Tito Senna
Jesus follower
Born and raised in the Gospel, he is a member of the International Evangelical Community of the South Zone, where he participates in the arts team, ministered at the biblical schools (Community Junior) and assisted the team of pastors and deacons logistically. He studied at the International Bible School for Leaders in the International Evangelical Community South Zone (CEIZS).
He currently lives in Portugal and has had the opportunity to witness his faith in countries like Morocco, India, and Jordan. He has ministered in biblical schools and assisted the pastors' team of his church logistically. He has been collaborating with the websites Bíbliaon since 2019.
With a degree in Design, he is pursuing a master's degree in Arts and Design in Public Space at the University of Porto. Tito believes that we are the image and likeness of the Creator, thus creative creatures. He believes that creativity is also a form of worship and that technology can help to spread the Gospel genuinely.
Tito is married to Luana, father of Nina, and has been collaborating with Bibliaon.com since 2019.