31 Fun Bible Riddles With Answers (Some Are Trick Questions, Careful!)

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Do you know the Bible well? Then this challenge is for you. Fun questions and riddles with biblical themes. Ideal to test your knowledge or share with friends. Have fun with these funny Bible riddles. The tricky ones are a bit further down!

Not so tricky...

1. Who is known as the "weeping prophet"?

Answer: Prophet Jeremiah.

2. What do you call a pastor born in Germany?

Answer: German Shepherd.

3. Stayed among lions, but wasn't a wild beast.

Answer: Daniel.

4. Who said he was a "smooth man"?

Answer: Jacob said he was "smooth" in Genesis 27:11.

5. Short of stature, up high I climbed, In a tree to see the Lord divine. Who am I?

Answer: Zacchaeus

6. Who is known as the "stubborn prophet"?

Answer: Jonah.

7. I wrestled with an angel, was blessed, but limped away. Who am I?

Answer: Jacob. Reference: Genesis 32:22-32.

8. After the rooster crowed, who wept?

Answer: Peter. Reference: Matthew 26:75.

9. I came from dust and to dust I will return. Who am I?

Answer: Man. Reference: Genesis 3:19.

10. Which prophet was teased for being bald?

Answer: Elisha. Reference: 2 Kings 2:23-25.

11. Knock knock, "behold, I stand at the door and knock." Who am I?

Answer: Jesus 💗. Reference: Revelation 3:20.

12. Careful! The king went mad and ate grass like the oxen. Who is he?

Answer: Nebuchadnezzar 😡. Reference: Daniel 4.

13. Who is it: Prepared the way, without sandals, without palaces.

Answer: John the Baptist.

  1. Who is it: Died, but after the 4th day stood up.

Answer: Lazarus.

15. Is it correct to say that Paul was chosen by the disciples to be part of the "group of the 12"?

Answer: No. According to Acts 1:23-26, Matthias was chosen.

Now These Are Tricky Riddles!

Watch out! These are Bible questions with tricks. Answer these questions if you can, but watch out for the twists! Have fun!

1. How many animals did Moses put in the ark?

Answer: None, the ark belonged to Noah! 😎

2. The patriarch of the Old Testament "did not love Leah?"

Answer: Jacob. He loved Rachel not Leah.

3. Which is the first palindromic name mentioned in the Bible?

Answer: Eve.

4. What did Abraham do to part the Red Sea?

Answer: Nothing, Moses parted the Red Sea. 😂

5. Which bible name when put together sounds like cannibal?

Answer: Cain and Abel.

6. The Book of Elijah is in the Old or New Testament?

Answer: This book doesn't exist in the Bible.

Easy Bible Riddles: Teach the Bible in a Fun Way

1. Built an ark and took animals in it. Who is it?

Answer: Noah.

2. He was small, but defeated a giant. Who is it?

Answer: David.

3. Stayed inside the belly of a huge fish. Who is it?

Answer: Jonah.

4. Who was born in a manger in Bethlehem?

Answer: Jesus.

5. What is the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?

Answer: Garden of Eden.

6. Jesus always walked with the disciples. How many were they?

Answer: 12.

7. God is Father. Who is the Son?

Answer: Jesus.

8. What is the name of the book with the Word of God?

Answer: Bible.

9. Who was the leader of Egypt?

Answer: Pharaoh.

10. Who is the way, the Truth, and the Life?

Answer: Jesus!

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Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.