66 Medium Level Bible Quiz Questions With Answers

Bibliaon Team
Bibliaon Team
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Check out these 66 questions in new quizzes (intermediate level) and test your Bible knowledge in a fun and challenging way.

The questions have the correct answer and a brief explanation. Stimulate yourself by learning more about the Word of God!

I - Quiz: General Bible Trivia (Intermediate level)

1. The name Adam, 'adam' in Hebrew means:

A) first, firstborn
B) father, patriarch
C) similar, like
D) soil, earth

Answer: D - Adam means "earth," in Hebrew 'adamah.' Both words "Adam" and "man" have a root similar to "earth" in Hebrew.

2. Regarding the Bible, it is WRONG to say:

A) The word "Bible" comes from Greek, meaning "scrolls" or "books."
B) Events in the Bible occur on 3 continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe.
C) It is the least sold book in history.
D) It was the first book printed by Gutenberg.

Answer: C - According to the Guinness Book, the Bible is the best-selling book in the world, with over 5 billion copies distributed.

3. Regarding the below statements, which one is INCORRECT?

A) Numerous classics of world literature are based on the Bible.
B) The Bible was written in 4 original languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin.
C) The Bible is the most stolen book in the world, probably because it is very available in hotels and places of worship.
D) The smallest Bible in the world fits on the tip of a pen, called the Nano Bible.

Answer: B - The Bible was written in 3 original languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

4. Regarding Jesus, it is CORRECT to say:

A) He was born in the city of Nazareth, hence called "Nazarene."
B) He was not the only child of Mary and Joseph.
C) His surname was Christ, the name of his adoptive father's family, Joseph.
D) Jesus never spoke about hell or condemnation.

Answer: B - Jesus had at least 2 sisters and 4 brothers mentioned by name: James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. See Mark 6:3.

5. How many wise men from the East visited baby Jesus, according to the Bible?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) Unknown

Answer: D - The Bible does not mention how many wise men (Magi) there were, only that they brought 3 types of gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. See: Matthew 2:11.

6. What is the longest book in the Bible?

A) Psalms
B) Isaiah
C) Genesis
D) Jeremiah

Answer: D- Jeremiah is the longest book in the Bible in terms of word count, with over 33,000 words in the original language. Jeremiah has 52 chapters, while Psalms has 150.

7. Which biblical author wrote more than a thousand songs?

A) Asaph
B) David
C) Solomon
D) Moses

Answer: C - Solomon wrote one thousand and five songs, and also composed three thousand proverbs, describing plants and animals of various species. See 1 Kings 4:32-33.

8. Which books of the Bible have only 1 chapter?

A) Obadiah, Philemon, Jude, 2 John, and 3 John
B) Amos, 2 Peter, 2 John, and 3 John
C) Nahum, Obadiah, Joel, and Jude
D) Habakkuk, Philemon, Ezra, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter

Answer: A - Obadiah, Philemon, Jude, 2 John, and 3 John are the 5 biblical books that have only 1 chapter each.

9. Regarding these biblical curiosities, which is TRUE?

A) Absalom's hair was so long that it weighed 2kg and 400g (200 shekels).
B) Deborah participated in a beauty contest to marry the king.
C) The prophet Elijah was bald.
D) Goliath was the tallest man in the Bible, measuring 2 meters and 90 cm.

Answer: A - Absalom also had long hair, like Samson. When he cut his hair, it weighed over 2kg. See 2 Samuel 14:26.

10. How many times does the word CHRISTIAN(S) appear in the Bible?

A) 4 times
B) 3 times
C) 1 time
D) None

Answer: B - "Christian(s)" appears 3 times in the Bible. See: Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, and 1 Peter 4:16.

11. Which book of the Bible is known as "the book of the law"?

A) Leviticus
B) Deuteronomy
C) Numbers
D) Exodus

Answer: B - Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy 31:26)

12. Who was the first king of Israel?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Saul
D) Joshua

Answer: C - Saul (1 Samuel 9:15-16)

13. Who was Abraham's wife?

A) Rachel
B) Sarah
C) Rebekah
D) Leah

Answer: B - Sarah (Genesis 11:29)

14. Which of Jesus' apostles denied knowing him three times before the crucifixion?

A) Peter
B) John
C) Judas
D) James

Answer: A - Peter (Matthew 26:34)

15. Which of Jesus' parables talks about the squandering son?

A) The mustard seed
B) The sower
C) The lost sheep
D) The prodigal son

Answer: D - The prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)

16. In which city was Jesus born?

A) Bethlehem
B) Jerusalem
C) Nazareth
D) Bethany

Answer: A - Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1)

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II. Old Testament Quiz (Intermediate Level)

1. How many spies were sent to scout the Promised Land?

A) 24
B) 12
C) 40
D) 2

Answer: B - Twelve spies were sent, one representative from each tribe of Israel, including Joshua and Caleb. See Numbers 13.

2. Sackcloth and ashes (dust) on the head were signs of:

A) Repentance and humility
B) Preparation for the Feast of Harvest
C) Contagious disease such as leprosy
D) Joy and praise

Answer: A - Sackcloth and ashes were signs of repentance and humility before God. See Jonah 3:5 and 8; 1 Chronicles 21:16; Daniel 9:3; Nehemiah 9:1.

3. Which of these was NOT a prophet of the Old Testament?

A) Jeremiah
B) Daniel
C) Agabus
D) Zephaniah
E) Hosea

Answer: C - Agabus was a prophet mentioned in the New Testament. See Acts 21:10.

4. Where is it written: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

A) Deuteronomy 6:4
B) Psalm 119:105
C) Ecclesiastes 3:1
D) Proverbs 22:6

Answer: D - Proverbs 22:6 speaks about training children in the right way. See Proverbs 22:6.

5. In the 10 Commandments, which is the first commandment with a promise?

A) "You shall have no other gods before me."
B) "Honor your father and mother."
C) "You shall not murder."
D) "You shall not commit adultery."

Answer: B - Honoring your father and mother is the first commandment with a promise of long life and blessing. See Deuteronomy 5:16 and Ephesians 6:2.

6. What was the "Manna"?

A) A musical instrument used by the Levites for worship in the temple.
B) The name given to the descendants of the tribe of Manasseh.
C) A type of bread that fell from heaven for the people in the desert.
D) A collective term for animals; a herd of cattle, pigs, or sheep.

Answer: C - Manna was a food (bread) sent by God to feed His people in the desert. See Exodus 16:4, 15, and 35.

7. Which type of workers disobeyed Pharaoh due to fear of God?

A) The builders who refused to build the temple for the god Amon-Ra.
B) The midwives who did not kill the newborn boys.
C) The bakers who did not bake cakes to be offered to idols.
D) The supervisors of slaves who did not punish them as the king ordered.

Answer: B - The midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, disobeyed the order to kill the Hebrew baby boys. See Exodus 1:15-17.

8. What is the sign of the promise made by God that He would not again destroy the earth with water?

A) The rainbow
B) Circumcision
C) Baptism
D) The constellation of the Big Dipper and Orion

Answer: A - The rainbow is the sign God gave to remind us after rainy periods that He will never again send a flood. See Genesis 9:11-17.

9. Who were Elijah and Elisha?

A) Descendants of Shem, ancestors of Abram.
B) Twin brothers, sons of Isaac and Rebekah.
C) Levites who served in the Tabernacle alongside Aaron and Moses.
D) Prophets during the times of the Kings of Israel.

Answer: D - Elijah and Elisha were great prophets. Their stories are narrated in the 1st and 2nd Books of Kings. See 1 Kings 17, 19:19-21.

10. Who was the successor of David as king of Israel?

A) Absalom
B) Adonijah
C) Solomon
D) Samson

Answer: C - Solomon, David's son, reigned after him over all of Israel. See 1 Kings 1:29-39.

III. New Testament Quiz (Intermediate Level)

1. At the age of 12, Jesus was found by his parents after he went missing during their trip to Jerusalem. Where was he?

A) Playing with other children in the city’s main courtyard.
B) Fishing in the Red Sea, helping some fishermen.
C) Sitting among the teachers and scholars in the temple, listening and asking questions.
D) At his cousin Elizabeth’s house, celebrating Passover with John the Baptist.

Answer: C - Jesus was found in the temple, among the teachers of the Law. See Luke 2:42-52.

2. Which of these is considered the historical book of the New Testament?

A) Matthew
B) Romans
C) Revelation
D) Acts of the Apostles

Answer: D - Acts is the book that narrates the early steps of the Christians after Jesus' resurrection and ascension. Written by Luke, Acts continues the story from the Gospel of Christ.

3. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will also be..."

A) Your value
B) Your heart
C) Your reward
D) Your salvation
E) Your praise

Answer: B - Your heart. "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." See Matthew 6:21.

4. Which of the New Testament books presents a list of the Bible’s heroes of faith?

A) Romans
B) 2 Corinthians
C) Galatians
D) Hebrews

Answer: D - The Letter to the Hebrews. This book presents several examples of faith from the Old Testament. See Hebrews 11.

5. Only 1 of the 10 lepers healed returned to thank Jesus. What was his region of origin?

A) Syria
B) Sidon
C) Samaria
D) Sodom
E) Shunem

Answer: C - Samaria. Jesus said that the only healed leper who returned to thank Him was a Samaritan. See Luke 17:16-19.

6. To whom did the apostle Paul give the recommendation: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved..."?

A) Luke
B) Ananias and Sapphira
C) Timothy
D) Priscilla and Aquila
E) Silas

Answer: C - Timothy was the immediate recipient of Paul’s advice. He was a young disciple considered a beloved son. See 2 Timothy 2:15.

7. In Revelation 3, it is described:

A) The visions of the sealed book and the Lamb of God
B) The letters to the churches of Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea
C) The persecutions of the Dragon and the Beast from the sea
D) The visions of the sounding of trumpets and the New Heaven and New Earth

Answer: B - The letters to the 7 Churches of Asia (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea) are written in Revelation 2-3. See Revelation 3.

8. It is INCORRECT to say that about the apostle Peter:

A) Also called Simon and Cephas, he was the only disciple who walked on water
B) Preached after Pentecost, and nearly 3,000 people were baptized
C) Was a fisherman before becoming one of the 12; denied knowing Jesus when He was arrested
D) Was an important leader of the early Church and wrote 4 books of the New Testament

Answer: D - Peter was the author of 2 New Testament books: 1 Peter and 2 Peter. See the Bible.

9. What was the name of the former magician who tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts?

A) Simon
B) Bar-Jesus
C) Crispus
D) Agabus

Answer: A - Simon was the name of the magician who converted but tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit from Peter and John. See Acts 8:18-24.

10. Who was the man who, because of his stature and the crowd, could not see Jesus? Where did he climb?

A) Lazarus, climbed onto a house roof
B) Zacchaeus, climbed a sycamore tree
C) Jairus, climbed the Siloam Tower
D) Zacchaeus, climbed a fig tree
E) Zechariah, climbed the Temple column

Answer: D - Zacchaeus climbed a fig tree (sycamore—same genus as the fig tree) to see Jesus. Cf. Luke 19

IV. True or False Quiz? (Intermediate Level)

1. David was the youngest son of Jesse, and he had 7 other brothers. True or false?

True. David was the youngest of Jesse's 8 sons. See: 1 Samuel 16:10-11.

2. Nathan was the leprous general who was healed after dipping 7 times in the Jordan River. True or false?

False. The leprous general was named Naaman, not Nathan. He was healed after obeying the prophet Elisha and dipping in the Jordan River. See: 2 Kings 5:9-14.

3. The Feast of Purim was instituted by Joshua after the conquest of the Promised Land by Israel. True or false?

False. The Feast of Purim was established by Esther in memory of the Jews' deliverance from their enemies. See: Esther 9:16-32.

4. The tallest man in the Bible is Og, king of Bashan. His bed was 4 meters long. True or false?

True. Og was a descendant of the Rephaim (giants). His iron bed was about 4 meters long and 1.8 meters wide. See Deuteronomy 3:11.

5. Pharaoh's magicians were able to replicate the plague of frogs sent by God to Egypt. True or false?

True. The Egyptian magicians, using their occult sciences, were also able to produce frogs. See: Exodus 8:7.

6. Luke was one of the 12 Disciples of Jesus. True or false?

False. Luke, "the beloved physician," was the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. He was not one of the 12 disciples. See: Colossians 4:14.

7. Mary told Jesus that her dead brother, Lazarus, already smelled bad in the tomb. True or false?

False. It was Martha who told Jesus that her brother had been dead for 4 days and already smelled. See John 11:39.

8. Peter's shadow healed the sick who were laid in the streets where he passed. True or false?

True. The sick were placed in the streets so that Peter's shadow might fall on them and heal them. See: Acts 5:15-16.

9. The island where Paul stayed after the shipwreck was called the island of Crete. True or false?

False. It was the island of Malta where Paul and the ship's crew were saved. See: Acts 28:1.

10. Jesus appeared to the disciples for 40 days after the resurrection until His ascension to heaven. True or false?

True. The resurrected Christ appeared to the disciples for 40 days before ascending to heaven. See Acts 1:3

V. Bible Women Quiz - Intermediate Level

1. Who was the first mother in the Bible?

A) Mary
B) Sarah
C) Eve
D) Hannah

Answer: C - Eve was the first woman created and thus the first mother in the Bible. See Genesis 4:1.

2. How old was Sarah when Isaac was born?

A) 45 years
B) 68 years
C) 90 years
D) 100 years

Answer: C - Sarah was about 90 years old when Isaac was born. See Genesis 17:17.

3. Which woman said the sad phrase: "Curse God and die"?

A) Noah's wife
B) Job's wife
C) Lot's wife
D) David's wife

Answer: B - Job's wife, after all the suffering and loss, advised her husband to curse God and die. See Job 2:8-10.

4. Which woman was the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

A) Mary, the mother of Jesus
B) Joanna
C) Salome
D) Mary Magdalene

Answer: D - Mary Magdalene, a disciple who had been freed from 7 demons, was the first to whom Jesus appeared. See Mark 16:9-11; John 20:18.

5. Who were the two sisters of Lazarus, friends of Jesus?

A) Joanna and Susanna
B) Martha and Mary
C) Anna and Elizabeth
D) Magdalene and Salome

Answer: B - Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were siblings living in Bethany. Jesus loved them. See John 11:5; John 12:1-3; Luke 10:38-39.

6. Which 2 books of the Bible are named after women?

A) Ruth and Esther
B) 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles
C) Galatians and Ruth
D) Ezra and Esther

Answer: A - Ruth and Esther are the two biblical books named after these women and their stories. See the Bible.

7. Which woman was both the legitimate mother and the nurse of her own son, who was adopted by an Egyptian?

A) Rachel, the mother of Joseph
B) Hannah, the mother of Samuel
C) Sarah, the mother of Isaac
D) Jochebed, the mother of Moses

Answer: D - Jochebed, the mother of Moses, cared for him after Pharaoh's daughter found him in a basket in the river. See Exodus 2:1-8, 6:20, and Numbers 26:59.

8. During the escape from Sodom and Gomorrah, what did Lot's wife turn into?

A) A large bird that escaped the flames destroying the cities
B) A heap of burned ashes
C) A pillar of salt
D) A dragon that spewed fire and arrows at the punished cities

Answer: C - Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt after disobeying the Lord's angel by looking back. See Genesis 19:17-26.

9. Which woman betrayed Samson by revealing the secret of his great strength to the Philistines?

A) His wife, a Philistine from Timnah
B) Lehi, a woman he fell in love with from Judah
C) Delilah, a woman he fell in love with from the Valley of Sorek
D) A beautiful prostitute from Gaza

Answer: C - Delilah betrayed Samson in exchange for 13 pounds of silver promised by the Philistines. See Judges 16:4-21.

10. Which Biblical book describes the Virtuous Woman?

A) Psalms
B) Deuteronomy
C) Ecclesiastes
D) Proverbs

Answer: D - The book of Proverbs. See Proverbs 31:10-31; 12:4.

VI. Who Am I? / Biblical Characters Quiz - Intermediate Level

Discover in this quiz if you are familiar with these 7 characters and their stories in the Bible. Ready?

1. My name means "Salvation of Yahweh." I was a prophet in Judah during the reigns of Uzziah to Hezekiah. Who am I?

A) Jeremiah
B) Zephaniah
C) Daniel
D) Isaiah
E) Elijah

Answer: D - Isaiah (Salvation of the Lord) was a notable prophet in Judah for 47 years, known as the "evangelist prophet." The book of Isaiah is mentioned more than 20 times in the New Testament.

2. The birthright belonged to Esau, as he was born first, but I bought this right for a bargain. Who am I?

A) Isaac
B) Jacob
C) Samson
D) Saul

Answer: B - Jacob (deceiver, heel), son of Isaac and Rebekah, bought the birthright from his brother Esau with a red stew. See Genesis 25:29-34.

3. I married a Jew but established worship of the god Baal. I killed prophets and took Naboth's vineyard for Ahab. Who am I?

A) Jezebel
B) Abigail
C) Delilah
D) Sarai

Answer: A - Jezebel was Ahab's wife. Evil, she promoted the worship of Baal, killed prophets, and pursued Elijah. She killed Naboth to give his vineyard to her husband (1 Kings 21). See 1 Kings 18:4-19:18.

4. I received a great miracle when I merely touched the edge of Jesus' garment in faith. Who am I?

A) The widow of Nain
B) The woman with a withered hand
C) The woman with the issue of blood
D) The widow of Zarephath

Answer: C - The woman with the issue of blood had been suffering for 12 years with a hemorrhage. She touched Jesus' cloak and was healed. See Mark 5:24-29.

5. I am the son of Haran, and my uncle had many possessions. I had to leave the city where I lived because it was completely destroyed by the Lord. Who am I?

A) Nahum
B) Lot
C) Saul
D) Abraham

Answer: B - Lot was Abraham's nephew who lived in Sodom. With the city's destruction, Lot and his family fled, and from them descended the Moabites and Ammonites. See Genesis 11:31, 13:5-13, and 19.

6. I am the wife of Zechariah and a relative (cousin) of Mary. What is the name of my son?

A) Joseph of Arimathea
B) Simon Peter
C) John the Baptist
D) John Mark

Answer: C - John the Baptist, son of Elizabeth and Zechariah, was a prophet and forerunner of Jesus. He preached repentance for the forgiveness of sins and baptism in water. See Luke 1.

7. I walked with God throughout my life. I had 3 sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. We were all saved by the Lord. Who am I?

A) Cain
B) Samuel
C) Moses
D) Noah

Answer: D - Noah was the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The entire family was saved from the great flood in an ark. See Genesis 6:8-18.

8. I was the first person to see the resurrected Jesus. He sent me to tell the other disciples that He was alive! Who am I?

A) Peter
B) Mary Magdalene
C) John
D) Mary, the mother of Jesus

Answer: B - Mary Magdalene was the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus. The Lord then instructed her to go to the other disciples and tell them He was alive. See John 20:14-18.

9. I was the first king of Israel. Who am I?

A) David
B) Solomon
C) Samson
D) Saul

Answer: D - Saul was the first anointed king of Israel. The story of Saul is narrated in 1 Samuel 9:1 - 31:13, 2 Samuel 1, and 1 Chronicles 10.

10. I lost my husband but did not lose faith in God. Even though I was a foreigner, the Lord made me part of His family. Who am I?

A) Rahab
B) Rachel
C) Ruth
D) Esther

Answer: C - Ruth was a foreigner from Moab who, after her husband's death, cared for her mother-in-law Naomi. God restored her family. Ruth married Boaz, and they were the great-grandparents of David. See Ruth 4.

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Bibliaon's Editorial Team consists of mature Christians with several years of experience in Bible teaching and in writing, all with a genuine commitment to Jesus and the Word of God.