforming touch of our Lord Jesus Christ